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by jane Tuesday, May 7 2019, 6:37pm
international / prose / post

Interesting binary opposition no doubt as it involves the natural, ie NATURE, which has always been my guide NOT political correctness or any other IMPOSED (by the media), perverse cultural convention. And so viewing Rachel Maddow's, a dyke, recent diatribes regarding Venezuela and lunatic war hawk John Bolton, does not surprise me in the least – but allow me to qualify my attitude on homosexuality first.

Quite clearly homosexuality if applied universally fails to propagate the species, therefore it is un-natural and aberrant, notwithstanding that by choice anyone is able to be whatever they wish to be and should NOT be persecuted for their choices if they do not adversely affect others, however, certain practices are clearly anti-NATURE if we take nature, driven by a harmonious perfect intelligence into account. Clearly homosexuality is aberrant and does not fulfil nature's imperative of harmonious CONTINUITY, as existence, the cosmos/creation, is INFINITE/continuous, not self-destructive.

We should start with Maddow's perverse failure as a human being in accordance with universal principles, so would it be surprising that this unnatural woman is NOW a propaganda mouthpiece for the perverse, dominant (elite scripted) discourse in the elite owned mass media? Not one bit!

We KNOW historically that the mass media has no integrity whatsoever particularly regarding America's illegal wars of MASS MURDER, resource appropriation/flagrant pillaging/THEFT. However, media discourses require stooges to disseminate ruling elite LIES and deceive the masses. And in this regard perverse Maddow, mouthpiece for the dominant, elite scripted, cultural narrative, is suited to the task as she is supported by the cultural/political correctness (PC) narrative of that elite, which attempts to inculcate that every perversion and deviant behaviour known to man, is okay; transgender toilets in schools for instance, an absurd social imposition as gender is not up for grabs without subverting natural existence. The post-modern choice of gender allocation, ignoring the biologically (nature) obvious is plainly aberrant and nuts.

How long must the majority be subject to fleas on the tail of a dog wagging the entire dog? This applies to all minorities including the ruling elites, which have over the past few decades succeeded in completely eroding foundational meaning in American discourse and to a lesser extent other western nations.

Today minorities rule not for better but for worse; if we apply nature's infinity standard by multiplying any convention or human behaviour by infinity it immediately becomes evident which behaviours are in harmony with nature's continuity. Indeed, if we multiply war by infinity it ends with everyone dead, if we apply that multiplication to homosexuality it ends with the extinction of the species. And please note that I personally do NOT subscribe to any socially imposed values/such as those of religion, as clearly ALL religionists are hypocrites to the last subscriber and if we multiply hypocrisy by infinity we end in counter-productive chaos and destruction.

To easily determine correctness is not rocket science nor does it require any socially imposed authoritarian ideologies, religious or otherwise, as show me any self-declared Christian, for example, and I will show you a brazen, lying HYPOCRITE, turn the other cheek ALL you warring Christian hypocrites!

Regardless of whether you are able to easily identify perverse, anti-harmonious behaviours beware of aberrant, pathological, as in psychopaths attempting to destroy YOU and a harmonious social existence, and in this regard dyke Maddow and sociopath mass murderer, John Bolton, fall into the same category.

With that I leave you with this link (below) and to assess the sick, anti-survival matter for yourselves, the primary of which perversions is WAR, a sickness pursued and supported by extremely sick people.

Peace and harmony.

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