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The POWER of One or a 'Handful'
by luke Friday, Aug 16 2019, 12:06am
international / prose / post

The stark reality of rule is easily determined historically and currently, it is elite minorities that rule, a tiny minority percentage of people lord unjustly and criminally over billions of human beings on the planet. To say this social reality is 'natural' is absurd as throughout history and today these self-interested elites serve only their own avaricious interests, plain to see. Elites PROFIT from all wars that the masses are deceived into fighting, as it is easily proven that the masses today only fight for elite corporate and banker PROFITS. Gone are the days of long ideological wars or noble causes, if ever there were any, today the primary factor behind all wars is PROFIT, dare to research the matter since the turn of the century for yourself and confirm the assertion if in any doubt.

And so it stands to reason that if tiny unrepresentative minorities are able to lord over billions of people today then other tiny minorities are able to subvert the rule of these now proven criminal minority elites. And for proof we look to history.

Consider the Cuban revolution, led by Fidel Castro and Che Guevara in the 50's as a relatively recent example.

These two leaders with a few dozen (only) followers succeeded in ousting the standing corrupt government rule of dictator Batista and his military/police thereby liberating the entire Cuban nation, no mean feat as the standing elite group of corrupt criminals owned all the power of an entire state and its apparatuses, BUT lost against a few dozen united in purpose and dedicated revolutionaries that were acutely aware that their cause was a do or die effort. YET they prevailed, so we must ask how and why? The answer stares us all in the face though most historical accounts tend to gloss over the essential reality of how and why, which methods always prove successful – 'the small always overtakes the large' – Sun Tzu – a seemingly illogical outcome but PROVEN by history.

The early tactical and asymmetrical guerilla tactics of Castro and Guevara were astoundingly successful as they were against the Roman Empire during the revolt of the slaves; leaders wisely and pragmatically chose to hit and run on their terms without warning, creating a huge advantage, until the thoroughly oppressed population, inspired by example, began to join the revolutionary forces until a huge force was established which had no problem overwhelming powerful standing armies. Ho Chi Minh utilised the same tactics in Vietnam to win against the French colonialists and later the American superpower – so you easily SEE that it is a sure-fire successful method, as it always has been -- invisible by day but deadly at night, in the metaphorical and literal sense, so goodbye to the most powerful military on earth against dedicated, peasant freedom fighters led by tactical geniuses, UNIFIED in aim and purpose.

And so history teaches us all what is possible TODAY regardless of elite surveillance technologies and existing oppressive social structures such as the now thoroughly and corrupt and grossly INCOMPETENT Pentagon, CIA, police, which specialise in shooting unarmed innocent civilians, and other State agencies.

Now consider, with all the advantages these digital surveillance state structures and so called Intel agencies have at their disposal, how completely ineffective and useless they are against mass murdering shooters who perpetrate crimes against innocent people, and I have always wondered why these crimes never target ruling elites, which are as vulnerable as tin ducks in a shooting gallery, their NAMES are regularly published in the Forbes top 400 richest, criminal social parasites including the names (hence easily obtained addresses) of Wall Street's leading bankers and CEOs. In fact it is so easy to overwhelm unrepresentative ruling elites today one can only wonder why it hasn't already occurred; Trump, Bolton, Pompeo and Wall Street bankers are actually sitting ducks, notwithstanding that politicians are only errand boys and puppets. Yet no viable easily undertaken action has yet occurred against these psychopathic criminals and their servants to date.

However, times are rapidly changing as it has become painfully evident to the public that current leaders have failed the people WORLD WIDE, as they CLEARLY only serve elite profit seeking interests/criminal enterprises, which are today easily proven factual realities if we trace the reason and who is behind all the wars of the 21st century.

So what has prevented potential social revolutionaries and those fighting for social justice and the environment from taking decisive action? Well, hopefully we have demonstrated how easily digital technologies are circumvented and confused, so what is the major inhibitive factor? And you will laugh once it is revealed.

It quite simply is PSYCHOLOGICAL FEAR instilled by the elite owned and CFR managed, mass media. Have you not noticed how every time governments legislate new draconian anti-privacy laws and extend their intrusive powers over our lives, we are intentionally led to believe, by a parallel, lying media discourse, that we live in a Big Brother society where our every move is monitored, though that message, not explicitly declared in the primary media discourse, is very dominant in the secondary discourse or subtext and it has profound effects. However, the reality is that digital technologies though intrusive to the extreme, are INEFFECTIVE at crime prevention, which nutter mass shooters prove every time they go on their killing sprees, so subsequently, we the people, are not kept safe, we are instead psychologically intimidated with feeble fear tactics which are easily DEFEATED by awareness and real world events, social REALITY in other words dictates we are not kept safe by these technologies though we are easily psychologically shaped by algorithms to increase, via sales, the profits of corporations. Which reality ENABLES insulated social justice groups and others fighting the corrupt State to take preemptive, devastating action undetected!

Quite simply we, the few, maintain full control of our lives if we are aware of REALITY, not duped by the effects of a LYING propaganda machine referred to as the mass media, as the elite owned mass media is nothing more than a tool of oppression and social management utilised by a quivering and frightened ruling elite that are acutely aware that people today are now more socially aware than they ever have been in the past. So I am easily able to predict outcomes which all result in the demise of current ruling elites WORLD WIDE – real FREEDOM is a state of mind which translates into purpose, identity and social/personal ACTION by consequence.

The profoundly unjust mass murdering, resource thieving for PROFIT, current status quo is therefore relatively simple to overturn and eliminate, as biometric surveillance methods are easily confused, the methods currently available to elites have PROVEN inadequate to prevent criminal mass shootings so clearly ineffective against organised aware groups and opposition, and if elites imagine the solution is to implement more draconian measures to oppress societies, they would reveal themselves as despotic paranoid rulers cowering in fear for their lives and their ill-gotten wealth – that is the REALITY prevailing today. Today's enslaving chains are comprised of nothing more than psychological gossamer created by BULLSHIT and propaganda in order to intimidate. Easily verify it for yourself.

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