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text Enough of this “Trickle Down” Economic BULLSHIT – TAX the Rich! ned, Wednesday, Nov 20 2019, 10:22pm
We have had reduced taxes by the year for decades on the mega-wealthy, which absurdity is accepted broadly by a bereft of sense public that falls for the overt LIE year after year, i.e., reducing taxes for the mega-wealthy benefits the economy and people less fortunate – it's that same old LIE, stated time and again, by bought political leaders of major parties regardless of stripe, which the public falls for again and again. So let's take this now proven whopping LIE for a run in any given western economic reality and see WHO benefits from not taxing the rich as heavily as we are taxed, up to 47 cents in the dollar for average Australian citizens.
international / prose / post

text Ejecting bruce, Tuesday, Nov 19 2019, 8:41pm
international / poetry / post

text 'How a Nation of Sheep gives Rise to a Government of Wolves' John W. Whitehead via gus, Tuesday, Nov 19 2019, 6:09pm
And make no mistake, the title applies to every nation on earth today -- quite simply, the old paradigm of UNREPRESENTATIVE elite minority rule has FAILED.

“When a man unprincipled in private life[,] desperate in his fortune, bold in his temper . . . despotic in his ordinary demeanour — known to have scoffed in private at the principles of liberty — when such a man is seen to mount the hobby horse of popularity — to join in the cry of danger to liberty — to take every opportunity of embarrassing the General Government & bringing it under suspicion — to flatter and fall in with all the non sense of the zealots of the day — It may justly be suspected that his object is to throw things into confusion that he may ride the storm and direct the whirlwind.” — Alexander Hamilton
international / prose / post

text Armchair 'Warriors' jess, Sunday, Nov 17 2019, 8:02pm
Here we go again, verbosity in the West over the Bolivian coup. Hundreds of armchair warriors are contributing nothing but empty words while the Bolivian people pay with their lives in the fight against elite financial forces stealing what is not theirs, in this instance the government and nation of Bolivia, which new fake, non-elected government is about to use iron fist tactics to oppress/enslave the people and steal whatever they wish to increase the profits/wealth of the elite criminal interests they serve.
international / prose / post

text Night Flyer bogong, Saturday, Nov 16 2019, 10:32pm
international / poetry / post

text Putin: US Dollar Will Collapse Soon Tyler Durden via janice, Saturday, Nov 16 2019, 7:31pm
It is impossible to sustain the value of a currency that is printed from thin air on demand, notwithstanding that the dollar's current status as the world's default trading currency (petro-dollar) is the result of blackmail, not manufacturing production value, which of course China has, as greedy American and European corporations stupidly off-shored their manufacturing bases to China and made it an international economic powerhouse almost overnight. China was simply too smart, it NEVER allowed its currency to be controlled by Wall Street, which control (dream) was hoped would constrain China economically.

Clearly, the world has had enough of supporting the paper dollar and perpetual, illegal US wars by consequence, which result in the deaths and maiming of millions of innocent civilians and the ruin of once prosperous, stable nations. It is predictive fact that this abused 'air' currency must soon fail big time, but when is the question, however, today it's sooner rather than later.

international / prose / post

jewish_victims.jpg image A Holocaust of Biblical Proportions Laurent Guyénot via sam, Friday, Nov 15 2019, 7:58pm
An astonishing article/story supported by verifiable references about how privileged Zionist Jews cared less for the safety and well being of less financially fortunate average European Jews. Very few Jews today are aware of the part played by extremist Zionist Jews in the Nazi Holocaust of WWII. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Legitimate Bolivian President, Evo Morales -- you must openly return and fight for your people. You are duty bound, PRESIDENT Morales. image Bolivians Fight Back -- what are you doing in Mexico, Evo? Eoin Higgins via darcy, Friday, Nov 15 2019, 6:03pm
The Washington staged coup in Bolivia is straight from the FAILED playbook attempt in Venezuela. So how did Washington succeed in replacing a democratically elected LEGITIMATE leader in Bolivia with an UN-ELECTED, unrepresentative stooge? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Former President Rafael Correa, now in exile image The Financial Elite's Destruction of Rafael Correa's Social Revolution in Ecuador Dr. Birsen Filip via gayle, Thursday, Nov 14 2019, 7:06pm
On November 7, 2019, the National Court of Justice of Ecuador ratified the preventive detention of former president Rafael Correa, along with a number of his former officials. Immediately after the court rendered its decision for pretrial detention, Correa rejected accusations of bribery, illicit association and contributions to his political campaign between 2012 and 2016, while he was the leader of Alianza Patria Altiva i Soberana (PAIS). Correa founded Alianza PAIS in 2006, as a democratic socialist political party with an objective to achieve economic and political sovereignty, and foment a social and economic revolution in the nation, which came to be known as The Citizens’ Revolution (La Revolución Ciudadana). (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text The Absolute Necessity of Divesting Financial Elites reg, Thursday, Nov 14 2019, 6:18pm
The Bolivian CIA staged coup ousting democratically elected leader Morales from power is simply the latest manifestation of grossly illegal interference in the democratic process of a foreign sovereign nation, notwithstanding that huge sums of money support elite selected candidates for the presidency of the United States and other western 'democracies.' In other words 'freedom, liberty and democracy' are a laugh in y/our faces. Democracy and freedom are a charade.
international / prose / post

text Rising leah, Wednesday, Nov 13 2019, 7:53pm
international / poetry / post

text The Digital Invasion and its Cure sheila, Tuesday, Nov 12 2019, 7:49pm
Have you ever given a second thought to installing popular apps on smart devices? They usually flag the fact that they want access to your photos, docs, contacts and location but you agree, otherwise the app will not install. It's a type of forced blackmail as you want that app.
international / prose / post

text Mandolins jill, Monday, Nov 11 2019, 10:20pm
international / poetry / post

audio Tulsi Gabbard Attacks Cornerstone of the New Criminal America Josh Mitteldorf via lex, Monday, Nov 11 2019, 8:24pm
I have never met anyone -- though I move in educated, socially aware circles -- that doesn't KNOW that 9/11 was an INSIDE JOB, a REAL conspiracy in other words; the EXPERT evidence trashing the government story/fiction is simply overwhelming as I'm sure most of our readers are aware. We have on public record the war mongering neocon's declaration that they required "a new pearl harbour" in order to launch their perpetual wars of resource theft on weaker nations in North Africa and the Middle East. Backed up openly by insider, General Wesley Clark, butcher of the Balkans, declaring a planned list of targeted nations to the world, clearly Clark's experiences in the Balkans resulted in a change of heart regarding America's illegal wars of conquest. (story and 1 audio file)
international / prose / post

text Today's Social Crises and Dysfunctional Governments darcy, Sunday, Nov 10 2019, 8:40pm
First take a good hard look at the UK parliament's inability to resolve the Brexit crisis, it's appalling and anyone that would entrust any decision to that flawed body deserves what they get – these people are clearly incapable of jointly putting together a housewife's shopping list let alone running a nation with all its associated complexities. Learn from the appalling British spectacle, and if you imagine your government is any better then you are kidding yourself. Today they are all the same, imploding due to personal ambition and selfish motives, not united in the service of the people/nation. In fact here in Australia major parties regularly tear themselves apart without assistance from any opposition for the exact same selfish reasons that the UK parliament is unable to deal with Brexit.
international / prose / post

text Power, Lies and Media Robert B. Reich via stacey, Sunday, Nov 10 2019, 7:41pm
Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook says he’ll run political ads even if they are false. Jack Dorsey of Twitter says he’ll stop running political ads altogether. Dorsey has the correct approach but the debate skirts the bigger question: Who is responsible for protecting democracy from big, dangerous lies?
international / prose / post

text The RCEP train left the station and India, behind Pepe Escobar via gus, Saturday, Nov 9 2019, 10:45pm
A pan-Asia high-speed train has left the station – and India – behind. The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), which would have been the largest free trade deal in the world, was not signed in Bangkok. It will probably be signed next year in Vietnam, assuming New Delhi goes beyond what ASEAN, with diplomatic finesse barely concealing frustration, described as “outstanding issues, which remain unresolved.”
international / prose / post

text Total Destruction of Europe Will Be It's Payoff for Being an American Vassal: Princeton Scientists Russia Insider via cyd, Saturday, Nov 9 2019, 10:11pm
Top Russian Talk Show Rips Princeton University Over Callous Fantasizing About Nuking Russia. Nevertheless, this is all bluff and bluster according to Washington war hawk whackos. Indeed, they have a point when considering coward Putin but the Russian military is another story and Putin's life in the event of war is not worth a plugged nickle.
international / prose / post

text Everything you were told about the Syrian war was wrong -- Until Now Robert Fisk via jess, Saturday, Nov 9 2019, 9:51pm
That wars end very differently to our own expectations – or our plans – was established long ago. That “we” won the Second World War did not mean the Americans would win the Vietnam war, or that France would vanquish its enemies in Algeria. Yet the moment we decide who the good guys are, and who the evil monsters whom we must destroy, we relapse again into our old mistakes.
international / prose / post

text How to Crush a Bankers’ Dictatorship: A Lesson From 1933 Matthew Ehret via james, Friday, Nov 8 2019, 9:57pm
The western media has been hit with warnings of “financial Armageddon” and the need for a “global hegemonic synthetic currency” to replace the collapsing US dollar under a new system of green finance. These statements have been made by former and current Bank of England Governors Mark Carney and Mervyn King respectively and should not be ignored as the world sits atop the largest financial bubble in human history reminiscent of the 1929 bubble that was triggered on black Friday in the USA which unleashed a great depression across Europe and America.
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