Inverse Times Open Publishing

“Power Issues from the Barrel of a Gun”
by jack Tuesday, Aug 13 2019, 8:43pm
international / prose / post

The title paraphrases a quote from Mao Zedong which has become an historical distraction as that rule/fact has been practised by ALL the European colonial powers prior to the birth of Mao since the fifteenth century, which colonial naval powers invaded other lands, mass murdered and enslaved indigenous populations in the interests of what is known today as the commercial/corporate/banking sectors.

Today that rule applies more than ever. Which nation today leads the world in imposing, by military force, its will on weaker nations? Answer, AMERICA! Which nation follows a 'perpetual war' doctrine to serve corporate/banker interests today? AMERICA! Of course we could go on and cite many more examples of gun-barrel politics so any attempt to attribute this axiom to Mao is clearly erroneous. It is clearly the way of the WEST and has been for centuries, Mao only adopted this method during his revolutionary war in China.

Today so called 'Maoists' in the subcontinent of India have also adopted this method as it has undeniably proven to be effective, isn't that right America?

So by obvious deduction, talk and the current social-political process which is a sham, proves and achieves very little if anything, which reality Afghanis, Naxalites, Syrians, Iraqis and other fighting groups/societies know so well, they have learned that those that kill innocents MUST be killed. And which nation leads the WORLD today in killing innocent civilians? AMERICA!

Oppressed people in invaded nations know they must fight to the death if necessary to save their cultures, nations and identities against foreign invaders that utilise the barrel of a gun to oppress, ENSLAVE and EXPLOIT.

However, certain captured cultures have not yet adopted this effective strategy against minority ruling elites that use their military, police -- aided with high tech surveillance and other oppressive weaponry – to enslave their own people. And which nation leads in this respect? AMERICA again.

And so it becomes INEVITABLE that when the American people finally realise they are captured by media lies, propaganda and surveillance technologies, and so enslaved by avaricious, parasitic minority elites (plutocrats and oligarchs) they WILL retaliate and learn that the ONLY effective solution issues from the barrel of a gun, as history has PROVEN time and time again.

Inverse Times Open Publishing.