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Global Kids Strike -- the kids are all-right
Binoy Kampmark via stacey, Thursday, Mar 21 2019, 12:35am
Children’s crusades do not necessarily end well. During the years of armed missions to the Holy Land, when Jerusalem meant something to the sacredly inclined in Europe, children were encouraged to take to the rough and dangerous road as it wound its way towards Palestine. In 1212, a boy of 12 is said to have begun preaching at Saint-Denis in France. God had supposedly taken some time to communicate a pressing wish: Christian children were to head to the Holy Land and liberate it from the Infidel. How they would do so was not clear.
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The SOLUTION -- We are ONE!
darcy, Wednesday, Mar 20 2019, 10:37pm
The elite propaganda apparatus has FAILED, the feeble attempts of the nefarious global elite to divide -- tribalism, racism, class etc -- and conquer, designed economic debt slavery -- is failing as I write; with minimal effort anyone who desires to know the truth is able to source it today by peeling back the feeble methods and machinations of the elite to maintain their monetary rule over the global masses, today they are TRANSPARENT. It is over for them, they are indeed a dead man falling.
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Weeds and Orchids
june, Tuesday, Mar 19 2019, 8:57am
. (story and 1 image)
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Those Responsible
Michael Brull via darcy, Saturday, Mar 16 2019, 8:45pm
The mass media today is a means to an end, it no longer responsibly serves the masses, betraying its original commission; it serves a mass murdering unrepresentative elite as will easily be proven with particular attention to Australian born Rupert Murdoch, media mogul and member of the New York CFR, which entity is directly involved in shaping all western 'news' as its members include ALL the owners of major media outlets in America. (story and 2 images)
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Obligatory Apathy
Tamara Pearson via jane, Saturday, Mar 16 2019, 7:22pm
We live in a society that despises any sign of caring about just how bad things are for most people. The planet is corroding and smoldering, and time and resources are going into nuclear weapons and sending humanity into its own carefully prepared hell. The unequal global economy is efficiently stimulating the starvation and hunger of 815 million people, and the Internet is a plutocracy where money buys the biggest microphones. The thriving communities of Syria and Yemen are being turned to moonscape, while corporate corruption and consumerism are being cultivated instead of culture. We continue to build a hierarchy of human worth that relegates certain classes, ages, genders, sexualities, and races to shit status, and while millions of refugees are being put On Hold for ever in camps. But society is collectively rejecting even the mention of politics and having an opinion.
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The Destabilisation of Western Societies for Short Term Political Gain
darcy, Friday, Mar 15 2019, 10:11pm
Indeed, the Christchurch massacre of innocent Muslims is an expression of far right ideology, division, exceptionalism and violence.
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Breaking News: White Terror Attack on Two Mosques in New Zealand
Jon Queally via jane, Thursday, Mar 14 2019, 11:56pm
Witnesses paint horrifying picture as news outlets urged not to show footage that at least one gunmen livestreamed while perpetrating massacre.
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Some Simple Home Truths
jake, Thursday, Mar 14 2019, 8:57pm
If you live in a society in which you are under constant monitoring and surveillance and your privacy is lost that is NOT a free ‘democratic’ State, it’s a big brother, totalitarian State/society.
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RAND Simulations, America Loses WWIII -- Choke on it Neocons
Tyler Durden via reg, Thursday, Mar 14 2019, 12:06am
In simulated World War III scenarios, the U.S. continues to lose against Russia and China, two top war planners warned last week. “In our games, when we fight Russia and China, blue gets its ass handed to it" RAND analyst David Ochmanek said Thursday.
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Crooked Mile
sally, Wednesday, Mar 13 2019, 10:16pm
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sylph, Wednesday, Mar 13 2019, 12:42pm
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drake, Wednesday, Mar 13 2019, 12:29am
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Israel’s Stranglehold on America
Chris Hedges via claire, Tuesday, Mar 12 2019, 10:44pm
The Israel lobby’s buying off of nearly every senior politician in the United States, facilitated by our system of legalized bribery, is not an anti-Semitic trope. It is a fact. The lobby’s campaign of vicious character assassination, smearing and blacklisting against those who defend Palestinian rights—including the Jewish historian Norman Finkelstein and university students, many of them Jewish, in organizations such as Students for Justice in Palestine—is not an anti-Semitic trope. It is a fact. Twenty-four state governments’ passage of Israel lobby-backed legislation requiring their workers and contractors, under threat of dismissal, to sign a pro-Israel oath and promise not to support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement is not an anti-Semitic trope. It is a fact.
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Crowd Management in Large Societies
reg, Tuesday, Mar 12 2019, 9:40pm
The formation of large societies required that former tribal and small group leaders refine their methods and skills in order to manage what today and in the past was considered to be, collectively speaking, a dumb frightened mass of disorganised people. From the earliest historical records ruling elites developed various methods/strategies/tricks to manage the masses and effectively nose-ring them as dumb beasts or a resource to be led by their crudest emotional instincts (flight-fight/FEAR) to serve ruling elites.
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Russia to Defend its Oil Interests in Venezuela
Tsvetana Paraskova via jake, Monday, Mar 11 2019, 7:38pm
After abandoning former allies, Yugoslavia and Libya in critical times of need, the neutered bear has finally seen fit to intervene in Venezuela, another ally, and prevent lawless, gangster America thieving its resources and installing a Washington lackey as its leader -- well, it's about time you grew some balls Russia!
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Venezuela: Let’s Cut to the Chase
Pepe Escobar via jane, Sunday, Mar 10 2019, 10:05pm
Cold War 2.0 has hit South America with a bang – pitting the US and expected minions against the four key pillars of in-progress Eurasia integration: Russia, China, Iran and Turkey.
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Leopards Spots and Oil
cyd, Sunday, Mar 10 2019, 9:50pm
The common denominator with all the 21st century’s American wars is of course OIL and other resources with some geostrategic considerations. Indeed, all the so-called ‘humanitarian,’ ‘right to protect’ and illegal ‘regime change’ wars are primarily concerned with resource THEFT on a grand scale. Spreading democracy (which doesn’t exist in the USA) and ‘Liberty’ is a pathetic joke if one connects the obvious DOTs. Which reality signifies that the offending nation is lawless and morally bankrupt, as it kills millions of innocents and ruins stable nations to achieve its nefarious ends. (story and 2 images)
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ryall, Saturday, Mar 9 2019, 8:55pm
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zed, Saturday, Mar 9 2019, 6:12pm
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blake, Saturday, Mar 9 2019, 7:15am
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