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The Universal Failure of Law Today
by lex Saturday, Oct 26 2019, 11:17pm
international / prose / post

Regardless of which society one views, traditional, theocratic or technologically developed, Law is common to all, which highlights the necessity of Law, rules, regulations and observances to which the group must adhere in order for that group to survive as harmoniously as possible and provide for the punishment of offences against the majority, which MAJORITY the Law is meant to serve. And it is the last point that is most critical, the LAW is meant to serve and safeguard the majority.

Various implementations of Law differ as in traditional societies which are regulated by “taboos”, theocratic, which amount to observances that must be followed as dictated by mythical Gods, and common law formulated in large western societies, from the English Magna Carta, variations of which were practiced in European nations. Laws were written by rulers in order to protect not only themselves from restive populations, but for oppressed people everywhere in order to prevent revolutions and other social calamities.

From the earliest records it becomes clear that the Law is the cement which binds large societies together and if the Law is abused or fails then inevitably that society MUST fail, as rogue elements gain in power and strength and destroy social cohesion. The entire social fabric would then degenerate back to caveman days, where 'might is right' and social Darwinism becomes the rule of Law rather than JUSTICE and safeguarding society.

As the world became smaller international Laws were implemented to regulate the behaviour of nations particularly after WWII, which period was marked by the development of nuclear weapons able to extinguish planetary human life. Necessity again introduced new Laws to safeguard the planet and various weaker nations from more powerful aggressive nations, particularly Laws pertaining to SOVEREIGNTY. Which a now proven rogue nation and clearly terrorist State (world leader in killing innocent civilians) flagrantly breaches daily and has done so for over a DECADE.

Now, if these international Laws were/are observed and enforced then that rogue nation, the USA and its partners in crime, would be held accountable in an International Court, however, when that court has been thoroughly politicised and corrupted rogue nations remain free to continue their destructive to human kind, rogue behaviour and criminal activities, as is obviously occurring TODAY with the pillaging of weaker sovereign nations' valuable resources under various transparent pretexts and feeble justifications, none of which would be upheld in any court of real Law.

Clearly, what I am referring to is the GROSS FAILURE OF LAW TODAY, as is easily witnessed and verified by anyone. These criminal breaches range from targeting individual enemies of the rogue State, Julian Assange, who is currently being railroaded in an extradition case, Chelsea Manning who remains incarcerated for not assisting that rogue State in its feeble attempts to frame and apprehend Assange, to other nations falsely labelled as 'threats' to the invading nations etc, the list is huge.

There is no doubt today that the USA and its spineless vassal allies are engaged in the outrageous plunder of numerous other nation's resource wealth by military force.

This new paradigm if allowed to continue is not tenable as then sociopaths would clearly rise to power as they care nothing for innocent human life and values only their own, and unfortunately these sick, ruthless bastards are also adept at social manipulation, hence the NEED of Law to deal with these exceptionally dangerous, sick and destructive types.

However, what is to be done when the Law fails societies and the world? Laws were written to protect everyone and people have been murdered by the millions over the past few decades.

Two clear options present, Laws were written to protect people and societies so responsibility falls on the shoulders of the PEOPLE, or, other powerful States could refer to existing Laws that are flagrantly broken by rogue State/s and take forceful, sanctioned by Law, action against them.

Now, it is easily determined that the USA is the world leader in mass murdering, invasive, plundering wars that result in the devastation of entire societies, the murder of their leaders, theft of valuable resources and the 'collateral' deaths of millions of innocent human beings, all historically recorded fact. So there is no escaping REALITY. Why then have not other powerful nations, sanctioned by Law, acted to constrain America and hold the culpable responsible for their obvious crimes?

Indeed, that question must be answered as Russia and China are capable of holding America to account for its International crimes, however, they FAIL to act to safeguard the lives of innocents, Why?

The most plausible argument is that China, Russia and America are all lawbreakers and not one powerful nation is likely to invoke existing Laws to compromise the other as then they too would be subject to legal attacks and accountability, as quite clearly Russia and China have had over a decade to react to America's horrendous crimes but they have not legally. Curious.

So the people are left with their prerogatives to enforce laws by the very same acts, DEMAND followed by violence against ruling elites, which threatening behaviours led to the creation of laws in the first instance, that is, laws were created to prevent the real threat of revolting against leaders and systems of rule, which historical option is the only feasible, realistic option today, as the leaders of the world's most powerful nations are indeed as rotten and criminal as each other.

So AGAIN and AGAIN, people, I would continue rub your noses in the FACT that You are responsible for your lives and destinies and the future harmony or disharmony of your respective nations, and collectively, the entire WORLD. There is no social force greater!

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