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US Military and US Intel Agencies Keep Trump in the Dark Regarding Alleged Cyber Attacks on Russia
Caitlin Johnstone via sheila, Sunday, Jun 16 2019, 10:24pm
American Intel agencies, particularly the CIA, and military intelligence have a long history of rogue actions, which they keep secret, even from presidents; this latest piece covers yet another rogue (illegal) element; however, today rogue elements that answer only to the 'Deep State,' -- forget democracy -- are clearly capable of igniting a nuclear holocaust, which the American people, or any other population, clearly do not want. Below is an excellent article from independent Australian journalist Caitlin Johnstone, on the latest Intel intrigues in chaotic Washington, the city which is the largest threat on the planet to WORLD PEACE due to the fact that too many players are pursuing their own particular agendas, clearly a recipe for catastrophe.
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In-grown Toenails and Iran
jess, Saturday, Jun 15 2019, 11:27pm
I discovered in the media today that my in-grown toenail was caused by Iran, isn't that right Mike? Furthermore, I had a severe attack of acid-stomach after eating out, and I 'know' that Iran was again responsible because John Bolton told me so; I mean really, you would think that neocon war mongering, TRANSPARENT, Washington buffoons could do better, but they can't. (story and 2 images)
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Top 1% Gained $21 Trillion in Wealth Since 1989 While Bottom Half Lost $900 Billion
Jake Johnson via stella, Friday, Jun 14 2019, 11:35pm
And the above is a direct result of supporting one of two owned major parties, which in effect becomes a two horse one stable race -- stable owners always win and ensure their own interests are served above all others.
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Trump to American Workers: "Adios, Chumps"
Jim Hightower via suzie, Friday, Jun 14 2019, 11:18pm
The guy who pretended to be a champion for America's workers has been a one-man working-class wrecking crew, systematically destroying employee rights and protections against the abuses of corporate bosses.
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As Predicted U.S. False Flag in Gulf of Oman Falling to Pieces
Linda Givetash and Arata Yamamoto via shirl, Friday, Jun 14 2019, 11:01pm
Good luck with your latest failed false flag, America. Almost instantly a targeted tanker refutes U.S. story designed to compromise Iran and gather allies for planned war. Verifiable evidence of U.S. claims remain non-existent.
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Manufacturing Coma
Paul Edwards via claire, Thursday, Jun 13 2019, 10:55pm
Noam Chomsky [9/11 conspiracy denier] and Edward Herman’s Manufacturing Consent, published in 1988, was a ground-breaking, comprehensive analysis of the processes used by American government to persuade citizens to approve whatever witches’ brew of deceit, crime, and murder the ruling elite elected to perpetrate.
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Oman Attacks – Pompeo, Iran Did It! But Where's the Evidence, you lying Clown?
lou, Thursday, Jun 13 2019, 9:53pm
The BBC reported the attacks on tankers in the Gulf of Oman stating that no-one knows as yet which of many groups is responsible, but Mike Pompeo knows, it's Iran! Though of course he hasn't got a skerrick of evidence to back his claim. It's just another of many recent false flag failures. (story and 1 image)
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Fallen Feather
toby, Thursday, Jun 13 2019, 8:02am
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The Joke [Not Deal] of the Century
Jeremy Salt via jane, Tuesday, Jun 11 2019, 10:26pm
With fresh elections called by Benyamin Netanyahu for September, it is possible that the ‘deal of the century’ may never see the light of day. Condemned across the board by Palestinians, even supporters are backing away. Mike Pompeo, Trump’s Secretary of State, said recently it was a deal “only the Israelis could love” and possible was “unexecutable.” Still, for what it reveals of the minds that could come up with such a scheme, the ‘deal of the century’ is still worth examining.
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The Independent (UK) Analyses the New Media Distraction Method
leah, Tuesday, Jun 11 2019, 9:45pm
For some time various journalists, mostly independent, that is, not part of the mass media stable of compliant slaves suffering acute job anxiety, have attempted to draw the public's attention to how the mass media distracts from the REAL issues that affect us (and the planet.)
While this is not a new trick it has never been utilised to the extent it is today, ALL 'news' today is SELECTIVE. In other words stories that are not compatible with the status quo, though important to us, are either backgrounded or omitted from coverage completely. This is of course a sinister strategy to manage and control public awareness and create a tailored mainstream dominant discourse, which is not necessarily based on facts. We thank Robert Fisk of the UK Independent for joining other independent journalists with professional INTEGRITY, for his efforts.
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Look at Me, I'm Free!
liz, Sunday, Jun 9 2019, 11:02pm
Or so we are LED to believe.
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Culture Wars – You are NOT who you Think You Are
nano, Saturday, Jun 8 2019, 10:54pm
Have you ever attempted to LOCATE culture? Try it and you would soon find it located in your mind; indeed, culture reproduces and maintains itself in the minds of its subjects. Now, I do not wish to plumb the depths of semiotic theory and linguistics but culture is carried in language/thought and thought, as you are able to test, is language/text based, ie, everything you think, signs, symbols, words etc, is learned from culture and is reproduced by you to reflect culture internally and externally. (story and 1 attached file)
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The Only Way to Stimulate Flagging Economies – High Wages for Workers!
jude, Saturday, Jun 8 2019, 12:23am
Western economies could be likened to a tree with its roots and trunk in Wall Street and its branches extending throughout (Central and Reserve banks) the western world – aka The Reserve Banking Cartel. Consequently it becomes a matter of ease to analyse and assess the effectiveness of this economic design/model. So let's do it, as it's not rocket science!
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Cardinal Pell & The Calabrian Mafia
Rod Dreher via jess, Thursday, Jun 6 2019, 11:18pm
I hear interesting news out of Australia, where Cardinal George Pell’s appeal on his child abuse conviction was heard by a court tribunal today. Daily Telegraph journalist Miranda Devine writes that the government’s cast collapsed. Her column is behind a paywall, but here is an excerpt: (story and 1 image)
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Tulsi Gabbard Pushes No War Agenda – and the Media Is out to Kill Her Chances
Philip Giraldi via jane, Thursday, Jun 6 2019, 6:24pm
Voters looking ahead to 2020 are being bombarded with soundbites from the twenty plus Democratic would-be candidates. That Joe Biden is apparently leading the pack according to opinion polls should come as no surprise as he stands for nothing apart from being the Establishment favorite who will tirelessly work to support the status quo.
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Overlooked Chelsea (Bradley) Manning Fighting at the Coal Face of LIBERTY
stacey, Thursday, Jun 6 2019, 5:24pm
Firstly, fuck political correctness (PC) and other forms of internalised psychological self-policing in the current Orwellian western world – indeed, fuck every attempt by the masters of the universe, elites, to psychologically and socially oppress the FREE people of the world, which elites fear, in fact they are terrified that the global masses would one day achieve their freedom, which is inevitable as most of the chains that bind the masses are media induced, fear based, psychological chains,which are easily broken as proven time and again by Chelsea Manning, who is currently being subjected to another round of political incarceration by a clearly CRIMINAL STATE. Which incarceration is clearly coercive NOT punitive, as the criminal state attempts to silence those that expose its CRIMES. (story and 1 image)
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“Plutocracy vs Subterranean Fire”
Kim Petersen via jane, Wednesday, Jun 5 2019, 11:31pm
Plutocracy V: Subterranean Fire, written and directed by Scott Noble, continues the run of quality documentaries by Metanoia Films. The film provides the historical context that allows the viewer to understand why inequality reigns while social justice and peace lag today. The, at first blink, curious title stems from a quotation by the American labor leader August Spies, who was one of four anarchists hanged in 1887 after being found guilty in the bomb explosion that wounded and killed several policemen and civilians in what became known as the Haymarket affair.
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Why puppet Trump has been ordered to talk with Iran
Pepe Escobar via cyd, Wednesday, Jun 5 2019, 11:03pm
Unlike Deep Purple’s legendary ‘Smoke on the Water’ – “We all came out to Montreux, on the Lake Geneva shoreline”, the 67th Bilderberg group meetings produced no fire and no smoke at the luxurious Fairmont Le Montreux Palace Hotel.
The 130 elite guests had a jolly good – and theoretically quiet – time at the self-billed “informal discussion forum concerning major issues”. As usual, at least two-thirds were European decision-makers, with the rest coming from North America.
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If you aren't worried about the AFP raids on Aussie journalists, you should be
Waleed Aly via jaxie, Wednesday, Jun 5 2019, 10:14pm
How many Australian citizens are worried about the fact that the Australian Federal Police (AFP) has spent a good portion of this week raiding journalists who have published stories that are clearly in the public interest. This isn't a rhetorical point, by the way. I'd really like to know, because I suspect that if the entire nation were gathered in a room, there would be very few hands raised. (story and 1 image)
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Media Crap, Distraction and REALITY
lex, Tuesday, Jun 4 2019, 9:43pm
It is truly amazing how ALL media, alternative and mainstream, knowingly in the second instance and unknowingly in the first, fall for the media distraction game. If media is analysed, it becomes evident that Assange, the PERSON, is a MAJOR DISTRACTION designed to shift focus away from criminals in high places. You want proof? Well here, suck on some reality for a change.
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