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Lackey Royal Marines seize Iranian tanker under Orders from US
Chris Marsden via gus, Sunday, Jul 7 2019, 11:25pm
Britain’s seizure of an Iranian supertanker carrying 2 million barrels of oil is an act of piracy and a major escalation in tensions that threaten to spiral out of control. It was carried out at the behest of the United States as part of the campaign of military provocations and economic sabotage against Tehran.
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Australian Religious Freedom and Discrimination Bill – Playing with Fire
zane, Sunday, Jul 7 2019, 10:06pm
The re-elected Australian conservative government is toying with a religious discrimination bill that would explode in its face if passed. (story and 1 image)
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FREEDOM at Issue
nano, Saturday, Jul 6 2019, 10:39pm
The most popular word that western politicians blurt like oral farts is, freedom, yet it is never defined in a practical sense due to the FACT that freedom does not exist in western democracies or any other political system.
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Google's new 'Real Time' Censorship is Big Brother Technology
Kit Knightly via stella, Saturday, Jul 6 2019, 12:41am
Google has changed its algorithms so that it actively suppresses "misinformation" when "bad events" are taking place. This is big news if you're interested in free speech or the free flow of information though nobody in the [mass] media treated it that way. In fact, you probably didn't even see it at all. Almost no papers covered it and the major one that did, The Guardian, buried it back in the "science and technology" section. (story and 1 image)
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Gamble of the Century – Unprovoked WAR with Iran
fran, Friday, Jul 5 2019, 11:11pm
An independent Australian journalist recently published an article with substantial support of her claims that war with Iran is imminent. If this report is accurate and at this stage everything points to its veracity, then we ALL could be doomed as today there is no such thing as a minor conflict involving superpowers, we know that Russia and China both support Iran. (story and 2 images)
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We ARE Easily Able to STOP All Wars and Eliminate Unrepresentative Governments
Shirley Leung via stacey, Friday, Jul 5 2019, 9:42pm
Former president Jimmy Carter recently made a profound and damning statement — the United States is the “most warlike nation in the history of the world.” Carter contrasted the United States with China, saying that China is building high-speed trains for its people while the United States is putting all of its resources into mass destruction. Where are high-speed trains in the United States, Carter appropriately wondered. (story and 1 image)
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For All it's Worth
claire, Friday, Jul 5 2019, 9:11pm
Discord, conflict, disingenuous, duplicitous, dishonest, slavery, war, DEATH.
Harmonious, honest, integrity, Truth, peace, freedom, LIFE.
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Goodbye Dollar as World Reserve Currency
Philip Giraldi via gus, Thursday, Jul 4 2019, 10:56pm
How the US managed to trick the world into using its currency as the world reserve currency I do not know as it was a recipe for obvious abuse. Alan Greenspan, former 'Federal' Reserve (privately owned) chairman, when questioned on America's burgeoning debt and possible national bankruptcy laughed and said, "we would simply print our way out of debt," to paraphrase. Now wouldn't it be nice if we could all do that? Who allowed this privately owned bank such power? Why, of course the US government, says a lot about fake democracy doesn't it? But the world wore it until it became obvious -- during the Vietnam war -- that America began to abuse its 'printing' privilege due to the fact that the monetary costs of the Indo-Chinese war had blown the national budget. (story and 1 image)
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The Flag – A Colored Piece of Cloth
rex, Wednesday, Jul 3 2019, 11:25pm
It's the 4th of July in fantasy land America, whoopee!
As an international citizen I recall the infamous words of George W Bush referring disdainfully to the American Constitution and Founding documents as “pieces of paper” and then attempting to substitute himself, commander-in-chief, as the sole authority of the land, what a travesty I thought and I'm an Aussie. Where was the revolution to remove such a treasonous government, as is outlined and obliged in the founding documents? Nowhere, and where is America today, in the same place, nowhere -- America has lost its raison d'etre without which no nation/entity is able to survive. (story and 1 image)
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Unmasking Criminal Ruling Elites and Their Propaganda Apparatus
Prof. Nils Melzer via james, Tuesday, Jul 2 2019, 9:35pm
The following extract, follow link below for entire article, highlights one of the fundamental tricks that modern propaganda utilises to deceive the masses -- put simply it is shifting focus away from the important issue, in this case the war and other crimes against humanity perpetrated by elites and their political puppets in the west onto a distraction, in this case an editor in chief of an independent publishing house, Wikileaks, notwithstanding that the editor in chief, 'it's all about me,' stupid Julian Assange made the task very easy indeed but that is not the point.
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How Big Tech funds the debate on AI ethics
Oscar Williams via gayle, Sunday, Jun 30 2019, 1:17am
Silicon Valley [self-interested] giants are spending $billions developing AI, but they are also funding [corrupting] the people setting the technology’s most fundamental principles. (story and 1 image)
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Conformity, Regulation and FREEDOM
lex, Friday, Jun 28 2019, 11:44pm
As a tertiary student some decades past I was force fed Foucault . After reading his texts it became evident that all were the result of Foucault's personal dilemmas as a homosexual in what was then conservative ruled society and what he had been subjected to in order to 'cure' his/that condition, 'illness' of homosexuality; I am able to make light of it today but for Foucault, as regulated victim, it was traumatic, as is easily determined from his textual productions.
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America’s R&D and Production Crisis Hits the Military
Matt Stoller and Lucas Kunce via jane, Friday, Jun 28 2019, 12:36am
Wall Street's short-term incentives have decimated our defense industrial base and undermined our national security.
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jake, Thursday, Jun 27 2019, 10:55pm
. (story and 1 image)
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The Propaganda Ministry Masquerading as 'the Free Press'
Paul Craig Roberts via stella, Thursday, Jun 27 2019, 8:46pm
As many independent journos have reported on many occasions, media 'presstitutes' constitute not a free press but a Ministry of Propaganda for the government and ruling oligarchic interests. Ben Norton explains that CIA control and manipulation of the media has a long tradition, a tradition exposed by journalists who know:
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Obvious Reality and the Nose on Your Face
stacey, Thursday, Jun 27 2019, 8:00pm
While the mass media continues to engage in DISTRACTING the public, Americans continue to be led by it like sheep to the slaughter. So I have a couple of questions for star-spangled, nose-ringed, media morons out there. Which terrorist nation leads the world in killing innocent civilians? Answer: AMERICA! Which nation leads the world in waging illegal, preemptive wars based on LIES, pretexts, false flags and numerous other fabrications? Answer: AMERICA! So let's get REAL for a change.
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Facebook May Pose a New Financial Danger Greater Than Wall Street
Ellen Brown via jaxie, Wednesday, Jun 26 2019, 11:21pm
Believe it or not Money flows more freely in China than it does in America and the West where currency control is at the Heart of all political and power control. The Reserve Banking Cartel, headquarters in NY, is clearly on notice as China shows the way to financial freedom, which involves removing the debt-chains that shackle/ENSLAVE entire western populations. Read the following with the focus it deserves as it involves either more draconian financial enslavement or total financial freedom outside the clutches of traditional financial power structures. Presently we are dealing with a two-edged sword, which way it cuts could be determined by the people NOT existing IT or Wall St power centers. Nevertheless, this new formula/model is clearly outlined for everyone to appreciate and possibly utilize to free the people.
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Where it Began -- Balkanization and Consequences Today
Aleksandar Pavic via liz, Sunday, Jun 23 2019, 11:26pm
Where to start with today’s Balkans… Now, or almost three decades ago, when the victorious West decided, as its strategic and ideological foe disintegrated, that it could fearlessly flout the post-WW II international order standing on the key pillars of respect for the territorial integrity of states and non-interference in their internal affairs as laid out in the UN Charter and the Helsinki Accords, and went about the bloody business of breaking up Yugoslavia (with Germany taking the lead). So, yes, the seeds of today’s intractable instability were indeed sown at the start of the last decade of the 20th century. And, despite (or, actually, because of) the West’s 30-year “crisis management,” not only has “lasting peace” not taken hold in the region – but new troubles are on the horizon.
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Fool Me A Million Times
Paul Edwards via jane, Sunday, Jun 23 2019, 10:28pm
Yogi Berra experienced “deja vu, all over again”. Marx revised Hegel, saying history repeats itself first as tragedy, then as farce. Bush the Lesser, riffing on who to blame for being fooled, got lost in his trope. Now unctuous Pompeo and Bolton are lying/selling war on Iran, do YOU remember RECENT HISTORY?
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The American Way of Illegal Wars
Philip A Farruggio via sheila, Saturday, Jun 22 2019, 11:00pm
The infamous Herman Goering had this quote at the time of the Nuremberg Trials in the wake of World War II [1]:
“Naturally the common people don’t want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, It is the Leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. it works the same in any country.”
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