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Zionism’s Relationship to Anti-Semitism
Wendy Elisheva Somerson via suzie, Saturday, Jul 27 2019, 4:31am
Zionism developed in the late 19th century as a response to anti-Semitism in Europe, but it sadly reinforces the logic of anti-Semitism. A nationalist ideology that drove the founding of the Israeli state, Zionism developed as one response to the sharp rise in violent and pervasive anti-Semitism in Europe. Under escalating attacks, European Jews at the time responded to anti-Semitism in myriad ways, including assimilation, emigration and rejecting nationalism. The Jews who forwarded political Zionism proposed founding a Jewish nation-state in historic Palestine modeled after European settler colonialism.
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US and Iran Stuck on Negotiation Ground Zero
Pepe Escobar via trudy, Saturday, Jul 27 2019, 3:35am
All bets are off in the geopolitical insanity stakes when we have the President of the United States (POTUS) glibly announcing he could launch a nuclear first strike to end the war in Afghanistan and wipe it “off the face of the earth” in one week. But he’d rather not, so he doesn’t have to kill 10 million people.
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No Accountability in Washington or to the People
Philip Giraldi via james, Friday, Jul 26 2019, 11:42pm
Government that actually serves the interests of the people who are governed has two essential characteristics: first, it must be transparent in terms of how it debates and develops policies and second, it has to be accountable when it fails in its mandate and ceases to be responsive to the needs of the electorate. Over the past twenty years one might reasonably argue that Washington has become less a “of the people, by the people and for the people” and increasingly a model of how special interests can use money to corrupt government. The recent story about how serial pedophile Jeffrey Epstein avoided any serious punishment by virtue of his wealth and his political connections, including to both ex-president Bill Clinton and to current chief executive Donald Trump, demonstrates how even the most despicable criminals can avoid being brought to justice. [Sometimes these agencies imagine they are above accountability and the Law -- not so, as WE pay their wages.] (story and 1 image)
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Indian Hemp Could Save the World from Climate Change Impact
Ellen Brown via jaxie, Friday, Jul 26 2019, 10:51pm
Planting billions of trees across the world is by far the cheapest and most efficient way to tackle the climate crisis. So states a Guardian article, citing a new analysis published in the journal Science. The author explains: (story and 1 image)
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Caitlin Johnstone via shirl, Wednesday, Jul 24 2019, 7:52am
I write a lot about how important it is for political dissidents to research and understand cognitive biases, the large number of well-documented logical glitches in the way human brains process information. I do this because the science of modern propaganda has been in research and development for more than a century, so if public domain psychology is aware of these glitches we can be absolutely certain that the propagandists are as well, and that they are exploiting those glitches currently.
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Crazed War Monger John Bolton Puts UK on Path to War With Iran
Jake Johnson via darcy, Monday, Jul 22 2019, 10:54pm
With the United Kingdom and Iran in the midst of a tense and extremely dangerous standoff after the tit-for-tat seizure of oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz, international observers are warning that the British government has fallen into a trap set by hawkish U.S. national security adviser John Bolton that could lead to a devastating military conflict. (story and 1 image)
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Our Ruling Elites Have No Idea How Much We Want to See Them All in Prison
Charles Hugh Smith via janice, Monday, Jul 22 2019, 10:40pm
Let's posit that America will confront a Great Crisis in the next decade. This is the presumption of The Fourth Turning, a 4-generational cycle of 80 years that correlates rather neatly with the Great Crises of the past: 1781 (Revolutionary War, constitutional crisis); 1861 (Civil War) and 1941 (World War II, global war). (story and 1 image)
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Me, Me, Me: Millennials And The Neurotic Satisfactions of the Selfie Generations
Julian Rose via jane, Sunday, Jul 21 2019, 9:55pm
Who or what am I? Not sure, I'll take a 'Selfie' to reassure myself I exist and have meaning in a meaningless digital world. (story and 1 image)
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sheila, Sunday, Jul 21 2019, 8:36pm
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The Constant REAL War of Today – The War You Don't See
jude, Saturday, Jul 20 2019, 10:09pm
The mass media is awash with distractions from the real war of our time. You would never see this war covered in any media as the media is one of the weapons used to wage this war, the other is debt peonage. Some have called it the Battle for the Mind, others an Information War, but regardless of what you call it, its devastating effects are UNMISTAKABLE, it's clearly a war against the PEOPLE.
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Hilarious! Trump interrogates NASA chief, "why can’t we go straight to Mars?"
Loren Grush via gloria, Saturday, Jul 20 2019, 12:49am
During an oval office photo-op celebrating the Apollo 11 moon landing, Trump attempted to look good by repeatedly questioning NASA chief, Jim Bridenstine, over 'why America couldn't go directly to Mars,' where Trump lives or perhaps on a more distant planet? I mean really, the least the commander-of-morons (his supporters)-in-chief could do was a little research on the subject, but no, he would rather perform and make a thorough, ignorant fool of himself, as usual. (story and 1 image)
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The WORLD Is Dedollarizing
Peter Koenig via jane, Friday, Jul 19 2019, 11:46pm
What if tomorrow nobody but the United States would use the US-dollar? Every country, or society would use their own currency for internal and international trade, their own economy-based, non-fiat currency. (story and 1 image)
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Trump Is Back Under Crazed Neocon Bolton’s Thumb
Paul Craig Roberts via reg, Friday, Jul 19 2019, 11:21pm
President Trump might be his own man [some of the time] but not when it comes to John Bolton and Israel. [Puppet] Trump is their man and is again being manipulated into starting a conflict with Iran. (story and 2 images)
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Iran Captures British oil tanker in Strait of Hormuz
Press TV report via baz, Friday, Jul 19 2019, 9:59pm
This is clearly a tit for tat exercise by Iran, as the UK recently captured one of its oil tankers for clearly political reasons. So is Iran justified? Clearly yes, but what good would it do, though an argument would now ensue, 'release my tanker and I'll release yours?'
This is too serious an issue for kindergarten antics and Washington is directly to blame, not lap dog Britain which is following Washington's aggressive and unjustified policies on Iran attempting to incite yet another unnecessary war. My solution is simple, nuke Washington and Wall Street, hmmm, why not the entire USA, it is the cause of all the horror, mayhem and mass murder of the 21st century and the entire WORLD knows it? Trump is a captured puppet president and has no control over insane neocon foreign policy, which reduces to submit or we'll bomb you back to the stone age. Well, do your own dirty work America, and face the consequences.
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Unaccountable Media Faced with Dilemma in Next Phase of Deep State-gate
Ray McGovern via jaxie, Friday, Jul 19 2019, 1:26am
Friday’s surprising report that Robert Mueller had successfully sought an extra week to prepare for his House testimony on Russiagate (now set for July 24) must have come as scary news to those of his fans who can put two and two together. Over the past few weeks, it has become clearer that each of the two frayed findings of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election has now come apart at the seams.
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Political Correctness Goes Nuts in Berkeley California
Olgar Rodriguez & Samantha Maldonado via gus, Thursday, Jul 18 2019, 11:21pm
First we must consider the use of the word 'BAN' this is an enforcement, finality word in that minority, 'politically correct' values are imposed on ALL, whether WE like it or not. Is this democracy, majority rule, at work ? Not on your life, it's a bunch of minority fleas attempting to wag the majority dog and I for one won't have anyone CREATING gender divisiveness for the sake of non-democratic POWER IMPOSITIONS.
For millennia the term 'man' was accepted generically to mean humankind which is all inclusive in contrast to exclusive gender specific terms. Society is now left in the absurd situation of what to do with, 'manoeuvre, woman, and women,' for example. Would someone can these intoxicated on power, minority PC nutters before society gets lost in the profoundly absurd without an escape. The REAL world is not a Lewis Carroll wonderland. I refer all readers to the last two sentences of the following story, which make perfect sense to the democratic MAJORITY. As for the fleas, keep your idiotic values to yourselves, enough is enough, we all have far more important issues to deal with. (story and 1 image)
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The Cornerstone Freedom – Speech
lex, Thursday, Jul 18 2019, 12:36am
Today we live in a “post-truth, post-modern” culture where anything goes except FREE SPEECH/expression; well, needless to say I have been dragged into court on numerous occasions for my traditional views and language and have not lost one case, costs, including my lost $250/hour as a consultant, have always been covered by the 'politically correct' loser, which in Oz law occurs most of the time, bench discretion notwithstanding.
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PM Morrison's 'Religious Freedom' bill Hits Reality Fan
Phoebe Hosier via jane, Wednesday, Jul 17 2019, 10:50pm
Reprehensible political opportunist (the Folau case) PM Scott Morrison, is playing with fire with his proposed 'Religious Freedom' bill. This is what happens when religious fantacists and delusional fanatics attempt to impose their un-real, implausible and irrational religious views on a secular/reality based State. Good luck with the bill Scomo, you exposed reprehensible, opportunist, FRAUD! You already know that Folau is in breach of the contract he signed, therefore has no legal case in his "unfair dismissal" claim, but that didn't stop you trying to EXPLOIT the situation politically, you are as transparent as wet tissue, you disgrace!
All religions are FICTIONS proven by the FACT that MAN wrote ALL religious texts, therefore, all Gods, 10,000 since recorded history, have been created by MAN. Everything you divorced from reality religionists know about your respective God has been written by man. So who is the real creator of all Gods, stupid? (story and 1 image)
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Putin Breaks out of the Antiquated Thought Box
Matthew Ehret via darcy, Wednesday, Jul 17 2019, 12:58am
Whether or not Putin is serious or not I do not know, however, to hear of his visionary thoughts and our human responsibility to our children and a sustainable future is a breath of fresh air compared to the usual vision-less, polluting crap we hear from other world leaders today. I hope it becomes infectious, as the world is sick and tired of the usual negative radio blah blah and the shit that issues from the mouths of dead-head, puppet western politicians.
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Election 2020 USA
james, Tuesday, Jul 16 2019, 10:49pm
The American (unthinking) population (herd) is already being media-primed for the 2020 presidential election, the mass AND alternative media (shame on you) are awash with related stories/fictions regarding same; however, ALL coverage focuses on a binary choice between known vomits and turds – how could the American population be so easily led to the slaughter AGAIN when it is crystal clear US politicians that represent one of two major parties are pathological LIARS and duplicitous, reprehensible sell-outs? Surely this must be a case of mass cultural masochism, a cultural pathology, sickness?
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