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The Constant REAL War of Today – The War You Don't See
by jude Saturday, Jul 20 2019, 10:09pm
international / prose / post

The mass media is awash with distractions from the real war of our time. You would never see this war covered in any media as the media is one of the weapons used to wage this war, the other is debt peonage. Some have called it the Battle for the Mind, others an Information War, but regardless of what you call it, its devastating effects are UNMISTAKABLE, it's clearly a war against the PEOPLE.

Consider how many hard won Rights and Liberties have been lost to citizens in the western world, particularly in America, where its citizens today can barely breathe, metaphorically speaking. We know who the target is in this war, WE ARE, but who is the aggressor/oppressor? Who established the new 'politically correct' social behaviour mechanisms, which amount to thought policing? Who stole OUR precious Rights and Liberties our fathers fought and died to preserve? Who censors the free flow of information? Who has engineered debt slavery today, as not too long ago we had the choice to spend or save our disposable incomes? Who has forced us to go into debt just to survive, as prices have gone through the roof but wages have remained stagnant, no accident? Who has destroyed the standard of living once enjoyed by out parents in the 20th century? Indeed, WHO, as we know them well but do not act against them while they exploit, murder, steal, oppress and act above the law?

Think, we know who they are, corporate and banker elites that have designed and implemented debt peonage, the plutocrat owned concentrated mass media that sings its lies in chorus, bought and owned politicians and governments that LIE and deceive and never represent the majority. These forces complete the circuit of complete SLAVERY, we have been shackled more effectively today than the slaves of ancient Rome and Egypt, as those slaves could at least think freely unlike today where digital algorithms/media shape our choices/preferences/thoughts in order to gain evermore profits, while actually creating new neural networks in children's brains to the effect that slavery is then viewed as freedom.

Many social commentators of the past and present have warned us that our very nature is threatened but they never formed a united front like the aggressors/oppresses, which combined forces form a cooperative, nefarious milieu of evil, they form a cooperative single force against us ALL, and yet we fail to act to restore our inalienable rights and lost freedoms because we have been affected, though not permanently, by their mind weapons not to see them clearly as the evil, mass murdering demons they are. However, everything social/cultural leaves a trail, nothing cultural falls out of the sky, as processes are followed which any AWARE person is able to identify, trace and research.

It is no accident that we are thought policed (Political Corectness) and behaviour constrained (surveillance/police state) today, where our every move is captured, monitored and assessed by new, unregulated digital technologies.

Now, without further elaboration on the causes and methods employed by these nefarious enslaving forces, as we know them and the point has been made, it would serve OUR interests better if we focus on regaining our lost freedoms and holding these KNOWN nefarious forces to account for their many war crimes and crimes against humanity, and be assured their day has come as this article and many others highlight.

The first stage is knowing and then targeting the enemy of freedom loving people everywhere, millions of innocents have been callously slaughtered by these heinous forces which are invisible; but be advised WE know them and have their measure as they are powerless against us, an AWARE public!

If these evil forces are exposed and attacked they would simply murder those that exposed their crimes if they could, notwithstanding it's their preferred choice of action. However, in instances where high profile journalists and whistle-blowers are involved they cannot murder, they then character assassinate, culturally and socially with every weapon at their disposal, as in the cases of Chelsea Manning, whitleblower, and Julian Assange, publisher of TRUTH, and note Wikileaks has been accused of everything nasty imaginable and viciously defamed but it has NEVER been accused of publishing LIES, which is the fodder of the privately owned mass media, which has marshalled all its forces against Assange and Manning, I wonder why? Mass media LIES and deceptions – now exposed – are no match for TRUTH!

Do not think for a second that the plight of these two REAL heroes and others brave enough to fight these evil powers are not Y/OUR concern, as nothing could be further from the truth, it is OUR freedoms that are at stake including our obligation to hold all criminal, puppet governments and those that own and control them, to account for their numerous crimes against ALL HUMANITY, and I do not exaggerate.

It is simple to support these two victimised social heroes of OUTSTANDING integrity regarding TRUTH and MORAL values regardless of you may think of their personality faults, as faults we all possess, however, their heroic INTEGRITY and courage cannot be denied and for that we thank and support them by popular demand for justice and exercising our democratic rights to have JUSTICE served INSTEAD of the usual, disguised by mass media lies and shaped information, appalling State crimes.

Need I continue except to warn if we do nothing to protect these two and others involved in holding criminal States to account, we will assuredly lose everything for ourselves and our children to which we owe a responsibility and our protection?

Are WE born to slavery or FREEDOM? Y/our ACTIONS would determine the answer.

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