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Look at Me, I'm Free!
by liz Sunday, Jun 9 2019, 11:02pm
international / prose / post

Or so we are LED to believe.

In only a couple of decades western populations have been stripped of most our their 'inalienable' rights, freedoms and liberties. If we compare the 20th century to the 21st century the contrast is staggering; rights like privacy, social mobility, freedom of expression/speech, our personal financial dealings, buying habits, dispositions/temperament and even our psychological freedom -- political correctness for instance – which is internalised mental self-policing, paint a very stark picture of a totally captive/enslaved society, so it could easily be asserted that 21st century populations are anything but free.

Today our movements and communications are recorded, which means privacy almost ceases to exist, our communications devices are now able to be remote controlled by government regulators and used to spy on us, digital algorithms are able shape our preferences or 'likes' and subliminally alter our perceptions, we have been socially restricted by engineered – stagnant wages and increasing prices – debt peonage resulting in the loss of available leisure time and the freedom to pursue our interests rather than constantly scrambling/struggling in order to just survive, and then we are told we are free – give me and any thinking person a break!

And yet we accept the current status quo, why, I have no idea, but I do know how we got to this dastardly place.

We were LIED to, pure and simple. LIES like you must accept low wages in order for businesses to remain competitive, though all businesses remained on the same playing field, so competitive to who or what? However, the executive class were never asked to sacrifice their incomes in fact they demanded more and got it, but where from? Obviously the increased wages we DIDN'T receive, and that is not a fraction of the exploitation and robbery we have been subjected to!

'Our' governments LIED to us. In other words 'our' elected representatives, which group quite clearly do NOT represent us, they serve powerful unrepresentative, minority interests that placed them in power via their owned information systems, MEDIA.

We were told that pan-surveillance was implemented to protect us from terrorists yet attacks have not been affected and continue to occur from home grown terrorists, so much for the prevention EXCUSE, the cowardly Australian terrorist that slaughtered Muslims at prayer in Christchurch had social media accounts that didn't hide his extremist views, character and deductively, his future behaviours/intentions, so how effective against crime is pan-surveillance? Not an iota it seems, BUT we were LED to believe it would; however, today we know that corporations utilise these huge databases for profit gain, not fighting or PREVENTING crime, but we accepted the LIE.

We were told that police required extra powers to 'keep us safe' but police now kill unarmed men, women and children, with impunity, the latest tragic incident was an innocent 'white' Australian woman living in the USA who had contacted police for help, some 'help!'

We were told that other nations threatened us, so we allowed our leaders to send us to war for the profits of the few (corporations, again) -- which resource assets they stole from invaded nations that had no intention of attacking us -- increased THEIR wealth. Duped again, but to the cost of millions of innocent civilian lives!

Indeed, we were LIED to and continue to be LIED today – but things have changed as we have accepted the tight collar that now chokes our necks and stifles what remains of our FREEDOMS today. WE have allowed ourselves to be held captive by our corrupted, LYING governments and the private interests that own them, which continue to suck our lifeblood like leeches. However, any time we choose we are able to restore our freedoms but first we must reject the (media) superimposed fears that psychologically constrain us, as WE remain the most powerful social force in existence – nothing can be achieved without OUR compliance, never forget it!

Free, don't make me laugh! But we, and ONLY WE are able to restore our lives and nations to equilibrium/sanity. Targeting our sell-out politicians is a good start, as then 'shadow governments' of the world would have no medium through which to enslave us and protect unrepresentative corporate/banker criminals. It's simply a matter of REAL REPRESENTATION with the fear of a life sentence hanging over the heads of those political lying tricksters that imagine they could sell us out AGAIN -- none of them in this century fulfill their promises to the people.

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