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Breaking Up Corporate Power Monopolies and the Problem of Wealth Concentration
by nano Friday, Nov 8 2019, 8:52pm
international /
prose /
Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook has been defending himself/company in numerous anti-trust investigations world wide but particularly in the US of late. Clearly Facebook, and Google for that matter, are huge monopolies wielding disproportionate power and influence over their respective fields in the highly lucrative IT industry; and of course this monopolistic power then translates into political power, buying politicians via lobby groups and affecting social outcomes for society as a whole – some negative outcomes are extreme surveillance and monitoring of peoples' every move via smart devices and the insidious intrusion on privacy, which has recently morphed into CENSORSHIP of the free flow of information. Readers should note that it was/is Facebook and Google that led the charge to censor information, of course serving their own (profit), government agency and other mass media interests that have a vested interest in a tailored media narrative or dominant social discourse which is managed and scripted by minority power/wealth elites.
Indeed, America once HAD an outstanding record of dismantling monopolies as is historically evident with the Rockefeller family's Standard Oil, which was broken down into dozens of smaller companies, which allowed more competition and subsequent innovation in that industry, to cite only one very good example of how US regulators, in the interests of fair play and society, divested power from monopolists.
HOWEVER, the problem of concentrated wealth/power seems to evade the most culpable offenders – mega-banks and huge transnational corporations which control most of the WORLD'S financial wealth and the power that issues therefrom.
Clearly, such extreme concentrations of wealth, power in other words, should never be allowed to form in any democracy as then democracy itself is jeopardised as has occurred today. Voting today is a charade, a token game played by elites that have already chosen their candidates from the two major parties. In other words, these hyper-wealthy elites always win and the PEOPLE/nation, always lose – is this what our fathers fought and died for, is this real freedom? Clearly NOT!
The Reserve Bank Cartel, headquarters in New York, the 'Fed', with its branches worldwide literally controls global money manufacture/printing and its movement in the anything but 'free market;' it's a highly organised and managed game that bankers play in order to debt enslave entire nations and societies and protect/increase their wealth and assets by pillaging the valuable resources of indebted nations and also debt-harnessing entire western populations, a more modern form of slavery as chains and whips are no longer needed it's all done with financial oppression. Yet regulators everywhere fail to address this obscene and enslaving monopoly, WHY?
Well, as stated above, money translates into power, its primary purpose, the more money the more power, that simple, and so western governments today are bought and then serve the status quo which these monopolies have created. In other words the entire social structure has been reformed to serve unrepresentative mega-wealthy elites, not you or me a reality that is self-evident, as the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
Needless to say, fair play becomes non-existent as the current economic 'game' now funnels almost all available wealth into very few pockets; so, in this context Zuckerberg and others like him, are fleas in the monopoly game though they are of course acutely aware of the fact, hence Zuckerberg's failed attempt to form a digital bank power base which has been implemented in China, a nation which was shaped by Rothschild money, in the trillions of investment dollars I might add. So no nation is financially free today though historically only one nation was internationally and nationally debt-free, Libya and we know what happened to it and its leader. You see, there is no room for ANY freedom in this enslaving, financially engineered game, yet all nations play it, as do by consequence, their populations BUT why, as it serves no-one but these monopolistic financial elites that now own the entire world? And if any nation/people dare to free themselves from these debt-chains they are destroyed and reduced to poverty and ruin while of course their resources are stolen all the while.
So clearly if FREEDOM and fair play are to be established then the largest and most powerful monopolies must be dismantled, this “too big to fail" crap is exactly that, CRAP, as who allowed these institutions to become so big? Clearly the bought government regulators that never address the largest monopoly in the world, the global Reserve Banking cartel – a criminal cartel in fact – and the destructive, borderless, transnational companies they support.
If nations/societies wish to be free and fair, then the solution is obvious, mutually disconnect from the tentacles of this Reserve Banking criminal system that clearly enslaves and exploits. National debts are instantly cancelled thereby; then establish nationalised banks that serve the nation and its people and eliminate ALL privately owned commercial PARASITIC banks.
So what's stopping you? Perhaps your clearly bought, unrepresentative, elite-serving politicians and your lack of spine, which results in your inability to face and ACCEPT the responsibility of living in a free cooperative society. Indeed, slaves know no other option than to be ruled and 'protected' as an expendable, exploited resource – eat shit and learn to like it, as you clearly deserve what you get if you fail to free yourselves and your respective nations.
I recommend that you continue to watch TV 'news' (propaganda) and continue to vote in a two horse one-stable race, you fuckin' useless, gutless morons – you make me sick! If minority elites can cooperate to maintain their criminal system of rule and power, then why can't you -- THE OVERWHELMING MAJORITY – topple them (too EASY) and gain your FREEDOM?
It's time to form a group of non-aligned, to the current financial criminal system, nations that would in unison, withdraw their support from the most evil monopoly that exists today and if your elected 'representatives' can't do it then do it yourselves in the cause of freedom and a fair EQUITABLE society. It isn't rocket science but it does require GUTS, as these nefarious, monopolistic forces will fight to the death to maintain their power as any criminal organisation would. But then THINK, who is able to prevail against entire populations unified in purpose? No-one!
[If you are one of the few in society that have a spine and functional brain then share this piece with kindred spirits. In any event it's only a matter of time before WE overcome!]
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