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Internet of Things and Big Brother
by jess Friday, Nov 22 2019, 10:55pm
international / prose / post

You are not immune to Big Brother encroachments, as it has already been introduced as a 'convenience' and 'help' – the 'Internet of Things' – in your house, watching and monitoring, which will be supercharged as 5G replaces 4G wireless communication.


Your IOT house, responsive to sound, light, temperature and movement, is not only watching allotted tasks it is by virtue of its technology, WATCHING YOU, welcome to Orwell's 1984.

Once we used to watch TV, now TVs are watching us combined with millions of other IOT devices easily exploited by hackers. Essentially it means that your private life in your own private spaces is now an open book, the imposed Surveillance State couldn't be happier.

People today are monitored outside in the world but the Internet of Things introduces that monitoring/surveillance indoors, in our homes and who would have thought we would do it all voluntarily, though slick marketing always sells us what we think we need; so a variation on Descartes -- digital technology's algorithms now tell us how to think, desire and what to buy, so who sold who out, as responsibility for thought rests with the thinker, but due to insidious (subliminal) advertising and marketing, are we able to trust what we think today? A very good question, as I witness entire generations now shaped by the algorithms used in digital technologies. In other words, THEY THINK and therefore we act (accordingly). Furthermore, every minor detail these insidious technologies obtain is utilised to enhance our management and shape our responses. Who would have thought it would come to this? George Orwell, for one.

However, the difference between the novel's plot and today is that in the former totalitarianism has been externally imposed whereas today we stupidly embrace it. So Aldous Huxley was the more prophetic of the two futuristic writers, as I extract another bottle of my favourite Soma from the fridge while it watches me do it and records the brand and how much 'Soma' I drink so advertisers are able to slip into 'my' decisions surreptitiously. Did I vote for this? I certainly hope not, as I'm not sure of anything anymore.

Surrender, is behind every move Big Brother makes, surrender or die metaphorically or perhaps literally, as the freedom show is over, hardly any attempts today are made to disguise criminal wars of theft and mass murder for the profits of the few, which cooperative elite own these digital technologies and work together to enhance their control and exploitation of over the masses.

Where all this distinctly leads is subservience, the digital slaves of today are the most enslaved people that have ever lived, due principally to the fact that our slavery is sold to us as freedom and illegal wars are sold to us as spreading peace and democracy, "we had to destroy the village (in Vietnam) in order to save it!"

Orwell's inversions of meaning have been fully operational since 9/11 and the fake (resource stealing, mass murdering, nation destroying wars on the noun, terror) are an obvious fraud, as the real war on the terror of our slavery and social exploitation/management is never waged by our governments elected by us to serve us though it is CLEAR they flagrantly serve elite interests, while their media tells us they are serving the people – feel free to add to these inversions yourselves, as you are part of the process whether you like it or not!

However, as most psychologists and psychiatrists would inform you the quickest cure to our current social dilemmas and enslavement is a large and immediate psychological SHOCK, the bigger and more traumatic the better. Only then are we able to momentarily SEE things as they are, not as they are presented.

Now, failing the ability to induce such a shock on society I/we are forced to utilise the physical means at our disposal to induce that whopping shock, in your best interests of course – lol – so we propose physical means to induce psychological shock. And that is achieved by targeting the home nations of the elites, America and Western Europe, after all, if these nations wage war on others then those others are justified to wage war on the soil of attacking nations, as is recorded in conventions after WWII. In other words, constant attacks on America's and Western Europe's home soil by citizens of any nation, and there are many, which have been invaded and pillaged in the fake war on terror, are LONG OVERDUE; but remember it's all for y/our own good, as YOU keep telling us, so where's the contradiction?

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