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'Striking at the Root'
by reg Thursday, Oct 24 2019, 10:07pm
international / prose / post

“There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.” – Henry David Thoreau

A very astute observation and inferred implementation from Mr Thoreau, so let's give it a go rather than whinge, whine and blame others for not reforming our totally corrupt and stolen societies!

First, the judiciary and courts were formed to serve the people, “justice for all;” today they are rigged by the State whenever it so chooses or by those with ample money/power to alter the outcome of court cases via their bought political puppets in the legislature. There are many examples recorded historically, however, I refer to the CURRENT obvious railroading of Julian Assange and his likely illegal extradition to the USA, now take note of a clause in the extradition agreement between the UK and USA: section 4 (1), “Extradition shall not be granted if the offence for which extradition is requested is a political offence.”

Well, you need not have a degree in law or social political theory to know that everything Assange has done is POLITICAL. Yet the magistrate Vanessa Baraitser, presiding over Assange's extradition hearing was deaf to Assange's legal team which RIGHTFULLY challenged the very basis of the extradition case, and that together with recently revealed evidence that numerous breaches of Assange's fundamental human and legal rights were breached by a Spanish security firm -- with tight connections to the criminal CIA -- contracted for surveillance and security at the London Ecuadorian Embassy while Assange was holed up; again the magistrate did not allow Assange's defence team enough time to prepare their case, given that the chief of that questionable 'security' company has been arrested and is currently on trial in Spain for these fundamental breaches and other ethical matters.

What the WORLD is witnessing NOW in London is the most corrupt manipulation of the US/UK legal systems and numerous international human rights violations. And what is the public doing about it? Sitting with their thumbs up their useless arses enthralled by Rupert Murdoch's tit-tainment industry and lying 'news' (propaganda) corporation.

Then there's the oft made claim that large banks and mega-corporations rule the economic world, via their bought and owned political puppets and the raw power of money, well true enough, but what is the public doing about distributing this concentrated, enormous wealth/power more equitably, as it's the debt enslaved people (workers) that maintain these sordid financial empires and corporations?

Obvious solutions stare everyone in the face but they continue to go begging though solutions are SIMPLE: return ownership of ALL banks to the democratically elected State/government, nationalise them in other words, and transform current parasitic corporations to co-operatives owned by the employees from the top of the company to the bottom, in that way it becomes everyone's shared interest to work for the prosperity of all employees, not just the fat-cat board and executives, which benefit from the blood, sweat and tears of their underpaid, debt-enslaved, compliant workers.

The above two solutions work far more effectively, efficiently and fairly than the current parasitic system of forced labour that large banks and mega-corporations use today, though many other solutions are available. For instance, to prevent corporate abuse and monopolies forming, private corporations should never be allowed to dominate any market such as Facebook and Google have today, these companies must be regulated in order to allow other emerging companies a fairer opportunity, each company then succeeding on its own merits in a less concentrated more dispersed/varied playing field, monopolies and cartel behaviours are thereby eliminated in the interests of fairness, diversity and much more innovation, the more competition the merrier – regulation and dismantling monopolies is a must.

So again, what are you useless, frightened of your own shadow, PEOPLE, going to do about it? Nothing of course, because the system and its privately owned media has been intentionally shaped by co-operative ruling elites to create passive consumers of news (propaganda) and products/commodities the sales of which enrich elite enterprises.

So if you're wondering where your spine has gone, ask the digital algorithms on your 'smart' devices and the subliminal messages in the media. Though these chains are no stronger than gossamer that is why you MUST be assailed daily to keep you sufficiently hypnotised/comatosed and passive.

You are all slaves to the current criminal status quo because you fail to question and reform it, though you are able with a simple decision to reform (law) and make equitable your respective societies – I'll give you a hint, if ruling elites co-operate to divide and EXPLOIT the masses and maintain social impotence, then clearly learn to co-operate to achieve various objectives, one at a time. Or do you prefer to whinge and whine and pretend that you're not responsible for the WORLD you live in?

Well, if nothing else this piece at least nails everyone responsible for the ENORMOUS failures of OUR respective societies. Have a nice enslaved day, you useless, gutless, shit-skids -- if the shoe fits WEAR IT!

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