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The Exaltation Option in a Lost World of Alienation and Meaninglessness
by lex Friday, Aug 9 2019, 7:51am
international / prose / post

Fairly hefty title no doubt, but be assured before I begin the import is as light as a feather as we are all born to it.

Humans are a social species and so averse to alienation from Self and group and yet that is the condition in which most of the world's population exists, I use the term exists as living is quite another story.

The very first human groups were small but survived in extremely harsh environments to overwhelm the world as a species, initially humans survived due to mutual aid and support combined with an advanced mental facility, nonetheless no-one survives alone for long; so whether this group survival success arose from need/necessity/social factors or from an inbuilt instinctual herd factor I do not know or question as it is the social aspect of humanity which is the key to human social survival and general well being.

But what happens when cultures alienate people for all manner of reasons political, commercial or simply exploitative. All leaders require the support of the group/masses as recorded throughout history. And so this support becomes an imperative to any social/cultural success and we are easily able to verify by simply looking at ancient ruins of the first large organised societies, from ancient Egypt to Rome through to today.

This type of early organisation was done via belief and/or oppression, both in most instances, which is the cement that binds very large, otherwise unmanageable groups/societies together. The Egyptians accomplished this via theological means, Pharaohs were viewed as divine rulers and to disobey a Pharaoh was to disobey a God, notwithstanding ancient Egypt also had a powerful military to both ensure local and external compliance of conquered groups, though few Egyptians questioned this rule, however, slaves imported from conquered lands to act as a labour force had very good reason to not support the prevailing Egyptian ideology. The Jews are a good example, though they had a similar theological view that of an unquestionable divine authority that promised to protect believers, a croc of shit in actuality, as history confirms. The fact that these religious ideologies were social constructs by ruling elites didn't pose a problem or was questioned at the time, the arguments at the time were simply my God is better than yours. None questioned the obvious shackles of any faith-based elite bullshit, but we do today, more on that later.

However, all created (by men) ideologies/belief systems have a use-by date and it has taken three millennia for that religious process to utterly fail TODAY, as most of the population lives in utter hope-less despair as there is nothing worth living for, it seems. So we must ask why that is the case? The answer is simple, all belief systems today have failed to satisfy human nature as we are no longer ignorant slaves, today we are educated slaves; furthermore, elites participate in and exacerbate the alienation process and this (digital) alienation not only applies to the group, it has become internalised, people are alienated from themselves today, a new trend in history, they have lost all meaningful, satisfying/fulfilling direction. I need not argue the case for the hollow lives most people lead in “quiet desperation” today, as the social reality is proof enough. However, when a true sense of purpose is lost every human is lost with it, mass murder, senseless domestic shootings, wars are simply an example of the crisis of losing purpose, worth, and 'intrinsic value' as a respected and constructive member of a sane society.

To put it simply modern societies have become and are socially bankrupt they are no longer able to fulfil the innate requirements of the masses as a cooperative, successful social species; the social fabric is today torn beyond repair as the most important cement or adhesive element, belief, has failed us, which also explains the explosion in oppressive methods of policing and military expansion. And this horrid situation is exploited by the usual offenders, minority ruling elites that consider the masses as they have always been considered, an expendable, exploited herd that labours for elites. Would you care to challenge the obvious status quo?

The majorities of today are on basic survival incomes while elites possess almost all the available wealth, is this an expression of respect when it is clearly mass slave labour that has created the wealth? This disparity is clearly untenable for elites which now resort to high tech monitoring and surveillance in order to identify possible threats from within, and never kid yourselves, such means do not keep us safe, as they do not prevent crime, they keep elites safe as they are able to identify, before it occurs, challenges to their rule. So any politician today or other puppet representative of elite rule that claims that your lost liberties and freedoms are to keep you safe, is an utter fraud and LIAR, the police and military primarily serve avaricious, parasitic, minority elites.

Now, periods over the past few hundred years indicate that people were also aware of the above reality so history is replete with cultures and societies routinely dispatching their utterly corrupt, exploitative and parasitic ruling elites, so why do we not live in an equitable social paradise today? The answer relates to the title of this piece, they missed the essential point of how to attain a harmonious, equitable social and PERSONAL harmony, and note it is anything but natural for vast majorities to be ruled and exploited by a handful of psychopathic elites even though that has been, but is today, a failed formula.

So what is the key to a harmonious fulfilling existence.? We have learned that religion and politics, regardless of nature/'ism' have failed us today, so where to turn? Well, where else to turn when everything external has failed miserably to the point where nihilism and entropy become the obvious conclusion? Indeed, what I am saying is that regardless of where you live in the world today the major powers that affect us all are about to destroy the once supportive environment in which every animal, plant, insect and unicellular organism lives. That is not speculation as all one need do to verify is analyse the rapid, unbridled, due to profit seeking, progress of catastrophic climate change and mass extinctions and the push of all nations to war not only against other nations but also against local populations for example Trump's internal divide and rule politics.

No-one is keeping you/us safe, they are keeping you in their cross-hairs and the sooner we all become aware of that obvious reality the sooner we would be able to unify and survive successfully by not only eliminating pathological parasitic ruling elites once and for all, but by also taking the next step to ensure sustainability and tenability for all, a new progressive evolutionary psychological leap we are forced today to take, either that or we are certain to die, as it is plain that today no-one gives a shit for anything other than themselves, societies are more internally divided today than in any previous period in history, yet the irony is that the key to future happiness and sustainable survival is as it was in the earliest period of human evolution, and I am not referring to romantic traditions of living in animal skins and nomadic food gathering, I am referring to taking the next evolutionary step FORWARD not taking any steps backward.

We should have learned from the past that mutual aid and UNIFIED mutual RESPECT and support are indeed the key to human social success.

So are you now aware of where the solution is found/located? Well it's not in your iPhone or TV, it is found deep within you, in YOU, not a false man-made God or new gadget, drug, belief system or anything else external; we are born and have been given what I refer to as the EXALTATION option, which is not some fanciful notion as it is easily applied, it is a proven means to internal re-connection and external harmony in every field of human endeavour, as indeed, once you have perfected yourself you would know that we are all indeed ONE and part of a harmonious universal existence from which springs inexhaustible supplies of inspiration that is able to deal with most of the destruction wrought upon the world by sick psychopathic ruling elites.

And that exaltation is relatively easy to achieve by each one of us individually before we are able to co-exist in peace and harmony with each other, that is Self-liberation/freedom is prerequisite to social freedom liberation as then all inculcated forms of psychological slavery, which breed discontent and violence, have been removed.

What I am specifically saying here is a complete psychological transformation/revolution occurs once you have overcome the TOXIC learned social obstacles that have destroyed our internal and external lives. And if you take on this task, division and alienation become historical words of the past and would probably be forgotten by future generations. And allow me to stress this is not some dream Utopian project or mystery as it is our birthright, we are all, without exception, able to achieve this clarity and harmony once we have re-connected to our REAL Self.

Furthermore, it is not new, as history records the (neglected today) means we are all able to pursue in various cultures and it is not related to any new age crap, created God or any other socially enslaving bullshit. And if I spell it out for you here, you won't believe it, so I would rather refer you to two pieces that amply describe in both the scientific and inspirational sense THAT to which I refer:

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