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Assange: To Whom are You Appealing Mr Pilger?
by smiley Monday, Jun 18 2018, 3:04am
international / prose / post

It saddened me to read John Pilger’s recent address delivered at a rally in Oz relating to his futile attempts to free his mate Julian Assange.

John Pilger and Julian Assange
John Pilger and Julian Assange

Why would anyone familiar with Assange’s self-induced predicament be saddened by the futile and fruitless attempts of Pilger and others to free him?

There are so many factors involved in the Assange case one could hardly cover them all in a short article, nevertheless some are worthy of note, so we must start at the beginning with Assange himself.

Julian Assange, like most of us is a product, his activist radical mother harnessed her son Julian early in his life to participate with her against the usual prevailing corruption and illegalities of governments; government corruption is a cultural sickness that has plagued society throughout history. Assange’s mother had the passion and will but not the way to succeed whereas Julian understood new technologies and how to effectively use them, which he did BUT not according to the CARDINAL hacker rule of ANONYMITY, the breaking of which cost Assange his freedom, consciously self inflicted, as he must have known the consequences of exposing a criminal state to the media-enslaved and misinformed public at large.

So, Fact #1. ALL governments are corrupt and serve minority interests regardless of what they purport to be or say, on this reality thinking people and history are one, so what has plagued society -- government corruption and illegality -- is not new it is endemic to ALL governments everywhere, and to put it in three words, corruption, servility (to elite interests) and criminality, so what’s new mum and Julian?

No person of integrity would oppose justified activism, it is essential in maintaining the integrity of any society that all frauds and state illegalities/crimes be exposed and that the nefarious perpetrators be held to account, like holding former Oz PM John Howard accountable for his role in the crime of the century, committed by the so-called ‘Coalition of Willing’ [criminals], Bush, Blair and Howard. I refer to the brazen crime of the Iraqi invasion based on ORCHESTRATED LIES and other pretexts which are public knowledge today, the verifiable facts are now available in the public domain should anyone care to research the matter; YET the criminals responsible remain free, they have never been held to account for their mass murdering crimes though most thinking and socially aware people are aware that these three former leaders are indeed criminals of the first order responsible for the deaths of millions of innocents.

Now consider the magnitude of that crime compared to Assange’s ALLEGED, unsubstantiated and unproven ‘crimes’ and even if one of the smear accusations were proven, it would pale in significance to the crimes of Bush, Blair and Howard committed in plain sight. What I am inferring is, when dealing with known criminals use the appropriate tactics knowing fully that the judiciary/law and other social institutions serve the criminal elite. Behaving as if corrupted institutions would somehow assist and support truth tellers is the height of naivety. If Howard, Bush and Blair remain at large enjoying themselves what hope for Assange when the heinous crimes of the former group are real, brazen, recorded and widely known?

We are also faced with an economically captured and complacent public regarding opposing blatant state crime; indeed, I once discussed the matter of government and corporate crime with an average Aussie citizen, his reply to obvious crimes already known to the public and now in the process of exposure by a Royal Commission into the Banks, was, ‘of course I and most people know, BUT no-one gives a shit, they simply either don’t care (millenials) and/or are hamstrung by the daily demands of life and personal survival to lend time and energy to another person’s dilemmas! How true today.

Pilger, like most of his generation suffers from what I call the 60‘s syndrome, which period was characterised by huge social unrest and activism against all forms of social injustice and illegal wars that maimed and killed millions of innocent people for no good reason, however, readers should note that the then DECENTRALISED and diversified mass media of the day led the march by CONSTANTLY covering these injustices, illegal wars and social movements, a far cry from the concentrated, ‘shaped’ approach to ‘news’ today, where internationally important issues are trivialised but issues that concern the moguls and elite rulers, like convincing the public of the legitimacy of the illegal ‘cakewalk’ Iraq war, were SOLD to the public by today’s mass media, along with the lies that Saddam Hussein was part of a terrorist network that attacked the United States and that other leaders, like Putin, are incarnations of Hitler etc.

What I am highlighting above is that the concentrated mass media of today has lost ALL integrity, which deprives people like Pilger of an important resource that once galvanised the public into action. The resources once available in the 60's to everyone, today are only available to elite criminals which now own the mass media and run, behind the scenes, most western States.

In the current circumstances Pilger’s appeals fall on deaf ears, no-one cares and the very few that do, do not have the numbers or means to sway public opinion. That is the REALITY, John and Julian, so if freedom, not martyrdom, is truly desired then you must utilise Julian’s $multi-million bitcoin funds and take another approach and without revealing too much, you must fight fire with fire, that is, the criminal approach of corrupt States must be countered with similar approaches.

Extracting Assange from the London Ecuadorian Embassy and delivering him to the freedom of Ecuador or safety of a secret location is not an impossible task but where Pilger’s futile, misdirected approach fails, the more ‘specialised’ approaches prove very effective indeed.

The two of you need a good kick in your naive arses to jolt you both into reality, not only is it feasible to gain Assange’s freedom by 'lateral' means, it would be relatively easy outwitting buffoon police forces throughout the western world. Specialised former military support is required and the money for such an enterprise is readily available, think tactically and out of the middle class box, clowns.

Imagine, for instance, announcing that Assange is ready to surrender to the British authorities for jumping bail, hardly an executable offence, but what a tremendous diversionary tactic, meanwhile the real escape strategy unfolds.

Think out of the box you dummies -- and you are reputed to be intelligent, Julian -- the both of you are playing this situation myopically like rank amateurs, so who are you appealing to, Mr Pilger? No-one!

Assess your existing resources, including high profile contacts, and utilise them to advantage. Any attempt to appeal to any knee-walking Oz government or the public is a monumental waste of time, as Washington calls all the shots regarding this type of issue.

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