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Unmasking Criminal Ruling Elites and Their Propaganda Apparatus
by Prof. Nils Melzer via james - Medium Tuesday, Jul 2 2019, 9:35pm
international / prose / post

The following extract, follow link below for entire article, highlights one of the fundamental tricks that modern propaganda utilises to deceive the masses -- put simply it is shifting focus away from the important issue, in this case the war and other crimes against humanity perpetrated by elites and their political puppets in the west onto a distraction, in this case an editor in chief of an independent publishing house, Wikileaks, notwithstanding that the editor in chief, 'it's all about me,' stupid Julian Assange made the task very easy indeed but that is not the point.

“In the end it finally dawned on me that I had been blinded by propaganda, and that Assange had been systematically slandered to divert attention from the crimes he exposed. Once he had been dehumanised through isolation, ridicule and shame, just like the witches we used to burn at the stake, it was easy to deprive him of his most fundamental rights without provoking public outrage worldwide. And thus, a legal precedent is being set, through the backdoor of our own complacency, which in the future can and will be applied just as well to disclosures by The Guardian, the New York Times and ABC News.

Even so, you may say, why spend so much breath on Assange, when countless others are tortured worldwide? Because this is not only about protecting Assange, but about preventing a precedent likely to seal the fate of Western democracy. For once telling the truth has become a crime, while the powerful enjoy impunity, it will be too late to correct the course. We will have surrendered our voice to censorship and our fate to unrestrained tyranny.

This Op-Ed has been offered for publication to the Guardian, The Times, the Financial Times, the Sydney Morning Herald, the Australian, the Canberra Times, the Telegraph, the New York Times, the Washington Post, Thomson Reuters Foundation, and Newsweek.

None responded positively.”

First consider the reality that the mass media is PRIVATELY owned by unrepresentative minority entities that do not have the people's interests at heart, THEY SERVE THEIR OWN INTERESTS, as is easily determined by all the outright LIES the mass media disseminated in relation to illegal invasive wars for PROFIT based on pretexts and orchestrations that America and her vassal allies pursued, which criminal wars resulted in the deaths of millions of INNOCENT CIVILIANS -- recorded fact!

Now consider the case of whistleblower, Bradley Manning (now Chelsea) an analyst in military intelligence leaking evidence of America's war crimes to Wikileaks, which put Wikileaks and its editor, Assange, in the international spotlight.

The first ABSURDITY we have is the criminally exposed/accused, US military, sitting in judgement of the truth teller, who was sentenced by the criminally accused to 30 years jail in a military prison, notwithstanding that Manning had been tortured, according to the UN, by the criminal military in order to break him/her prior to the absurd Alice in Wonderland trial. The inversions and convolutions associated with this trail were phenomenal, the innocent accuser, Manning, was judged and sentenced by the criminally (proven, 'collateral murder") ACCUSED, and subsequently incarcerated -- well, only in fantasy land America.

This absurdity is easily likened to the Red Queen in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, yet it was presented as normal to the American population which failed to restore sanity to their nation by passively accepting the preposterous, beyond absurd inversions and convolutions of American '(in)justice'. This FAILURE of course resulted in criminal psychopaths and flawed pathological personalities now running the USA, narcissist and pathological LIAR Trump, and his psychopathic war mongering administration are clear evidence of the fact -- what would one expect after Manning's Alice in Wonderland trial other than the entire American nation plunging down the rabbit hole in the form of nutters in high office?

You see people, ignoring the patently ABSURD trial and injustices of the Manning case had/has SERIOUS consequences which the American population is now forced to face, Americans would soon learn to their great cost that apathy and complacence comes with a very high price tag, and so too ignoring the overt LIES and propaganda of the privately owned duplicitous/LYING (proven) mass media. In other words, ignore this criminal media machine/apparatus to your own cost, doodle dandies.

So now that this media apparatus is running rampant and free from accountability, is it surprising that the same persecuting Red Queen ill-logic has manifested once again in the pursuit of Assange for daring to publish the TRUTH -- now in chorus, 'give the sane world a break!'

Nevertheless, we must never dismiss or underestimate the power of the mass media upon which apparatus criminal ruling oligarchs, plutocrats and their obsequious political servants depend. How else have criminals successfully hijacked democratic nations world wide and populations NOT reacted to the FLAGRANT absurdities and injustices relating to the Manning trail and now the completely morally and legally unjustified pursuit of Assange except by the power of mass media propaganda?

Now NOTE the method employed by criminal ruling elites and I quote from the above extract: "... Assange had been systematically slandered to divert attention from the crimes he exposed." Let's expand on that for the sake of accuracy though the point is made clearly. Assange has been and continues to be systematically slandered to divert attention from the State crimes he published for the WORLD to see, as it was Manning who exposed those crimes. So what is going on here? The media employed a known device to media analysts, DISTRACTION or the shifting of public FOCUS away from the primary issue, STATE CRIME, to a related but secondary issue, the person of Assange. In this manner almost the entire population, connected passively to a media drip-feed, remained oblivious to State crime and State criminals, and has LEARNED to despise Assange, an irrelevance. You see how easy it is? And in the same manner the public is convinced to pursue illegal wars based on LIES and accept the mass murder of innocent civilians, in which horrendous and vile practice, American ruling elites lead the world.

Now what media trick is utilised to numb the public to the State crime of mass murder? Answer, INVERSION? Accuse the VICTIM of your crime. Victims therefore become the terrorists when it is clear the 'victimiser' is the REAL terrorist; INVERSION is highlighted in detail by George Orwell in his book 1984 -- "War is Peace," slavery is freedom, etc. All manner of blatant crimes committed by ruling elites and the State become naturalised by the slow incremental process of polluting the public mind with scripted and designed propaganda pollution.

However, these methods come at great cost to ruling elites and the duped public, that is why Wikileaks and whistle blowers are pursued manically by these very frightened elite, minority criminal forces -- and what do they fear most people? PUBLIC AWARENESS! An aware public, as history has proven time and again, does not tolerate crimes perpetrated in their name by State criminals serving their own vile interests at everyone's expense, which crimes, as history has proven again, are always turned to local populations -- now think of the freedoms and rights your parents enjoyed in the late 20th century and the locked down police/surveillance, slave state of western societies TODAY. Also understand that the vast majority of people today are connected by algorithms and known subliminal media tricks to the mass media drip feed. So I ask you, who is at fault, victims, or victimisers/EXPLOITERS? Well, you may be shocked at the answer, BOTH equally! So, what would you?

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