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The Art of War and the Result
by lex Sunday, May 5 2019, 9:27pm
international / prose / post

According to Sun Tzu's classic, a “war is won or lost before the first battle begins,” to render it properly into English. Indeed, that is the case if strategic planning and tactics are superior to the enemy, which aspects are also outlined in Sun Tzu's classic treatise on War.

So let's take a good 'real' look at things, as opposed to the weaved fictions of the US propaganda machine. Look HARD at the USA and its 'chosen' enemies Russia and China in a war scenario, though neither Russia nor China desire war with any nation, though they have been forced to mobilise against threatening and aggressive rogue nation America, the world's leading civilian killing, therefore terrorist nation – suck on that FACT doodle dandies.

Forget all the US bravado and bullshit streaming like sewage from the western mass media, it's all orchestrated LIES to sell and convince an uninformed public, However, as Lincoln stated, you can't fool all of the people all of the time, and the un-fooled today, after decades of American exposure, constitute a huge base world wide, but to return to the subject.

The basis of today's and all wars is economic strength and development, aggressive invasive wars are expensive, so already (technically) bankrupt America, which prints worthless paper money, rolls its printing presses to cover the HUGE expense of maintaining its military and its illegal wars, which expense grows exponentially in times of 'perpetual war,' notwithstanding that this finance method also subverts the value of the un-pegged US dollar, not convertible to gold. Whereas China on the other hand relies on its massive production base to value its convertible to gold currency.

Now consider America's failing infrastructure due to the simple fact that the private sector seeks more profits elsewhere, offshore in China ironically, and the hollowing out of earned ( via taxes, which corporations avoid) social services and China's growing real wealth which its rapidly expanding middle class, which is a good measure of economic growth and stability, indicates, and note that America's middle class has almost disappeared.

There is no doubt that China compared to the ridiculous untrue figures published by US economists is leading America economically, as it is able to not only expand its own complex infrastructure, with the latest technologies, bullet trains etc, but build necessary infrastructure in those nations that have joined China's BRI initiative or the new Silk Road project.

There absolutely is no doubt in a comparative sense that China leads America economically and for that mater, the world, though it is loath to waste money and resources on needless wars when plain business relations prove far superior in every respect regarding positive progress for all involved. However, if forced by rustic, rogue, terrorist America, it would marshal all its resources to fight that war alongside Russia which nation leads America in weapons development. I need not continue to make the point, only to say that Sun Tzu was Chinese and his treatise is over two thousand years old. To put it in social terms its like a mature, experienced adult dealing with an unruly, delinquent adolescent, America has already lost the war against Russia and China and if it is foolish or crazy enough to aggressively engage these two nations then the Rand Corp's recent computer war scenarios would become reality, America loses.

With that stated I would advise American citizens on how they lost their lead and possibly remedy the problem. You see weapons manufacturers like all corporations chase the largest profits not what is good for their nation, and so they would rather build antiquated aircraft carriers for hundreds of $billions for huge PROFITS than develop a super-cheap, super or hyper-sonic missile that is able to vaporise any aircraft carrier, antiquated aircraft carriers are not only expensive sitting ducks they serve only corporate profits but are very bad for tax payers and the country. Corporations, as is known, have NO allegiance to any nation, only to profit, that is why it's critically important to have good government which views the nation and people as its prime considerations not stinking money as the end all. Indeed, it is that folly that would see the END of America.

Beware of crossing bridges doodle dandies, they are likely to collapse at any neglected stage due to profit seeking corps and the worst government in the known developed world. Washington today is full of psychopaths, pathological liars, buffoons, lunatics and traitors of the people.

Good luck doodles, the war is lost before it begins.

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