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Power, Lies and Media
Robert B. Reich via stacey, Sunday, Nov 10 2019, 7:41pm
Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook says he’ll run political ads even if they are false. Jack Dorsey of Twitter says he’ll stop running political ads altogether. Dorsey has the correct approach but the debate skirts the bigger question: Who is responsible for protecting democracy from big, dangerous lies?
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The RCEP train left the station and India, behind
Pepe Escobar via gus, Saturday, Nov 9 2019, 10:45pm
A pan-Asia high-speed train has left the station – and India – behind. The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), which would have been the largest free trade deal in the world, was not signed in Bangkok. It will probably be signed next year in Vietnam, assuming New Delhi goes beyond what ASEAN, with diplomatic finesse barely concealing frustration, described as “outstanding issues, which remain unresolved.”
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Total Destruction of Europe Will Be It's Payoff for Being an American Vassal: Princeton Scientists
Russia Insider via cyd, Saturday, Nov 9 2019, 10:11pm
Top Russian Talk Show Rips Princeton University Over Callous Fantasizing About Nuking Russia. Nevertheless, this is all bluff and bluster according to Washington war hawk whackos. Indeed, they have a point when considering coward Putin but the Russian military is another story and Putin's life in the event of war is not worth a plugged nickle.
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Everything you were told about the Syrian war was wrong -- Until Now
Robert Fisk via jess, Saturday, Nov 9 2019, 9:51pm
That wars end very differently to our own expectations – or our plans – was established long ago. That “we” won the Second World War did not mean the Americans would win the Vietnam war, or that France would vanquish its enemies in Algeria. Yet the moment we decide who the good guys are, and who the evil monsters whom we must destroy, we relapse again into our old mistakes.
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How to Crush a Bankers’ Dictatorship: A Lesson From 1933
Matthew Ehret via james, Friday, Nov 8 2019, 9:57pm
The western media has been hit with warnings of “financial Armageddon” and the need for a “global hegemonic synthetic currency” to replace the collapsing US dollar under a new system of green finance. These statements have been made by former and current Bank of England Governors Mark Carney and Mervyn King respectively and should not be ignored as the world sits atop the largest financial bubble in human history reminiscent of the 1929 bubble that was triggered on black Friday in the USA which unleashed a great depression across Europe and America.
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Breaking Up Corporate Power Monopolies and the Problem of Wealth Concentration
nano, Friday, Nov 8 2019, 8:52pm
Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook has been defending himself/company in numerous anti-trust investigations world wide but particularly in the US of late. Clearly Facebook, and Google for that matter, are huge monopolies wielding disproportionate power and influence over their respective fields in the highly lucrative IT industry; and of course this monopolistic power then translates into political power, buying politicians via lobby groups and affecting social outcomes for society as a whole – some negative outcomes are extreme surveillance and monitoring of peoples' every move via smart devices and the insidious intrusion on privacy, which has recently morphed into CENSORSHIP of the free flow of information.
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Money Talks, Bullshit Walks on Cable News
Paul Street via stella, Thursday, Nov 7 2019, 10:48pm
Is it any wonder that the nation’s “liberal” cable news stations CNN and MSNBC can barely contain their disdain for Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign and even (to a lesser degree) for that of Elizabeth Warren while they promote the nauseating center-right candidacies of the bewildered racist and corporatist Joe Biden, the sinister neoliberal corporate-militarist Pete Butiggieg and even the marginal Wall Street “moderates” Amy Klobuchar and Kamala Harris? Next time you click on these stations, keep a pen and paper handy to write down the names of the corporations that pay for their broadcast content with big money commercial purchases.
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Syria: OPCW Whistleblowers Confirm What We Already Knew
Tony Cartalucci via reg, Thursday, Nov 7 2019, 9:25pm
Whistleblowers have come forward revealing what many had known all along – that the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) had deliberately altered various reports and suppressed evidence regarding alleged chemical weapon attacks in Syria to help bolster US war propaganda.
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India Set to Discover the Law of Unintended Consequences
Wayne Madsen via gayle, Wednesday, Nov 6 2019, 7:17pm
By abrogating the autonomous status of the now-former state of Jammu and Kashmir and transforming it into two direct rule territories, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi may have set in motion forces that could result in challenges to its control of portions of the Himalayan region. (story and 1 image)
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The Fall of the Neoliberal Order is Drastically Accelerating
Rainer Shea via lex, Tuesday, Nov 5 2019, 8:09pm
With the anti-colonial and anti-capitalist protests in Chile, Ecuador, Haiti, and other parts of the Third World, just such a revolution is now happening. Technically, the revolution that imperialism provoked began long ago; during what can be considered the first wave of anti-capitalist revolutions, which spanned from the French revolution of 1789 to the Paris Commune of 1871, major reactions began to happen in response to the contradictions of capitalism. The second wave, which spanned from the Russian revolution of 1917 to the Sandinista revolution of 1979, numerous countries and regions were successfully turned socialist or decolonized.
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The Imperial Propaganda Machine
Caitlin Johnstone via jaxie, Tuesday, Nov 5 2019, 6:49pm
Any attempt to understand the world which fails to take into account the fact that extremely powerful people are pouring massive amounts of money and resources into manipulating your understanding of the world will necessarily result in a distorted worldview.
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The Enemy Within
Chris Hedges via gus, Monday, Nov 4 2019, 6:34pm
We do not live in a democracy, however, the charade of our democracy is in peril. The deep state—the generals, bankers, corporatists, lobbyists, intelligence chiefs, government bureaucrats and technocrats—is intent on salvaging the brand. It is hard to trumpet yourself as the world’s guardian of freedom and liberty with Donald Trump blathering on incoherently about himself, inciting racist violence, insulting our traditional allies along with the courts, the press and Congress, tweeting misspelled inanities and impulsively denouncing or sabotaging bipartisan domestic and foreign policy. But Trump’s most unforgivable sin in the eyes of the deep state is his criticism of the empire’s endless wars, even though he lacks the intellectual and organizational skills to oversee a disengagement.
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Climate Boycotts Banned by Nazi Oz PM Scott Morrison
staff report CommonDreams via jaxie, Sunday, Nov 3 2019, 8:49pm
It is important to first note that PM Morrison is an arch, religious and political conservative, so we must first try to understand what conservatism actually is and whether it fits into the natural world's (cosmos) scheme of things as the cosmos/nature is a direct representation of creation's power and wisdom proven by its infinite characteristic, that is, if any system or movement is multiplied by infinity, forever, and it fails to persist then it is clearly perverse, as infinity proves itself daily by the sheer fact of continuous existence. Or put another way, if infinity had the smallest flaw it would have ceased to exist over an infinite period of time as that flaw would have extinguished it, do you see the reason/logic in this? Probably not, as few are able to understand the workings of existence/cosmos which we are clearly part of. But it's better to try and explain than avoid the issue due to lack of comprehension. (story and 2 images)
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Tulsi Gabbard's WSJ Op-Ed
Stephen Lendman via claire, Saturday, Nov 2 2019, 10:44pm
The Rupert Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal surprisingly gave anti-war/pro-social justice presidential aspirant, Tulsi Gabbard, op-ed space on October 29 to express her views freely. (story and 1 image)
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The Evil Enemy Within
John W. Whitehead via darcy, Saturday, Nov 2 2019, 8:44pm
We’re living in two worlds, you and I. There’s the world we see (or are made to see) and then there’s the one we sense (and occasionally catch a glimpse of), the latter of which is a far cry from the propaganda-driven reality manufactured by the government and its corporate sponsors, including the mass media, or more accurately, the State's deceitful propaganda apparatus.
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'Deep State' Operatives Publicly Admit and Laud Existence of Unelected, Undemocratic Body
staff report RT via stacey, Friday, Nov 1 2019, 8:37pm
Indeed, uninformed deluded fools that doubted the existence of an unrepresentative body within the USA that governs behind the scenes irrespective of the will of the president and the people, known as the "Deep State," have learned after Deep State operatives brazenly went public that a cabal indeed does exist, which also confirms numerous reports of investigative journalists over time that the United States is ruled by a cabal of unelected bureaucrats and intel operatives that imagine themselves to be above the President, Congress and the Constitution. In other words the PEOPLE and democratic elections in the USA count for nothing.
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Veils and Chains
rayn, Thursday, Oct 31 2019, 7:45pm
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Alt-news site Gray Zone editor, Max Blumenthal, arrested: ‘The charge is 100% false’
Ben Norton via gayle, Tuesday, Oct 29 2019, 11:30pm
And with ease was Mr Blumenthal arrested, as almost no reaction to Assange's arrest and court railroading has been evident though the Assange trial is the critical test case. Clearly, many more arrests are to come of the many editors and journos that prefer to broadcast TRUTH rather than the CFR scripted news (propaganda) from criminal elites. As Orwell said, to paraphrase, 'in thoroughly corrupt societies telling the truth becomes a subversive act.'
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sybil, Tuesday, Oct 29 2019, 9:26pm
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Oz Regulator Hauls Google into Federal Court for Alleged Misuse of Personal Data
Stephen Letts via janice, Monday, Oct 28 2019, 10:32pm
Tech giant Google has been hauled into the Federal Court by regulators over allegations it has been misleading consumers about the personal location data it collects, keeps and uses. (story and 1 image)
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