"These days man knows the price of everything, but the value of nothing" -- Oscar Wilde
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The simple fact that you actively engage in suppressing this and other alternative news sites means we have won and TRUTH will prevail in the end.
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rayn, Saturday, Aug 10 2019, 9:55pm
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Neoliberalism Has Met Its Match in China
Ellen Brown via jess, Friday, Aug 9 2019, 11:45pm
When the Federal Reserve cut interest rates on July 31st for the first time in more than a decade, commentators were asking why. According to official data, the economy was rebounding, unemployment was below 4%, and GDP growth was above 3%. If anything, by the Fed’s own reasoning, it should have been raising rates.
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The Exaltation Option in a Lost World of Alienation and Meaninglessness
lex, Friday, Aug 9 2019, 7:51am
Fairly hefty title no doubt, but be assured before I begin the import is as light as a feather as we are all born to it.
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taylor, Thursday, Aug 8 2019, 7:22pm
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Gold Price Increase Defies Market Manipulators
Paul Craig Roberts via darcy, Thursday, Aug 8 2019, 5:51pm
After years of orchestrated 'short selling' Gold has lately moved up sharply reaching $1,510 this morning. The gold price has continued to rise despite the continuing practice of dumping large volumes of naked contracts in the futures market. The gold price is driven down by market manipulators but quickly recovers and moves up. I haven’t an explanation at this time for the new force that is more powerful than the short-selling that has been used to control the price of gold.
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Inside the Submissive Void: Propaganda, Censorship, Power and Control
Greg Maybury via cyd, Wednesday, Aug 7 2019, 10:30pm
"Nothing appears more surprising to those who consider human affairs with a philosophical eye than the ease with which the many are governed by the few; and the implicit submission, with which men resign their own sentiments and passions to those of their rulers." -- David Hume, Of the First Principles of Government, 1768.
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Fuck Off Trump: El Paso residents write letter to Trump telling him to stay away
Aldous J Pennyfarthing via jane, Tuesday, Aug 6 2019, 10:47pm
The Fake President Fake Condolence Tour is scheduled to make a stop in El Paso tomorrow, but the city’s residents aren’t having it. They’ve been signing onto an online letter to Trump telling him, in no uncertain terms, to stay the fuck out. (story and 1 image)
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We’re All Enemies of the State: Draconian Laws, Precrime & the Surveillance/Police State
John W. Whitehead via jaxie, Tuesday, Aug 6 2019, 9:24pm
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”—H.L. Mencken
We should be aware that pan-surveillance does not and has never prevented crime or "kept us safe", however, it does oppress the people and rob them of their inalienable rights, particularly the Right to PRIVACY and personal FREEDOM -- be aware and beware of those unrepresentative minorities that wish to enslave entire populations today. (story and 1 image)
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Jewish Activists Arrested Protesting ICE 'Concentration Camps'
Jessica Corbett via stella, Tuesday, Aug 6 2019, 7:57pm
"No 'business as usual' for the companies, politicians, or anyone assisting ICE & Trump carry out their ultra-right wing, FASCIST white supremacist agenda." (story and 1 image)
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Trump, the Best Weapon Russia and China Have
Prof. Strangelove, Sunday, Aug 4 2019, 11:32pm
A president that intentionally divides the American nation based on race, religion and hate, compromises all aspects of America's culture including its competitiveness, as quite simply, a house divided cannot stand. Trump, with his tribal, divisive, hate-filled rhetoric, largely aimed at non-white Americans, is doing such serious harm to the nation that his perverse leadership style must be rectified one way or the other, immediately, not least because by internally dividing a nation competing nations gain the advantage, as is clearly evident today. (story and 1 image)
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Tulsi Gabbard vs Google
Rick Sterling via gayle, Saturday, Aug 3 2019, 1:02am
The Tulsi Gabbard presidential campaign has filed a major lawsuit against Google. This article outlines the main points of the lawsuit and evidence that the social media giant Google has quietly acquired enormous influence on public perceptions and has been actively censoring alternative viewpoints. (story and 2 images)
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Trump Administration Is Coming After Encrypted Privacy Applications
Trevor Timm via stacey, Friday, Aug 2 2019, 9:02pm
The attempt by government to gain access to our last right to privacy and ESSENTIAL security is brazen to the extreme. Put simply government and agencies want 'backdoors' to allow them easy access to encrypted software applications and hardware such as iPhones. Indeed, but forcing the creation of backdoors is self-defeating as it punches such a large hole in security that hacker kiddies could easily gain access and chaos would ensue as all our security, banking etc, could easily be hacked and no assurances are given by government for creating a picnic for hackers, such as compensation for such financial losses, as it is they/gov that forced the initial compromise. Not that government has ever given a damn about the people, it simply wants in, and we take all the risks as usual. Governments like this no nation needs.
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The Rise of the American Gestapo
John W. Whitehead via jaxie, Thursday, Aug 1 2019, 11:49pm
“Adolf Hitler is alive and well in the United States, and he is fast rising to power.”— Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, on the danger posed by the FBI to our civil liberties (story and 2 images)
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Assange Vindicated: Deep State Wolf Pack after Assange Gets Taste of Legal Reality
Tom Coburg via jess, Thursday, Aug 1 2019, 11:12pm
A US judge has ruled that WikiLeaks was fully entitled to publish the Democratic National Congress (DNC) emails, which means no law was broken. The ruling is highly significant as it could impact upon the US extradition proceedings against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, as well as the ongoing imprisonment of whistleblower Chelsea Manning. (story and 1 image)
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America is powering the UK’s preparations for war – it is they that need to be deterred, not Iran
Robert Fisk via stella, Wednesday, Jul 31 2019, 10:17pm
It’s about time we wised up to what is going on in this utterly farcical “crisis” in the Gulf, this charade of lies and pomposity which Trump and his doggies in London are presenting to us. (story and 3 images)
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The Coming Savings Meltdown
Michael Hudson via sam, Wednesday, Jul 31 2019, 12:38am
Debts that can’t be paid, won’t be. That point inevitably arrives on the liabilities side of the economy’s balance sheet
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Imran Khan Sells Pakistan Sovereignty to Predatory Western Banks
Abdus-Sattar Ghazali via jalal, Monday, Jul 29 2019, 8:28pm
There are hardly two opinions that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank have been implementing predatory economic policies of the West. The poor countries are now in debt traps created by them. Their rise in debt has been swelled, with external sovereign loans to developing country governments more than doubling from $191 billion per year in 2008 to $424 billion in 2017. The massive debts that led developing countries to surrender their economies to international banks have accumulated due to predatory lending policies by private banks and loans for conceived or executed infrastructure projects. (story and 1 image)
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The United States Has Passed a Point of no Return
Andrew J. Bacevich via sam, Monday, Jul 29 2019, 7:55pm
The Launch
From our present vantage point, it seems clear that, by 2019, the United States had passed a point of no return. In retrospect, this was the moment when indications of things gone fundamentally awry should have become unmistakable. Although at the time much remained hidden in shadows, the historic pivot now commonly referred to as the Great Reckoning had commenced.
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Sick and Sad America: House Approves $1.48 Trillion Pentagon Budget
Jake Johnson via gus, Sunday, Jul 28 2019, 9:22pm
"Wanna know how broken and captured Washington is by the Pentagon and the corruption of our nation's 'defense' budget? Well, look no further than the soon to be enacted budget deal."
Indeed, America is a very sad case, as this Pentagon budget demonstrates. But what does it really indicate to the WORLD? Clearly that America is a terrified nation populated by terrified people. This absurd budget, at the cost of social services, national failing infrastructure and a myriad of other necessary maintenance and social service projects benefits only a handful of mega-banks and corporations, collectively know as the Deep State, which couldn't be happier as to them everything reduces to the acquisition of MONEY/PROFIT. YET the current reality is that Russia (and China) on tiny fractions of that amount have competitively out-performed America in weapons development and innovation, as avaricious, profit only driven, corporations are left out of the Russian and Chinese formula.
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Facebook and "The Great Hack"
Kayleigh Dray via reg, Saturday, Jul 27 2019, 9:09pm
We are all, to some degree, aware of the shadowy connections between Cambridge Analytica (CA), the US election and Brexit. And we all know that CA did ‘something bad’ with our data. However, unless you have a degree in tech, it can be hard to understand why so many people believe that social media – specifically Facebook – is manipulating our opinions, our lives, and our society.
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