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Give Bolton, Pompeo and Trump THEIR Wars to End It
by nano Saturday, May 18 2019, 10:36pm
international / prose / post

I'm not too sure whether its my frayed nerves, or the utter frustration of facing evermore criminals in government and everything else politically involved that is responsible for the title but here goes anyway.

The evil push of western powers started in Yugoslavia, which orchestrated and illegal war exposed Russia's and China's impotence in the face of blatant American/NATO interference and aggression on an independent nation facing its own internal conflicts, it should be noted that Yugoslavia/Serbia has always been a western ally and fought with the allies against fascism and other threats in both great wars. But its independence didn't suit America, which nation has no allies only obsequious vassals.

So Yugoslavia in the 90's was left with only two allies, China and Russia both of which disgraced themselves in that orchestrated American/NATO war. Russia had the nuclear means to protect its blood ally, without using them and China failed to react appropriately when America intentionally targeted the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, which act was in fact a declaration of war on China, which Bill Clinton sniggered about on the world media. The entire WORLD witnessed the pathetic and cowardly responses of Russia and China as they abandoned their ally to the criminally ruled western powers.

From then, using the same basic successful model, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and now Venezuela were attacked, with most attacked nations left in rubble and ruin, and MILLIONS of innocent civilian lives lost, after all, America must maintain its position as the WORLD'S leading civilian killing nation which it has held since the its Indo-Chinese wars in South East Asia. Its CARPET BOMBING of South East Asian countries was and remains the major action that distinguishes America from the rest of the world, it indiscriminately kills with IMPUNITY, because WE, the global masses ALLOW it to do so.

After the heinous crime of indiscriminate carpet bombing and not paying a price for such an obvious crime against humanity, America became the world's leading lawless, rogue State and embarked on a killing/thieving spree, which criminal action continues today on independent, sovereign, non-threatening Venezuela, surely the world SHOULD be aware of American criminal activities by now? But clearly not, as not one American administrative official that presided over its MANY criminal wars has ever been held accountable in a court of law, local and international for their proven crimes, which also indicates how thoroughly corrupted the Hague courts and UN actually are.

But to return to the rotten, criminal core of the world apple, AMERICA. At the time of the Balkan intervention and following Iraq war, based on proven LIES, a Washington official during a media interview articulated, when questioned about any reaction from Russia said, “what could Russia do?”-- laughing openly while he said it; indeed, this person revealed the arrogance and confidence of the neocon American ruling political elite at the time, and Russia and China did NOTHING to prove otherwise, furthermore Putin then surrendered another Russian ally to America, to the same criminal forces he witnessed plunder Iraq and destroy Yugoslavia, good work Vlad, you corrupt ($250 billion ferreted in western banks) gutless, bastard. China remained silent while it lost approximately $32 million in oil infrastructure in Libya with which nation it was doing big business, but remained historically the cowardly yellow dog its inaction had earned it over decades. Are we beginning to understand the title now, dear readers?

So again America and its partners in CRIME remained unscathed and continued committing more crimes in every nation they targeted. Now consider, if you personally openly commit a crime that returns enormous wealth without suffering ANY consequences, are you likely to continue committing that crime? A rhetorical question as of course you are, human nature is what it is!

Predictably, due to oil resources, Venezuela and Iran are currently targeted by America and its criminal partners in crime today.

Now, should the world allow America to getaway with theft and murder for the umpteenth time in Venezuela? That is the real question that should be asked TODAY. Russia and China both realise that if America appropriates the vast majority of global oil resources it would economically be able to destroy Russia and China, or any other competitor for that matter, as majority oil control is global economic control, plain to see. So Russia and China have FINALLY taken a somewhat tentative stand against US criminal aggression, as simultaneous wars against Iran and Venezuela would be geographically problematic for both nations, notwithstanding that diversionary conflicts would also be orchestrated to confuse and thin any Sino-Russian resistance to American efforts.

Indeed, it's not an easy question to answer, American think-tanks have been trying for some time and have come up with the most likely scenario, bluff, and bravado INCLUDING real military conflict but the outcome is a gamble, a big one, as the loser/s would lose everything.

Meanwhile the people of the world remain subject to their respective ruling elites and have not indicated that any threat to criminal rogue State leadership is imminent. So what would forces with some influence on world affairs do in the current circumstances, continue to be dictated to by America, or break free from a failing rogue State and purse their own best interests. No one could safely predict the outcome of an aggressive war with either Iran, Venezuela or both.

Not that my opinion matters but personally, if a small well-trained disciplined combat unit of specialists were to undertake an operation which superpowers would then blame on the other, a major war could easily be triggered, we should not forget that arrogance blinds as does over-caution while the moment is seized by an independent private entity which superpowers would have no time to identify. Of course this relatively easy (for specialists) operation could plunge the world into a major nuclear war, but the way things are nihilistically going with climate catastrophe and ongoing criminal, destructive rule, which would end with massive global destruction in any case, why not get it over and done with NOW?

The global population has failed itself as they/us remain the ONLY hope to establish sanity and some form of survival prospects but they/we are unaware of the real issues as the corporate media distracts and blinds the reality and certain revelations disclosed above.

So quite clearly, the most viable solution is for a small group of specialists to trigger a MAJOR conflict between superpowers, as the next war would not allow for hesitation, the old adage applies today more than ever. (LOST!)

Have a nice deluded day. And if you've learned nothing you have at least learned that large States are no longer a viable form of human organisation and power. They are fraught with so many flaws, loopholes and weaknesses today it's a wonder they have lasted this long; in FACT they are BEGGING to be EXPLOITED by those that think and act outside the box.

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