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Careering into WWIII
by reg Tuesday, Sep 17 2019, 10:56pm
international / prose / post

Looking at the current critically explosive situation in the Middle East objectively, one can't help but ask how, why and for what supposedly important reasons are Israel, the US and ally Saudi Arabia dragging the entire WORLD into a nuclear holocaust. In which scenario clearly no-one wins, despite the insane ravings of Washington neocon hawks that a nuclear conflict could be 'won.'

Nincompoop Trump, urged by Israel, Saudi Arabia and Washington hawks (neocons), looks as though he is about to unleash a situation that cannot be reversed by attacking Iran, the nation blamed by easily contrived/fabricated 'proof,' for the attacks on Saudi oil fields.

So what are the primary reasons for this potential conflict:

a) Israel by whatever cunning/subversive and criminal means has been attempting to lure the USA into a major conflict with its perceived enemy, Iran, for decades, which nation is committed to defending Shia Muslims world wide (including Yemen), as indeed, Israel is committed to defending the stolen Jewish State.

b) Oil, that precious resource/commodity that the US has been thieving from weaker Middle Eastern nations utilising the pretext of a war on the noun “terror” – the illegal invasion of Iraq was the first such war based on now proven pretexts -- thank you kindly Murdoch's Fox news and other CFR managed media outlets for your services in deceiving the American and world public and luring the US and its western vassals into a criminal, resource thieving war on Iraq, Libya and Syria.

c) Geopolitical and strategic advantage of supply, pipelines etc, which if Iran (currently supported by both China and Russia) were eliminated as a threat to Israel's ambitions to rule the entire Middle East, could have some hope of realisation, though clearly such dreams only occur in megalo, insane minds today, as we currently live in a multi-polar world. However, any foolish attempt to dominate Iran by invasive, violent, military means, by any nation/s would result in what Pakistan's leader recently termed, in relation to his conflict with India, a 'surrender-or-death' scenario, as Iran would throw everything they have at their disposal at a powerful enemy in order to simply SURVIVE, notwithstanding that Iran is capable of disrupting oil supplies to the world for an extended period, which fact alone would destroy the global economy and create energy/food supply havoc in the majority of nations worldwide.

So clearly any such attempt by Israel/America could very quickly escalate into a superpower conflict with no holds barred, as trust becomes non-existent. In other words, anyone that even entertains such notions of winnable wars with Iran (and allies) is plain nuts, and as we know, there are no shortage of nutters in Washington, Brussels, Tel-Aviv and the UK.

So to the crunch, CONSIDER that the world belongs to its entire inhabitants, you, me and everyone else, which vastly outnumber the nutters in power worldwide. Would WE, the overwhelming GLOBAL MAJORITY allow these nutters to push us to a nuclear precipice from which there would be very little, if any, hope of escape? Speaking for myself and billions of others, NOT BLOODY LIKELY.

So now I MUST refer to how the (proven) manipulative, LYING, intentionally deceptive mass media, expert in “perception management” would attempt to sell this war 'product.'

Do you think for a minute they would address such a dangerous conflict as the nihilistic pursuit it actually is? Not on YOUR life, they would ONCE AGAIN DECEIVE, by portraying this extremely dangerous insane potential conflict as MINOR and without substantial risk to home populations, though nothing would be further from the truth/reality, and hope that the well trained public remain passive and allow a minority group of brazen psychopaths to either totally destroy our world or make life as we have known it untenable for most species.

If we intend to survive 'it', LEADERSHIP INSANITY, we must END it NOW! We MUST ENSURE that psychologically flawed and outright LUNATIC leaders and their administrations are completely eliminated and never allowed to re-emerge for the sake of ALL OUR lives and futures. Indeed, the future of the WORLD has always been and REMAINS in the hands of the overwhelming global MAJORITY, which the mass media goes to great pains and efforts to DIVIDE – we are all easily able to prevent Armageddon though certain powerful religious groups in EAST and WEST, are doing everything in their deluded power to facilitate a war that would end the world, according to the perverse interpretations of their religious texts.

This planet and this universe are NOT privately owned, it is OUR responsibility to ensure OUR collective survival. WAR between superpowers today is NOT an option, pure and simple.

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