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FREEDOM at Issue
by nano Saturday, Jul 6 2019, 10:39pm
international / prose / post

The most popular word that western politicians blurt like oral farts is, freedom, yet it is never defined in a practical sense due to the FACT that freedom does not exist in western democracies or any other political system.

In politics we are offered a choice between a vomit or a turd, one of two major parties, which today fail to represent the majority. Is that freedom as defined by democracy, which is rule by the MAJORITY of people for the people, NOT rule by corporate/banker owned politicians serving minority wealthy elites? So democracy is the issue as very little freedom is offered in 'democratic' nations today. If you fail to apprehend the reality in which you live, i.e. a pan-surveillance, information censored, police State, then you are beyond hope/help.

Now to the word freedom itself. Freedom is reliant on its binary opposite, captured, enslaved, subject etc. for its meaning, in other words we should ask Freedom from what (!?) as there are many enslaving laws that prevent free expression in the West, particularly in today's post-modern world of “political correctness” and self-censorship of how we express ourselves. That condition again is not freedom or democracy, it is subjection to MINORITY interests, in this instance, fags, dykes, transgender, etc, as western societies, due to lobbying by minority interests, have managed to overturn/INVERT democracy, always think of the word MAJORITY whenever democracy is mentioned. So today we are subject to evermore constraining conventions, laws and imposed behaviours implemented by those that represent MINORITY interests. To verify that reality simply use the words, fag, dyke, queer etc in your work place and you will be either cautioned or sacked, you see?

Now to the police state where police shoot unarmed civilians first and answer questions later and if compromised are given a slap on the wrist, as police/military are there to serve MINORITY ruling interests NOT the people, plain to see. What type of freedom or democracy is that, what type of society do we REALLY live in today where our every move and spoken word is monitored?

Indeed, anyone that tries to tell you that you are free is either deluded or a self-interested LIAR (all politicians) as FREE is the last thing we are today. Compare the amazing relative freedoms and liberties enjoyed by your parents in the later half of the 20th century and get a wake-up shock.

So we are clearly subject/enslaved today to a degree thought unimaginable by our parents which at least enjoyed vastly more social liberties and real freedoms than are available to the masses of today.

Now to the process of enslavement, as it wasn't mere chance or an accident that we have lost almost all our liberties – think of the American Constitution and Bill of Rights, which if implemented would legally allow the MAJORITY to reassert rule by the people for the people, not rule by minorities for minorities, or by fleas on a dog's tail wagging the dog.

Are you waiting for me to explain, as the explanation is the key to real freedom and how we lost it?

Well, if I inform you then you would simply read, forget and remain enslaved. So think about the above and how we incrementally lost democracy and our precious rights and liberties, which our ancestors fought and died to protect and then take a good look in the mirror for the culprit – yes, we the MAJORITY, the strongest social force that exists, are responsible for allowing vested interests to enslave us! How? Simply by allowing bought, corrupt, UNREPRESENTATIVE politicians to implement oppressive laws which paved the way for other minorities to exploit our progressive enslavement/apathy/weaknesses.

Due to the fact that we have been handed/GIFTED our freedoms by our forebears, we lost sense of their value and how people fought over the centuries to gain their freedom from oppressive, minority ruling elites. However, human nature being what it is, corrupt elites have once again robbed the masses of their RIGHTS and have effectively shackled us with the most draconian technological chains imaginable.

These technologies now censor (Google) in real time what we publish for others to see, while monitoring all our digital communications and via the same apparatuses predict and then shape/exploit our behaviours for their profit, which amounts to Huxley's and Orwell's Brave New World and 1984 combined, or watch the first Matrix movie which alludes to same.

We live today in a soft totalitarian society which is becoming 'harder' by the minute. I dread to think what the future has in store IF WE FAIL, as an IRRESISTIBLE MAJORITY to remedy the situation and restore our DEMOCRACIES to rule by the MAJORITY before it's too late. Because if we fail to act and save ourselves then who or what would do it for us, no-one, of that reality be sure? The MAJORITY has always determined its own future, either by submitting or preserving/fighting for its rights.

So we are both the solution and the problem; however, the final outcome depends on our being the SOLUTION. So I offer you your freedom and democratic MAJORITY rule once again, but like your fathers before you, you NOW must fight the same oppressive forces and overcome them for good. Now note how the elite owned mass media always attempts to divide us to prevent that occurring. Need I continue, as the solution is entirely feasible and possible as history has taught us time and again – either choose between shit-eating total slavery or REAL freedom from all the corporations vested interests and bought, thoroughly corrupt governments that oppress and exploit the masses today.

And NEVER ever forget, WE, the global population, are ONE! “LOVE your neighbour as yourself, brothers and sisters.” Taught by ALL the major religions of the WORLD and those that oppose this tenet are clearly y/our enemy.

We are ONE.

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