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Chelsea Manning Jailed for Refusing to Answer Inquisitorial Grand Jury Questions
Eoin Higgins via claire, Friday, Mar 8 2019, 11:51pm
In a move her defenders called "an outrageous government overreach and absolutely inhumane," Manning was remanded to federal prison for contempt on Friday morning due to her refusal to testify in a secret grand jury hearing Wednesday. Chelsea Manning clearly won't be bullied by the federal government. (story and 1 image)
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UN Report on Venezuela Ignored by Western Mass Media
Paul Craig Roberts via jane, Friday, Mar 8 2019, 10:39pm
Don’t you think something is fishy when the presstitutes orchestrate a fake news “humanitarian crisis” in Venezuela, but totally ignore the real humanitarian crises in Yemen and Gaza?
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Trump Absurdly Asks Germany and Japan To Pay For Being Occupied
Moon of Alabama via steve, Friday, Mar 8 2019, 10:00pm
Trump's lunatic proposition will be fun to watch FAIL. However, due to the crumbling paper petro-dollar hegemony, the USA is now forced to extract payments anywhere it can, so it has chosen 'allies' which it thinks are easily managed/intimidated and are 'safe' extortion targets; well America may be in for a rude shock -- the world is steadily dumping un-viable paper dollars as this piece is being posted and allied leaders are loath to sacrifice their careers to absurd US demands.
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"I will stand by my principles" -- Gutsy Chelsea Manning
Julia Conley via lex, Thursday, Mar 7 2019, 7:29pm
Indeed, it is character, conviction and principle that have served Chelsea Manning throughout her tortuous ordeals at the hands of the most corrupt, mass murdering, criminal State in the world today, America. Anyone that has followed her case from the beginning could not help but admire this modern hero/heroine, her character and courage in this modern corrupt age are exceptional.
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America’s Trust in Mainstream Media Hits Rock Bottom
Robert Bridge via gayle, Wednesday, Mar 6 2019, 10:59pm
Gone are the days when US consumers looked to the nightly news and print media as a trusted source of information, and especially if they hold conservative views, according to a new poll by the Columbia Journalism Review. (story and 1 image)
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Toilet PAPER Politics
james, Wednesday, Mar 6 2019, 9:49pm
Today the USA as a nation is failing on EVERY FRONT domestically (social dis-integration) and internationally, dominance/influence fading at speed. Now, there is always cause and effect for any change, and we are easily able to trace the reasons why. (story and 2 images)
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An Atheist’s Reflections on Jesus Christ
sybil, Wednesday, Mar 6 2019, 12:19am
Now, isn’t the title surprising, how could a non-believer involve themselves in Jesus? Easy, due to the large influence Christianity has had on the world. I have read the New Testament four times and studied it, furthermore, I have also studied the major belief systems of the East, for the very same reasons, and how very sweet they ALL are if one approaches them as pedagogic texts, not fogged out fantasies in the belief of an unattainable God, magic (the implausible, flying etc) and supra-normal.
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Oink, Oink!
jake, Tuesday, Mar 5 2019, 6:03pm
“Let me control the media and I will turn any nation into a herd of pigs” -- Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Propaganda Minister (story and 1 image)
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Giving the Bomb to Saudi Arabia’s Dr. Strangelove
Chris Hedges via stella, Monday, Mar 4 2019, 6:12pm
The most dangerous foreign policy decision of the Trump administration—and I know this is saying a lot—is its decision to share sensitive nuclear technology with Saudi Arabia and authorize U.S. companies to build nuclear reactors in that country. I spent seven years in the Middle East. I covered the despotic, repressive kingdom as the Middle East bureau chief for The New York Times. And I, along with most Arabists in the United States, have little doubt that giving a nuclear capability to Saudi Arabia under the leadership of the ruthless and amoral Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman would see it embark on a nuclear weapons program and eventually share weaponized technology with Saudi allies and proxies that include an array of radical jihadists and mortal enemies of America. A nuclearized Saudi Arabia is a grave existential threat to the Middle East and ultimately the United States. (story and 1 image)
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Clear and Bright
sybil, Saturday, Mar 2 2019, 11:15pm
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Attempt by Grand Jury to Coerce Chelsea Manning to Compromise Assange
Andrea Germanos via grace, Saturday, Mar 2 2019, 8:29pm
Chelsea Manning's advocates are decrying what they they see as the Trump administration trying "to punish an outspoken whistleblower" following the revelation that she'd been subpoenaed to testify before a grand jury. (story and 2 images)
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Leaves on Rain
stacey, Saturday, Mar 2 2019, 7:57am
. (story and 1 audio file)
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US Urges ‘Calm’ While Stoking India-Pakistan Conflict
SCF Editorial via james, Friday, Mar 1 2019, 7:06pm
Prior to reading the repost below, it should be noted that US power and influence in the world are in rapid decline, as is well known. Contributors to this site warned of US interference against its two main competitors, Russia and China, by fomenting a major conflict in Asia and thereby disrupting plans to integrate Eurasia with the New Silk Road project (BRI) initiated by China. A failed provocation by Washington puppet Ukraine of Russia in the Azov Sea is one clear example. (story and 1 image)
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Israel's role in India’s escalating conflict with Pakistan
Robert Fisk via jaxie, Thursday, Feb 28 2019, 10:18pm
When I heard the first news report, I assumed it was an Israeli air raid on Gaza. Or Syria. Airstrikes on a “terrorist camp” were the first words. A “command and control centre” destroyed, many “terrorists” killed. The military was retaliating for a “terrorist attack” on its troops, we were told. (story and 1 image)
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What Does It Take to Destroy a World Order?
Alfred W. McCoy via jason, Thursday, Feb 28 2019, 9:33pm
Once upon a time in America, we could all argue about whether or not U.S. global power was declining. Now, most observers have little doubt that the end is just a matter of timing and circumstance. Ten years ago, I predicted that, by 2025, it would be all over for American power, a then-controversial comment that’s commonplace today. Under President Donald Trump, the once “indispensable nation” that won World War II and built a new world order has become dispensable indeed.
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MH-370 and Victory For The Chagos Islanders (Diego Garcia)
John Pilger via gary, Wednesday, Feb 27 2019, 7:11pm
John Pilger, an independent, traditional, investigative journalist of the old school must be congratulated for his tireless efforts in making this issue known to the world and pursuing the case of the displaced and dispossessed Chagossians, which efforts recently culminated in a favourable legal decision for the Islanders who were illegally removed from their home in order for the Americans to appropriate and install a highly sophisticated communications military base on Diego Garcia, which base is suspected to be implicated in the disappearance of Malaysian airliner, MH-370. (story and 2 images)
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The Truth Is ...
darcy, Monday, Feb 25 2019, 3:54pm
The entire WORLD is sick and tired of US military interventions and interference from Washington. However, that reality hasn’t dented the delusional neocon dream that America owns the world and is able to dictate foreign policy to other sovereign nations from Washington.
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The Radical Sayings of Jesus -- Ignored Today
Mike Rivage-Seul via jane, Sunday, Feb 24 2019, 8:47pm
Jesus, according to the Gospel narratives was a social reformer much as was his radical cousin, John the baptist. The narratives clearly and unmistakably depict Jesus as a champion of the oppressed and a despiser of the rich, wealthy and powerful elites, yet modern popular preachers and churches swimming in wealth pay little regard to his clearly political teachings of social reformation. Jesus himself labelled such as hypocrites and wolves in sheep's clothing. .
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Venezuela Should Take US to International Court
Jay Janson via cyd, Saturday, Feb 23 2019, 9:36pm
Reuters reported that even prior to last Friday's clarification from the US Treasury, European buyers were already slashing purchases because of concerns over payments. Reuters reported that two of the world's largest oil traders, Vitol and Trafigura, said that they would comply with all US sanctions.
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Microsoft Workers Demand Company End Army Contract
Andrea Germanos via stella, Saturday, Feb 23 2019, 6:42pm
"As employees and shareholders we do not want to become war profiteers."
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