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Political Correctness Goes Nuts in Berkeley California
Olgar Rodriguez & Samantha Maldonado via gus, Thursday, Jul 18 2019, 11:21pm
First we must consider the use of the word 'BAN' this is an enforcement, finality word in that minority, 'politically correct' values are imposed on ALL, whether WE like it or not. Is this democracy, majority rule, at work ? Not on your life, it's a bunch of minority fleas attempting to wag the majority dog and I for one won't have anyone CREATING gender divisiveness for the sake of non-democratic POWER IMPOSITIONS.
For millennia the term 'man' was accepted generically to mean humankind which is all inclusive in contrast to exclusive gender specific terms. Society is now left in the absurd situation of what to do with, 'manoeuvre, woman, and women,' for example. Would someone can these intoxicated on power, minority PC nutters before society gets lost in the profoundly absurd without an escape. The REAL world is not a Lewis Carroll wonderland. I refer all readers to the last two sentences of the following story, which make perfect sense to the democratic MAJORITY. As for the fleas, keep your idiotic values to yourselves, enough is enough, we all have far more important issues to deal with. (story and 1 image)
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The Cornerstone Freedom – Speech
lex, Thursday, Jul 18 2019, 12:36am
Today we live in a “post-truth, post-modern” culture where anything goes except FREE SPEECH/expression; well, needless to say I have been dragged into court on numerous occasions for my traditional views and language and have not lost one case, costs, including my lost $250/hour as a consultant, have always been covered by the 'politically correct' loser, which in Oz law occurs most of the time, bench discretion notwithstanding.
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PM Morrison's 'Religious Freedom' bill Hits Reality Fan
Phoebe Hosier via jane, Wednesday, Jul 17 2019, 10:50pm
Reprehensible political opportunist (the Folau case) PM Scott Morrison, is playing with fire with his proposed 'Religious Freedom' bill. This is what happens when religious fantacists and delusional fanatics attempt to impose their un-real, implausible and irrational religious views on a secular/reality based State. Good luck with the bill Scomo, you exposed reprehensible, opportunist, FRAUD! You already know that Folau is in breach of the contract he signed, therefore has no legal case in his "unfair dismissal" claim, but that didn't stop you trying to EXPLOIT the situation politically, you are as transparent as wet tissue, you disgrace!
All religions are FICTIONS proven by the FACT that MAN wrote ALL religious texts, therefore, all Gods, 10,000 since recorded history, have been created by MAN. Everything you divorced from reality religionists know about your respective God has been written by man. So who is the real creator of all Gods, stupid? (story and 1 image)
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Putin Breaks out of the Antiquated Thought Box
Matthew Ehret via darcy, Wednesday, Jul 17 2019, 12:58am
Whether or not Putin is serious or not I do not know, however, to hear of his visionary thoughts and our human responsibility to our children and a sustainable future is a breath of fresh air compared to the usual vision-less, polluting crap we hear from other world leaders today. I hope it becomes infectious, as the world is sick and tired of the usual negative radio blah blah and the shit that issues from the mouths of dead-head, puppet western politicians.
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Election 2020 USA
james, Tuesday, Jul 16 2019, 10:49pm
The American (unthinking) population (herd) is already being media-primed for the 2020 presidential election, the mass AND alternative media (shame on you) are awash with related stories/fictions regarding same; however, ALL coverage focuses on a binary choice between known vomits and turds – how could the American population be so easily led to the slaughter AGAIN when it is crystal clear US politicians that represent one of two major parties are pathological LIARS and duplicitous, reprehensible sell-outs? Surely this must be a case of mass cultural masochism, a cultural pathology, sickness?
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jill, Tuesday, Jul 16 2019, 7:20am
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Worshipping Media Electronic Images
Chris Hedges via jason, Monday, Jul 15 2019, 8:51pm
Donald Trump, like much of the American public, is entranced by electronic images. He interprets reality through the distortions of digital media. His decisions, opinions, political positions, prejudices and sense of self are reflected back to him on screens. He views himself and the world around him as a vast television show with himself as the star. His primary concerns as president are his ratings, his popularity and his image. He is a creature—maybe the poster child—of the modern, post-literate culture, a culture that critics such as Marshall McLuhan, Daniel Boorstin, James W. Carey and Neil Postman warned us about.
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wu wei, Monday, Jul 15 2019, 9:49am
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Government That Tortures Journalists [Assange] Bans RT From 'Media Freedom' Conference
Caitlin Johnstone via stella, Sunday, Jul 14 2019, 10:19pm
This blatantly HYPOCRITICAL act by the British Foreign Office is staggering to say the very least but as we know it's par for the course today, where shadowy powers are now openly attempting to control the free flow of information in the western world. Censorship and shaped information, commonly known as PROPAGANDA, disseminated by the western mainstream media is clearly under threat from numerous independent and opposing media voices/sources -- the solution for mainstream media is simple, eliminate ALL dissenting, questioning and opposing voices in order to misinform the population and maintain what has proven to be a LYING mainstream media discourse that serves elite only interests, pure and simple. The fact that it's now in the open and unchallenged is disconcerting for freedom loving people everywhere, as without Truth society is lost to those (elites) that control available information.
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Iran Should Never Trust a US Promise Again; nor should Anybody Else!
David William Pear via libby, Sunday, Jul 14 2019, 12:41am
"My name is wasi'chu. I know thee, I have found thee, & I will not let thee go."
The Lakota were the first people who lived on the northern plains of what today is the United States. Lakota means "human beings". Wasi'chu is their word for a human condition based on inhumanity, racism, exploitation, and greed. It is a sickness, a seemingly incurable, contagious and fatal disease, which begot the ever-advancing society of the West".["The Continuing Indian Wars", by Bruce Johansen and Robert Maestas.]
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baz, Saturday, Jul 13 2019, 8:25am
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Restoring LOST Democracies
dee, Saturday, Jul 13 2019, 12:14am
Democracy by definition is rule by the MAJORITY, either directly or via Representation, which is more practical. However, what happens when our representatives renege on the deal and immediately begin to act in the interests of wealthy minorities? Answer: Democracy DIES, as there is no such thing as minority rule in any democracy, YET that is exactly the reality in every so-called democracy in the world today.
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Child Sex Predators Within America’s Power Elite
John W. Whitehead via james, Friday, Jul 12 2019, 11:32pm
Power and money corrupt. Anyone who believes differently has been living under a rock.
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Details Behind the Political Stoush Between Political Correctness and Religion in Oz
darcy, Friday, Jul 12 2019, 10:04pm
It had to happen sooner or later. Rabid political correctness (PC) vs established conservative political institutions, in this case Religion, and what a pathetic and revealing exposure it is turning out to be.
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More to the Oz Folau Debate than meets the superficial Eye
jake, Friday, Jul 12 2019, 2:07am
Religion is a belief system which ideologies/beliefs avoid the rigours of reason, the rational and common sense, religion's implausible and impossible claims which cannot and never will be substantiated should not be allowed to interfere with reason and the rational for obvious reasons, particularly myth, fiction and fantasy applied to REAL situations in the REAL world, as quite clearly, it would lead society back to the superstitious dark ages. (story and 1 image)
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Relating to, "Political Correctness Clashes with Conservative Religious Belief"
Marika Stein via cyd, Thursday, Jul 11 2019, 4:02am
Please forgive my comment in the publishing section but I couldn't resist as the issue of 'political correctness' is affecting Australian and other western societies to an alarming degree.
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The Deep State vs. WikiLeaks
Pepe Escobar via claire, Thursday, Jul 11 2019, 1:48am
The Made by FBI indictment of Julian Assange does look like a dead man walking. No evidence. No documents. No surefire testimony. Just a crossfire of conditionals. But never underestimate the legalese contortionism of US government (USG) functionaries. As much as Assange may not be characterized as a journalist and publisher, the thrust of the affidavit is to accuse him of conspiring to commit espionage. (story and 1 image)
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The Taliban Have Won in Afghanistan
Brian Cloughley via stella, Thursday, Jul 11 2019, 1:35am
On June 26 two US special forces soldiers were killed in Afghanistan, bringing the total of US military personnel who have died in that useless war to 2429, according to Casualties, an independent casualty tracker. No matter what one might think about the rights and wrongs of the war in Afghanistan, it is sad to record such fatalities, and the question that comes to mind is: What did they die for? (story and 2 images)
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Debunking the Indo-Pacific Myth
Pepe Escobar via gayle, Thursday, Jul 11 2019, 1:25am
The Trump administration is obsessively spinning the concept of a “free and open Indo-Pacific”. Apart from a small coterie of scholars, very few people around the world, especially across the Global South, know what that means since the then incipient strategy was first unveiled at the 2017 APEC forum in Vietnam.
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Political Correctness Clashes with Conservative Religious Belief
Tom Westbrook via jane, Wednesday, Jul 10 2019, 11:27pm
As a textual analyst this story is a treat. It was triggered by a religious national rugby player, Israel Folau, stating on instagram that all homosexuals, drunks, adulterers/fornicators and other 'deviants' would all go to hell, which claims under one category or the other, include the entire earth's population of humans, as everyone has fornicated and those that haven't are masturbators, as American Christian Evangelicals are noted to be the largest group that views and downloads porn. But it gets better, as Folau was sacked by some Rugby authority for his politically incorrect outburst, notwithstanding that religious belief is a personal matter. So the REAL story is in the secondary layer discourse not the primary as presented by the media, in which political opportunists now revel, as will be explained below. (story and 1 image)
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