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America's Suicidal Addiction to WAR
by james Sunday, May 19 2019, 11:00pm
international / prose / post

Indeed, America is clearly addicted to war as the solution for EVERYTHING, that in itself is very telling as it's clearly indicative of a severe national pathology. Foreign policy is war, drugs are war, crime is war and ingrown toenails are war. However, there was a period, an interrupt in this madness, during the presidency of JFK.

America was desperately lagging behind the Soviet Union in the space race so rather than declare a war on the race Kennedy inspired the NATION with a vision and it was infectious, he marshalled Americans to compete creatively with the USSR on a skill basis and declared that a moon landing by the end of the decade was the goal. Well, Kennedy's vision worked as indeed it was INSPIRING, the yanks landed on the moon before the USSR, well done JFK, though his reward was to be assassinated by the old (war on everything, including presidents) guard, which rule America today.

So let's look where this pathological and idiotic, uninspiring war policy has led the corporate-ruled USA. 'FAILURE,' on EVERY front. The high tech digital communication and computer tech race has been won by China, high tech weapons development has been won by Russia, the global economic race has been won by China, the war on drugs has failed completely as has the war on crime, and on it goes, while America falls further behind its major competitors on a daily basis today, so it's well worth the effort to analyse WHY and how America lost its lead, and a huge thesis is not necessary as it was capitalism, seeking large profits above all else in the shortest possible term that killed America, indeed America in the broader international perspective is a dead man falling.

I remember a stupid Hollywood movie that extolled the virtues of GREED from the 80's; “greed is good,” the protagonist (Michael Douglas) declared. And so went America on the greed trip, hook line and SINKER.

So let's initially focus on the word 'greed.' Does greed paint masterpieces or compose symphonies that inspire people, NO! Does greed design spectacular buildings, bridges, bullet trains and technologies? NO! Does greed write poetry and elevate the human spirit? NO! In fact greed contributes nothing positive to society, so what is greed good for? There is a revealing answer if you haven't already guessed it.

Who benefits most from GREED? Answer: Bankers, Corporate execs/CEOs and Wall Street and are those thieving rogues to be admired and emulated, not in the least as they are the active forces that have destroyed America. Laissez-faire, which is UNREGULATED and unmanaged profit seeking, which has cursed the west since the 80's and is directly responsible for the GLOBAL financial collapse of 2008 has RUINED America. Make no mistake as no regulation leads to criminal pursuits, such as selling sub-prime mortgages when it was known they couldn't be serviced, that was a major crime but like American war criminals those responsible evaded accountability, furthermore, they blackmailed the government to bail them out with tax-payer funds. A fine State of affairs, yet nothing has been done to reverse this trend or regulate the forces that destroyed the western global economy.

The Titanic's captain wishing to speed to New York to show the world advanced UK ship building and luxury, instead broke the ship and himself on a natural law of the sea, icebergs must be avoided and navigated through with extreme caution, we know the rest, and yet we allowed the same sentiment to ruin the western economy in 2008.

So greed/self-interest and bravado go before the fall and which nation leads in those areas, doodle dandies, of course America? When unbridled capitalism rules it must end in failure, however, when regulated capitalism rules nations prosper as indeed China and the west before the 80's, has proven to the world; a tightly centralist controlled capitalism, with long term plans sky-rocketed China from a push bike economy in the 60's to the number one economy of the WORLD today; however, China clearly did not and does not follow a laissez-faire model, where every player STEALS as much as possible, China regulates everything from its centralist government and executes those that steal huge amounts of funds from the people.

So which model is demonstrably superior, notwithstanding before the 'greed is good' DISEASE, capitalist nations and elected democratic governments did regulate and manage their nations for the good of all.

So there it is, America a failure in war and peace -- not that it's too familiar with the latter -- due to GREED and its subsequent THIEVING; for instance, there is far more profit to be made making antiquated aircraft carriers for tens of billions dollars than a missile able to vaporise that carrier for a few measly dollars in cost by comparison. AND ON IT GOES TO AMERICA'S UTTER RUIN -- corporate greed is killing the country.

Greedy thieves and jackals are in control of Washington and every other power institution in America today and they only have one enemy able to vanquish them easily, YOU!

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