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The American Model Does NOT Work in Other Nations
by james Friday, Apr 26 2019, 11:50pm
international / prose / post

To play reductionist for a moment, the American model could easily be reduced to 'user pays' (for everything) and the surrender of all social institutions to the private sector, including the judicial system. In this way all available money/power becomes concentrated in the private corporate/banking sectors. Well, the world is able to witness the results of this robber baron system. America has been reduced to a 99% and 1% social structure, 'the haves and the have nots,' to put it plainly. America has become a two tier society of elites and uneducated ignorant slaves that are easily led by the elite owned mass media apparatus. And so what do we really have in America? The loss of Liberty, and freedom is everything in democratic societies!

If the masses are unable to obtain an education (due to engineered low incomes) to the level they are capable of, and if money swirls only in elite circles then options for the masses narrow dramatically – the American dream is simply that today, an impossible DREAM. However, that clearly unfair failed ( for the MAJORITY) model is being adopted by other nations with close ties to America.

In Australia for instance lackey governments of both stripe have privatised tertiary education, students now pay through the nose for degrees, the result of course is a massive lowering of standards. Only a few decades past obtaining a doctorate (Ph.D) required a 100,000 word thesis, today it is 50,000 words. A masters in humanities required a 30,000 word thesis, today it is 15,000 words, notwithstanding the easily assessed qualitative decline. For example, the tertiary institution I attended was competitive as all education was free for citizens, though foreign students were required to pay for courses, understandable as their families had not contributed to national income via paying taxes all their lives for education and health services and other EARNED benefits.

University places were limited, so bright students were forced to compete for places, which produced the best graduates the nation had to offer, Australia prospered in those days for obvious reasons as only the best of the best obtained degrees from universities that specialised in various disciplines. Today however, my old Uni is strapped for cash as education is following the American user pays model, which produces morons like G. W. Bush and many others like him whose wealthy families were able to afford tertiary education and keep their sons/daughters in those institutions by 'donations' etc, and so people that cannot put a sentence together become presidents, Bush and Trump prove as much; socially unaware, uneducated incompetent morons, viewed from an international perspective, lead America today. That is why America is FAILING against other nations that continue to have competitive free education, there is no mystery to why Russia and China are overtaking the USA, China economically and Russia in weapons and other technological development, we have the absurd situation that America has been forced to use more efficient and reliable Russian rockets to launch its satellites into orbit for a fraction of the cost that NASA launched satellites, and Russia continues to fulfil this self-defeating, counter-productive arrangement while America treats Russia and its leader as public enemy No. 1, wake up clearly CORRUPT, Putin! Not so with Xi the Chinese leader, who is leading his nation to economic heights never attained by any nation in the past, the new 'Silk Road' and associated initiatives/projects promise to capture the entire economic world in the not too distant future. While America faces a 72 trillion dollar DEBT, due to its failing, in EVERY WAY, system. Also note that China leads the WORLD in computing power and technologies and that advantage is HUGE today in the most crucial areas of digital power and cyber warfare.

So why would any sane nation follow America's failed model/system when their own previous models clearly were superior? For exactly the same reason America has succumbed, corporate and banker GREED regardless of the KNOWN deleterious effects it has on nations that adopt it, I mean to say, the failed example, AMERICA, stares them in the face DAILY! However, western governments today do NOT represent their nations/people they toe Washington's corrupting line; a popular political joke in Australia is that our foreign ministers are issued with knee-pads prior to taking trips to Washington and this applies to both so-called competing major parties that form government, notwithstanding that media mogul Rupert Murdoch decides who will win the elections. But I digress as there is no sense to anything today.

Nevertheless, other advanced democratic nations have not yet plummeted to the dysfunctional depths America has reached and it remains the prerogative of the aware, educated (relative to America) PEOPLE to sort perverse directions when they clearly need sorting. It is time that corporate and banking elites learned that national economies prosper when wages are high and governments invest in advanced national infrastructures. They achieve this easily by managing the value of their currency as China did to competitively slaughter other competing nations; foreign debt is reduced when nations manage their own currency value and economies and withdraw from the speculative interests of Wall Street, the most corrupt and rotten business sector in the world, with the 'City' of London, not London city, following close behind. Low wages and concentrated available wealth serve only the rich, which have already destroyed America, which nation in fact is a dead man falling.

And do not be fooled by so-called democratic elections as major parties are all owned by corporate and banker elites; people must not choose between a vomit and a turd -- that simple. Running nations independently is not rocket science, China was a push-bike economy in the 60's and look at it today! It simply requires skill and political nous, an acute sense of fair play, the equitable distribution of wealth and a tax system that does not favour or allow the richest to pay less or nothing as occurs in America.

Be aware that nothing really changes if you install one or the other major party into government, vote for as many independent real representatives in both houses as is possible, as they would hold all lackey politicians to account for their lies and dishonesty, isn't that right Rupert?

As for the American model -- at best it's lame at worst it's a dead duck, as is clearly evident TODAY. The safe general approach is to view everything that issues from America as toxic poison.

Have a nice day, free people of the WORLD.

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