The Dark Room
by rob Saturday, Jun 16 2018, 10:02am
international /
poetry /
i come from day into the darkest night
not forgetting the light from which i came
they come to me pleading,
save me from this darkness
do u not remember the light from which u came?
i ask, if there is a way in then surely there must be a way out
i am trapped one responds
by whose hand? i say,
u would find no other hand but ur own
i cannot bear this dread any longer,
i must end it
end what? i ask
my life, it’s not worth going on
promise me u will speak to a friend before taking irreversible action
ok, u have been a good friend, i will do it for u
better u do it for urself
i inquired after the meeting,
how did it go?
i saw ur friend more than once as he offered hope
but then i left
why did u leave? i asked
he said i have a lot invested in remaining the same
yes, how many times must u hear and reject sensible solutions?
i told u it would be of no use, was the response
two years later a mutual friend rang informing me
of the suicide
the first tones of daylight weaken the night sky
heralding the approach of the sun
missed by those that falsely imagine
they are trapped in darkness
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