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The New Nazi State -- America
by peter Wednesday, Jun 20 2018, 6:43am
international / prose / post

The would-be Fuehrer of America, Donald Trump, true to form, has now openly embraced and deployed racist Nazi tactics on desperate immigrants attempting to cross the border into the United States. Trump’s shocking and inhuman practice of separating children from their parents and families is nothing more than a calculated tactic to hopefully stem the tide of immigrants seeking refuge, notwithstanding that corporate Trump supporters stand to make $millions from detention centres to house and concentrate the new ‘Jews, ’ that is, brown skinned Mexicans and Latinos.


Fearing international repercussions from this blatantly Nazi behaviour the USA has withdrawn from the UN Human Rights Council and so we should expect that Trump, his administration and to a lesser extent, his supporters, should be socially branded as racists and fascists, locally and internationally, as this latest inhumane act is beyond civilised comprehension but that is the nature of fascism/Nazism.

Trump and his fascist administration imagine that this ‘solution’ would work, but history informs us that Mussolini and Hitler failed to contain the ‘problem’ via these means, instead it transformed into the "final solution." The only result of these tactics is grief, trauma, despair and hatred for everyone and everything American, a justified response.

We are aware that it took two decades for the German people to wake to Hitler’s destructive fascist nationalism and myths of biological and military superiority; however, history records in detail how both the Italian and German fascists met their gruesome end at the hands of the people. We need not labour the point that such tactics weaken nations not strengthen them.

However, today another crucial problem must be factored into the equation and that is runaway climate change. Trump and other nations haven’t seen anything yet. Due to food shortages, resulting from climate chaos and the expected military/police oppression, millions of people are projected to move across ALL borders in search of safety or at least basic survival.

When life becomes intolerable in one location for any number of reasons then basic animal and human instincts take over, if I stay I die, so I have no choice but to take a chance and move on, would be the reason for the millions illegally pouring over every known border on earth.

The reaction would of course initially be armed defence, then shooting innocents attempting to cross borders in cold blood, and as in Nazi Germany American forces would be trained to de-humanise their targets and shoot in order to ‘preserve their nation,’ a good fascist ideological mix. Two of many problems would arise, there wouldn't be enough bullets to cope with the senseless slaughter, notwithstanding the outrage from other civilised nations over these atrocious acts.

Once a line has been crossed there is no turning back for mass murderers and Nazis, they all self-destruct as there are no other options available for the perpetrators; running would see them tracked down and slaughtered -- the planet is too small a place today to remain undetected. And so it ends as it started with heartless justification.

Surely one would think that we have learned from history about Nazism, but clearly not, as Israel leads even America in its genocidal treatment of Palestinians and its attempts to concentrate and surround Palestinian populations. So if the world is comfortable and allows Israel’s outrageous crimes against humanity then it would soon adjust to the new fascism of America, but as stated it all comes to ruin very quickly indeed.

The would-be dictator of America, Donald Trump, who seemed envious of Kim Jong Un’s concentrated power, is headed for doom, first slowly then rapidly as it gets out of control. The man is already detested and some ask today, why he hasn't been shot already?

So get ready people, cos you ain’t seen nothing yet! Border security is a dream today. But there is a real solution, mutual aid and cooperation. Think about it.

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