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The Appalling Social Consistencies that Never Change
by lex Saturday, May 25 2019, 2:17am
international / prose / post

It is true regarding human nature that “nothing is new under the sun.” We are divided and in conflict externally and INTERNALLY, as the former condition cannot occur without the latter, in fact, internal conflict must precede external conflict. Consequently it is little surprise that we find this issue addressed throughout recorded history; for example, the consistent teaching of the major world religions, which they all got right: Love your neighbour as yourself, Islam is a brother/sisterhood, the essence of Buddhism is, “good fellowship.”

Indeed, no belief in man-made Gods is required to see that this teaching is in fact the solution to most, if not all, social problems of conflict, injustice and unfairness, yet these conditions abound today for the simple reason that we REMAIN DIVIDED, internally and externally, we are all biased in favour of one or another idea, notion, ideology or self-interest. So how has that reality affected culture and human existence, a rhetorical question as the answer is obvious, perpetual conflict, manifesting as war, greed/selfishness and not only a cruel disregard for the other but a demonisation of the other, as these destructive tendencies increase, which increase quite clearly ends in the failure of the species, which nihilistic culmination we ALL face today, so you see why this issue must be addressed by everyone if we are to survive?

This issue which has never been resolved allowed a preacher/writer thousands of years past to emphatically, and accurately state that all human endeavour is folly (“vanity”) as nothing ever really changes in human nature. Now the question arises, WHY, and where from does this CURSE of divisionism/conflict occur? By answering that necessary question accurately humanity may indeed change for the better in the real sense and make a consistent folly that has plagued humanity from the start, redundant, and possibly herald an age of UNIVERSAL brother/sisterhood, which of course, by its very nature, would eliminate major conflict and all the inequities and inequalities that feed conflict, AND it is not too difficult to realise, but first we MUST address the source of this conflict plague and how it has survived so long.

I could answer that question in a word, culture, whichever! Indeed, it is culture that formulates our beliefs AND identities, as everything we THINK we are has been learned BUT that was never the intended pattern, as the underlying pattern of all things promotes CONTINUITY, infinity if you like, and what is existence, the cosmos uni or multiverse if not INFINITE, so any tendency to opposition/division is clearly not part of the universal plan, otherwise nothing would exist – understand that any flaw in universal existence over an infinite range would have already extinguished existence – therefore infinity and its inherent HARMONY MUST be PERFECT as we are aware that infinite existence by definition continues FOREVER, as it always has, with or without a failed species or failed tendency.

So, whether a species or phenomena continues with CREATION is dependent solely on whether it is part of the universal harmony, which is and must be completely devoid of conflict/division; therefore it is no accident that this knowledge of continuity, survival if you like, is not new or hidden, as we are obviously PART of existence, though all cultures tend to blind and SEPARATE us from that reality for express purposes that may or may not follow THE harmonious pattern of creation and mostly they do not follow the universal pattern, look around.

Nevertheless, we, as created beings have a direct connection to the pattern of universal harmony, whether we are aware of it or not. And quite clearly it would serve our purpose to be not only aware of our connection to the creative force but to be completely harmonious with it, as our (future) existence DEPENDS on it.

Now with the above clearly stated wouldn't it be totally perverse of me to now outline rules and regulations regarding how we should behave or conduct our lives, as culture does that and look what it has achieved, perpetual conflict arising directly from cultural super-impositions. However, I would continue by inference.

Look around does a blade of grass require thought, learned from culture, to be what it is? Clearly not, the same applies to everything in the natural world, birds are not taught to fly or fish to swim, nothing in the natural world requires thoughts, notions, ideas or whatever from thought/culture in order to exist harmoniously. Now, do you imagine that creation has abandoned humanity/YOU? Not likely, simply because it cannot, you are indeed no accident as you exist and if you exist you are connected to the source of existence and its perfect harmony, however, if you have been taught by a clearly perverse culture/ideology to be blind and not be aware of your connection with creation which governs and drives all its creation perfectly, then you are indeed lost to perfection while you continue to entertain that FALSE, blinding invented belief/notion, which value is easily tested by your degree of peace and joy against your misery and despair; creation has imbued all things with an innate intelligence to steer away from the perverse and return to the joy of harmony, in humans these correctives forces are emotional pain, suffering and misery, which if not corrected creates external suffering and a life of hell. And people implore their man made Gods to intervene and save them, when in fact they have already been saved as they possess all the necessary requirements needed to save themselves and re-establish their connection to harmony/creation – no one is abandoned!

Creation is not able to abandon itself, however, we are able to abandon it, and if we remain immersed in a clearly perverse culture/belief/reality then who accepts responsibility for one's condition? Of course WE are RESPONSIBLE and must accept responsibility for our own condition at an given time. So imploring man made Gods, praying, meditating, doing whatever we imagine would liberate us is an obvious waste of time and life if our suffering remains, we suffer because we are out of universal harmony and do not follow the pattern that we set for ourselves, which was made by our aware nature and always remains in accord with the universal pattern.

The ancient 'preacher' (vanity) was correct in his observations but FAILED to address WHY/HOW his cultural observations came to be. The fact of the matter for the aware is that we have never been lost to creation, but many from time immemorial have remained lost to themselves and to the wonder of existence in all its ecstatic, ineffable beauty and bliss. WHAT! Do you imagine existence has no qualitative aspects/characteristics, do you remember your joy and happiness, multiply that by INFINITY?

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