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Today's Social Crises and Dysfunctional Governments
by darcy Sunday, Nov 10 2019, 8:40pm
international / prose / post

First take a good hard look at the UK parliament's inability to resolve the Brexit crisis, it's appalling and anyone that would entrust any decision to that flawed body deserves what they get – these people are clearly incapable of jointly putting together a housewife's shopping list let alone running a nation with all its associated complexities. Learn from the appalling British spectacle, and if you imagine your government is any better then you are kidding yourself. Today they are all the same, imploding due to personal ambition and selfish motives, not united in the service of the people/nation. In fact here in Australia major parties regularly tear themselves apart without assistance from any opposition for the exact same selfish reasons that the UK parliament is unable to deal with Brexit.

Quite clearly if anyone expects proper leadership from today's governments anywhere they are clearly deluded, as the obvious facts speak for themselves regarding dysfunction and GROSS incompetence.

And of course where there is dysfunctional government there is social crisis as governments reflect their respective societies, otherwise current governments wouldn't be in power. So it's incompetent nutters representing socially incompetent populations and that all leads to implosive ruin for the people and their nation, as should be obvious.

However, if blame is to be laid then it must fall on the shoulders of those that elect and tolerate dysfunctional, unrepresentative, incompetent governments, and who might that be? YOU of course!

So if enough people decide they have had enough then reform -- to re-establish selfless, competent service to the majority -- becomes an IMPERATIVE; which means that people must pull their thumbs out of their media comatosed arses and do something about the modern social crisis in governance and democracy, the latter being long dead.

So tell me paralysed, nose-ringed morons, what are YOU going to do about it? Until we get an answer don't expect any constructive advice, as clearly you have ignored all such advice from various sources for decades.

Perhaps it's time to make governments accountable to the people the instant they fail, that means immediate removal from office not waiting years for another election while governments continue, unhampered, to destroy the nation. And if that immediate remedial response results in national political paralysis then its time to implement a new social-political paradigm, which action is now quite clearly long overdue.

Put simply, current political systems worldwide have failed the people, plain to SEE, and it is the PEOPLE that must deal with the problem, as clearly, elected politicians are incapable and unable to sort a shopping list.

Is that enough obvious verifiable truth for one day? I certainly do not wish to strain your pea brains. (If the shoe fits, wear it.)

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