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Political Correctness Clashes with Conservative Religious Belief
by Tom Westbrook via jane - Reuters Wednesday, Jul 10 2019, 11:27pm
international / prose / post

Australia's Morrison calls for more prayer and religious freedom

As a textual analyst this story is a treat. It was triggered by a religious national rugby player, Israel Folau, stating on instagram that all homosexuals, drunks, adulterers/fornicators and other 'deviants' would all go to hell, which claims under one category or the other, include the entire earth's population of humans, as everyone has fornicated and those that haven't are masturbators, as American Christian Evangelicals are noted to be the largest group that views and downloads porn. But it gets better, as Folau was sacked by some Rugby authority for his politically incorrect outburst, notwithstanding that religious belief is a personal matter. So the REAL story is in the secondary layer discourse not the primary as presented by the media, in which political opportunists now revel, as will be explained below.

Disingenuous PM, Scott Morrison
Disingenuous PM, Scott Morrison

Israel Folau immediately took action for "unfair dismissal" against national rugby officialdom that sacked him over what is today post-modern political correctness, which amounts to fleas, minority, unrepresentative groups, wagging the majority, dog.

This clash was inevitable one way or another and we thank Folau for his myopic beliefs and for triggering a national debate regarding political correct minorities exercising power over majorities. Personally I loath both religion and political correctness so at the start do not imagine I am partial in my treatment of these two ridiculous groups as they both are based on imposed ideological systems of belief.

For instance, today's totally lost youth are now entitled to select their gender, forget reality and obvious genitalia, younger associates of mine have been faced with girls demanding to be called Andrew, Tom 'Dick' or Harry and younger males are demanding to be addressed as Chelsea, Daisy, Shirley etc; it's all about personal political power and the lack thereof in society; however, if the formerly powerless are able to impose such idiocies on society under legal protection, clearly they will, as power is intoxicating, particularly for those at the bottom of the pyramid of power, average people.

So today, with the many new laws regarding discrimination, minority rights etc, ironically legislated by politicians, so-called majority representatives (laugh), who had not realised the new laws they had legislated were two-edged swords until now -- though these laws remain in place, which Folau and others have utilised to turn prevailing culture on its head, much to the great financial cost to majority society, we always pay for political blunders, as usual. Now think of the outright HYPOCRISY inherent in these laws; racist Oz politicians want everyone to assimilate to be part of our fast disappearing, due to PC, culture, which no longer exists as minority Political Correct laws have destroyed it -- LOL.

I would now add that when I was young no PC laws existed hence as a European, fair skinned (White Australia policy existed then) immigrant, one of millions, I was teased and called every denigrating name Anglo-Aussie parents taught their children under the sun simply because my family had immigrated to a then 95% Anglo, blue-eyed culture -- the abuse was shared in those days by public school teachers, who joined in on the abuse though more toned down. I have to say that 'we' immigrants learned in kindergarten that , "sticks and stones would break our bones but WORDS would never hurt us!" And so coming through it all, only made us stronger and determined to succeed. All my cousins also have a tertiary education and the one that doesn't represented Australia in sport.

And so the vast majority of European immigrants are now, with the recent influx of Asians, THE clear majority, as we have out-competed academically and due to our business acumen accumulated more funds which provided for larger families, than average Aussies that are hardly able to support their one or two children, though elite wealthy Anglos were never impacted due to their old money inherited wealth and the old ELITE school tie, etc. So what culture and national identity are we talking about, conservative pollies, as YOU helped destroy traditional Australian values/culture with you PC laws? Now note the hypocrisy again when our pollies implement the harshest policies against refugees in the civilised world. The obvious deduction is clear, blatant, conservative RACIST policies as in the USA; I am witness to a traditional Australian culture which I love to this day because there WAS real mateship though that culture no longer exists in the real world, today we have in Australia a divided, alienated group of minorities; nonetheless, political HYPOCRISY clearly remains alive and well, as does political opportunism and duplicity, Mr Morrison and others.

So Israel Folau, of Polynesian descent, decided to 'crowdfund' his case against Australian Rugby, and what a shock everyone received by the result -- it should first be noted that Folau was a millionaire prior to his sacking, and easily able to defend his own case financially, but there is no law relating to crowdfunding except possibly fraud, and Folau runs that risk morally if not legally.

However, when the results of the huge financial, $multi-millions and political support Folau received, principally from religious groups, became known, then in jumped our opportunistic politicians that always look for an easy ride and cash in.

Current PM Scott Morrison has been a career politician for decades, yet few were aware he was a religious zealot as he now claims, I wonder why? Perhaps Morrison thought his Pentecostal, 'speaking drivel in tongues' would be a hindrance to his political career, who knows? But when Folau's crowdfund support reaped him $millions almost overnight, religion then became a benefit to aspiring and existing politicians NOT a hindrance as it once was to political life, so out of the closet comes our current, integrity-devoid, PM Scott Morrison, and I'm not speaking in tongues, Scomo, you transparent, disingenuous fake.

Mainstream, simplistic gloss-over but supporting the fake aspect, from Reuters follows:

Australia needs more prayer, Prime Minister Scott Morrison, a devout Christian, has said, vowing that his administration would do whatever needed to be done by way of legislation to protect religious expression, now at the centre of a national debate.

Australia has no bill of rights or explicit protections for religious freedoms, but Morrison's conservative government is considering such measures in the wake of a high-profile rugby player's sacking over religious posts on social media.

"We'll do what we must do from a legislative point of view and the law," Morrison, who described his election victory in May as a miracle, told an annual conference of the Hillsong Church in a stadium in Sydney.

He prayed and said religious freedom needed to be "nourished and protected" in remarks late on Tuesday to Australia's biggest evangelical gathering.

"There's a lot of talk about our freedoms as Christians in this country and they should be protected," he said.

"Australia is a free country. There's nothing more fundamental than the freedom of belief, whatever that belief might be, whether you have one or you don't."

In May, footballer Israel Folau was dismissed by Rugby Australia after he posted on Instagram that hell awaited "drunks, homosexuals, adulterers" and other groups.

The ensuing scandal and calls from religious leaders for a legislative response have imparted further significance to Morrison's outward displays of faith, which are unusual for an Australian political leader.

More than half of Australians call themselves Christians, census data shows. Last year, Morrison had said his government would write a Religious Discrimination Act, but political momentum for it had ebbed until Folau's sacking.

Morrison, a Pentecostal Christian, invited cameras to film him praying at his local church during the campaign, but did not announce his appearance at Hillsong, where participants greeted him with cheers in footage posted to YouTube on Wednesday.

"I speak about my faith ... because I want everyone in this place to feel comfortable about talking about their faith," he said to applause.

The nation needed more prayer, he told the audience earlier, and sought divine aid to end a withering drought.

"Lord, we just pray for rain: That your rain will fall on this nation," Morrison intoned. "Lord, that you will restore those communities, and that you will see a prosperity in this nation from the rain."
[As transparent as wet tissue. Also note that the founder of 'Hillsong' was a second hand car salesman who extols the virtues of financial wealth (naturally) though CLEARLY Jesus detested wealth and the wealthy, corrupt political elites of his time -- a perfect venue for Morrison.]

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