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Fear Rules Ruling Elites
by jane Sunday, May 26 2019, 11:47pm
international / prose / post

Today surveillance is ubiquitous for average people, everyone with an internet connection or digital communication device, smartphone etc, is spied on, HOWEVER, that spying does not include those that are doing the spying/surveillance and that is no accident as rule today is from the top not bottom as democracy DEMANDS.

So clearly someone/group has something to fear, EXPOSURE, and therefore requires information about those that would threaten their criminal rule, as has been said by the implementers of pan-surveillance, “if you have done nothing wrong you have nothing to fear,” REMEMBER? Yet certain quarters are terrified of exposure, I wonder why? Clearly THEY have PLENTY to hide!

Now note the current over-kill attacks on Julian Assange for merely practising investigative journalism and with it a REAL concerted attack on press freedom universally, though we are not meant to focus on that draconian plan. It seems that shadowy and cowardly ruling elites have exposed one aspect of their character to the WORLD, and that is, they are TERRIFIED of transparency and subsequent EXPOSURE , as their actions, internet censorship, silencing their critics and arresting those that publish their crimes and intrigues etc, would confirm. The internet is NOW censored on top of surveillance/spying on all modern communication devices, does anyone see a clear direction to slavery here, one sector avoids accountability, surveillance, OVERSIGHT while applying oppressive draconian measures on the population? So what gives with this one-sided HYPOCRITICAL, extremely dangerous arrangement?

The spies are free to spy on everyone by legislation but the persons and groups that expose the treachery and crimes of the spies are unjustifiably attacked relentlessly in order to silence the truth and prevent future exposures, which would demand accountability; in other words publishing truth is NOW a crime as viewed by lawless criminal elites, as the Assange case so CLEARLY reveals, but will the masses accept the ABSURD hypocrisy and DOUBLE STANDARD hanging out like dog's balls, that is the question?

Surely we, the majority, have had enough of criminal, mass murdering rule and the loss of PRIVACY while elites work their crimes in secret, as their surveillance mechanisms are never focused on them but they are nevertheless forced to communicate and it is those published communications, which have exposed elite crimes that have elites in a frenzy. Make no mistake, the over-kill on Assange reveals how frightened elites are, their obvious panic regarding exposure and accountability clearly terrifies them. And that is their soft underbelly, which should constantly be attacked if society is serious about restoring their democracies and governments, and with it the rights, freedoms and inalienable liberties that our fathers died to preserve. Prosecuting those that publish truth is a total inversion of sanity and law, the LAW is meant to preserve and UPHOLD TRUTH, so the puppet courts and government 'lawyers' prosecuting Assange ARE IN FACT ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE, FACT!

Nothing that has ever been published by Wikileaks has been conjecture, it all stands as documentary fact/evidence, and we should all note that the criminals directly and indirectly exposed and accused, have never questioned the VALIDITY of the information published by Wikileaks. Now isn't that interesting? TRUTH is therefore on trial by puppet courts and puppet prosecutors working directly for exposed criminal elites that are mortified at the prospect of being held to account – that is the REALITY of the situation, which the mass media attempts to contort and re-present as something else – well, no, the TRUTH is the foundation rock upon which FREEDOM stands, and freedom is NOT NEGOTIABLE, plain and simple.

Indeed, if we have foolishly allowed these elites and their puppet, bought governments, to spy on us then surely that arrangement should be reciprocal and information about irregularities and crimes by these, clearly terrified elites, should be disseminated to all in order to hold ALL criminals accountable for the good of all (societies).

Criminal (proven) minority ruling elites hiding behind their own surveillance apparatuses, MUST be held accountable, otherwise the result is surely despotic criminal rule, anyone see any examples of this today? Indeed. Everyone has had enough!

Now that it is obvious that certain parties are terrified of exposure and that they clearly have MUCH to hide from the beguiled public, the focus should NOT be on those that expose crime in high places but on bringing the CRIMINALS exposed to JUSTICE; John Bolton, a member of Trump's inner circle had the audacity to admit to the WORLD that LYING about wars (Iraq) and intended wars (Venezuela and Iran) was a legitimate action; well, unfortunately for sociopath Bolton and pathological Trump, the LAW takes the opposite view, lying in order to mass murder and steal is not legitimate, it is plainly CRIMINAL, and as such, punishable by LAW – but note the machinations of elites and their puppet government servants – not one American high official has ever been held to account for their now proven crimes. Which proves among many other things that these minority criminal groups function above the LAW – that must STOP immediately and the best place today to wage this fight and restore our nations is the outrageous Assange case.

Either we all fight for all our hard won (and lost) freedoms, rights and JUSTICE or we are ALL lost to slavery and despotic CRIMINAL rule.

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