Inverse Times Open Publishing

by rayn Saturday, Aug 10 2019, 9:55pm
international / poetry / post

during a summer shower
the universe revealed itself

under the scented pines one raindrop
precariously dangling from a pine-needle
caught the rays of the sun and exploded
in colour and reach
revealing as i watched all there was to see

in the tiniest manifestation all existence opened
as all things contain the inherent pattern and harmony
of existence regardless of measure

a huge heavy prison door flung open in my mind to reveal
the continuous process of creation which words fail to describe

lost in the experience my (false) identity evaporated replaced
by ineffable joy, peace and bliss, such a wonder,
yet i realised that it was always me,
the entirety of infinite existence was me
though i no longer existed as something lost and separate
from the whole

and so today i watch the clouds watching me
in their wonder,
rivers and streams transport me in their flow
my finger tips outstretched merge with the air yet
i am never lost in this overwhelming, scintillating ocean
as wherever it takes me
i am home

Inverse Times Open Publishing.