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John Bolton and The Overcompensating Short Man Syndrome
by jean Tuesday, May 28 2019, 12:30am
international / prose / post

It is well known anecdotally that small men attempt to compensate for their diminutive statures with some form of 'bigness,' like a loud deep voice or verbally aggressive behaviour, however, few take this compensation to pathological lengths, but some do, as is obvious with diminutive John Bolton.

Bolton, the little guy on the left.
Bolton, the little guy on the left.

The aggression for which he is well known, including threatening the lives of a UN diplomats children, “we know where your children live,” reaches psychopathic heights never before seen from representatives of a developed democratic nation. Bolton is known as a rabid warmonger, war, in Bolton's bent mind, is the solution to all America's problems, though any sane person knows better. In fact, war obsession, to the exclusion of advancement in other necessary fields, is killing the United States, economically and militarily, it now trails its competitors Russia and China, as clearly perpetual war distracts from other important concerns/issues.

Remember fellow neocon Paul Wolfowitz's Iraq “cakewalk,” which turned into a quagmire and the other failed wars the US has and continues to pursue.

These wars come at huge cost as the collapse of the military empire of ancient Rome clearly demonstrates and teaches but experience is the best teacher for delinquent adolescent nations and so Bolton rather than receiving institutionalised specialist care for his severe psychopathic illnesses, is set loose on the world stage to rant, threaten, lie and rave war on any nation that does not toe HIS, not necessarily Washington's, line; well John, do you know the meaning of the words independent, sovereign nation? No nation is obliged to kneel and/or acquiesce to another, therefore war is the only solution as Bolton sees it, bomb non-compliant nations back to the stone age, but it's a pity that such behaviour is ILLEGAL, so John resorts to LIES which he has openly admitted, yes from his own mouth, to wage war on targeted (primarily for their resources) nations.

However, the WORLD has seen this movie before, numerous times, false flags, humanitarian pretexts and staged coups. So Bolton is simply an old dog with no new tricks, so he resorts to LYING as he always has regarding the 'threats' (no-existent) that other nations pose to America, notwithstanding they have never threatened America, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Iran etc, for example; furthermore, he threatens peaceful nations like Venezuela if they don't surrender their resources for America to exploit, in every sense of that word.

People like Bolton could only survive in a pathological environment, and he sure has found one in the Trump administration, but the world does not share Washington's disease and so Bolton doesn't fit anywhere else except the USA, where he is powerless as his life is projecting terror and fear on OTHER NATIONS and their people.

Therefore, today, Bolton is a wet wick, a tiny man with nothing constructive to say about anything, don't you find that odd, everything that issues from Bolton's mouth is violent, destructive and paranoid. If pathological narcissist Trump is stupid enough to allow Bolton to remain in his administration then he deserves him and the negative consequences that flow from Bolton's presence, even though Bolton is in fact politically impotent on the international stage. His insane outbursts and lying mouth are deserving of total disregard.

So is Bolton an asset or liability? We'll see if Trump can work that one out for himself.

audio Short people -- Randy Newman

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