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More to the Oz Folau Debate than meets the superficial Eye
by jake Friday, Jul 12 2019, 2:07am
international / prose / post

Religion is a belief system which ideologies/beliefs avoid the rigours of reason, the rational and common sense, religion's implausible and impossible claims which cannot and never will be substantiated should not be allowed to interfere with reason and the rational for obvious reasons, particularly myth, fiction and fantasy applied to REAL situations in the REAL world, as quite clearly, it would lead society back to the superstitious dark ages.


So all religions must be viewed as irrational, unsubstantiated belief systems; however, Oz conservative politicians are considering a bill that would allow “Religious Freedom” of the kind that would permit religious tenets to overrule secular LAW, in other words it would place it (religion) above the law by incorporating religious freedom into law, a very neat trick if the conservative Oz PM is able to getaway with it.

Now let's take a look where it leads as the USA leads the world in religious fanaticism, believe it or not. I now offer as proof how easily a fantasy based belief system is able to be politically exploited.

Rabid US war hawks Pompeo, Bolton and Pence of Trump's inner circle, have been unsuccessfully attempting to ignite a war with Iran based on transparent, proven LIES. And so faced with failure to foment this unnecessary and illegal war they are now appealing to the religious set for backup and political push, as the religious lobby in America has already born strong, if not rancid fruit, and what a bitter, nasty fruit it is due to the fact it is clearly divorced from Christian precepts and tenets taught by Jewish reformer Jesus Christ and his apostles, to the entire world.

LOVE, NOT war is the ESSENTIAL element of Christianity, Jesus reduced all the commandments to two essentials, LOVE God with every fibre of your being and LOVE your neighbour (fellow humans) as yourself. LOVE is the essence of Christianity and there's no sane denying it.

However, US 'Christians' seem to prefer the genocidal God Jehovah over the teachings of reformer Jesus Christ, so easily are these FAKE 'Zionist Christians' co-opted by the war lobby in the USA. Now verify for yourselves that Jehovah has an abysmal track record as a mass murdering homicidal, psychopathic entity that rages and suffers fits of sorrow, depression, remorse and regret, how easily is this clearly troubled God co-opted by a perpetual warring, troubled society? Moreover, how easily are American 'Zionist Christians' – which is a contradiction in terms – led to war by duplicitous, self-confessed LYING politicians? Answer: too easily!

This obviously dangerous perversity is only one result of placing belief above the law and government by implication. Incorporating 'Religious Freedom' into the Law would create 'exceptional' circumstances which of course are able to be exploited by politicians, which ruling group, including the wealthy, Jesus detested. Notwithstanding the fact that American Christians are clearly FAKE Christians as they are devoid of the essential elements of LOVE and FORGIVENESS, you simply do not attain the status of world's leading civilian killing nation if Christian precepts shape the nation/culture, how do you wage war on someone you truly LOVE, you cannot, that simple. And if America is offended then if it was truly Christian it would FORGIVE not fight and kill millions of INNOCENT people – could you imagine what Jesus would have to say on this matter, indeed? Jesus forgave and died for ALL, no exceptions. I could now boldly assert, show me an American Christian and I'll show you a reprehensible HYPOCRITE.

Nevertheless, we should NEVER forget that America was founded and initially settled by religious fanatics (Mayflower etc) which were kicked out of Europe because of their EXTREMIST views; the Salem witch trials offer evidence that their beliefs were not Christian, but more Old Testament where punishment and slaughter were legitimised by an outdated God in need of reform, thank you Jesus.

Therefore the cultural imprint for subservience to (religious) authority already exists and is easy for ANY authoritarian ideology to harness and exploit, subservience to all forms of authority is intrinsic to American culture BUT Australia is another entirely different story/culture, as it was a penal colony first, which event gave ALL Australians to this day a healthy DISRESPECT for authority, which cultural characteristic is in stark contrast to the authoritarian USA. Put in an Australian cultural context the 'religious freedom' bill, which would allow the imposition of impossible beliefs and irrational fantasy on Australian culture is clearly regressive as no nation or person is able to survive and compete in the real world if they subscribe to the IRRATIONAL. Therefore we wish the current puppet to Washington PM Scott Morrison the best of luck; this new bill stands little chance of acceptance by the greater population, however, politicians are able to disregard entire populations, much to their great cost of course, and directly IMPOSE whatever they wish by legislation.

All Aussies beware; no Australian to my knowledge wishes to follow the authoritarian path of the mindless, fearful and thoroughly oppressed population of the USA. Religion has always been a tool of minority ruling elites – historical fact – which elites serve their own interests and could care less for the people which they consider to be expendable, exploited slaves, or would you care to challenge these historical facts with an implausible fantasy belief? We should note that self-declared Christians (hypocrites) do not follow Christian precepts and tenets themselves, so much for the integrity of all religionists.


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