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Criminal States Within Democratic States
by jess Sunday, Apr 21 2019, 2:23am
international / prose / post

It's tragically laughable that anyone in a western democracy today imagines that their leaders are the people's representatives, clearly they serve elite business interests, which own all western governments -- effectively democracy is dead and buried.

The thoroughly corrupting elite forces have destroyed/stolen democracy from the people, which are lied to and sold out in every election as both major parties are already owned by elite banking and corporate interests, so elections are in effect a two horse one stable race, a farce in other words. Could anyone today say that their bought and owned governments represent them? Not likely.

So why would certain interests that prefer the shadows hijack democratic nations? Simple, to obtain evermore wealth and power while remaining in the shadows while their preferred political puppets rise and fall at their whim. Recently Oz PM Malcolm Turnbull was deposed after Rupert Murdoch decided that he was not doing what he was told and losing support from the lied to people, so goodbye Turnbull, though his forced departure has not done his party any good, it is destined to fail at the next federal election while opportunist candidate Bill Shorten salivates and promises to serve elite interests more efficiently, his discourse and rhetoric have already gone into full election mode, no doubt with king maker Murdoch's approval and Shorten's pledge of loyalty -- politicians in Australia and elsewhere are terrified of Murdoch.

So what do we have in this example? States within States, one serves elite interests the other pays the price for that traitorous action.

In the USA we have this corrupt system at its peak, oligarchs and plutocrats rule almost openly but never run for office, Trump is merely a paper millionaire whereas elites play with $trillions. And notice how Trump reneged on most promises to his supporters and was soon made to heel and support the elites, though he PROMISED to 'drain the Washington swamp,' Pompeo and Bolton are the finishing touches to Trump's captivity.

All government media intel and other agencies and government institutions serve elite interests while the bulk of the population learns to eat shit and like it, the wealth disparity that exists today in America hasn't been seen since the time of the Pharaohs, but the timid American population accepts the burden and injustices. Furthermore, the LAWLESS elites that arrange to have legislation passed that protect them and their wealth from legitimate taxes and legal pursuit, now project their lawless habits onto a civilised world, the apprehension of Julian Assange is one such example of power projection, which arrest the elites promised they would achieve one way or the criminal other. And that notwithstanding all the illegal wars based on lies which profit only the elites, while the people do all the fighting and dying. You've really got to give credit where it due, as today state crime is open fare, readers would note that all the lies and pretexts for wars today, which have ruined nations and killed millions of innocents are devoid of responsibility, KNOWN perpetrators of these criminal wars have ALL avoided jail and accountability for their now exposed, lying, criminal actions, what does that blaring reality indicate to you, dear reader?

Well I can only speak for myself in that regard, it indicates clearly that not only have our governments and institutions been hijacked but entire populations dance to the tune orchestrated by the criminal elites, principally due to mass media ownership. Information is shaped and tailored to serve the agendas and interests of those that own media and their banker and corporate associates, socialism is good for elites only, it would seem.

The failure is clearly that of the people for NOT restoring their nations and governments to democracy, MAJORITY, not MINORITY rule. However, until the people learn that socialism and cooperative ACTION is better for them than the elites the status quo will not change. So live with that reality or change it as nothing is more socially powerful than a population united in purpose and ACTION. It's how the elites got to where they are today, mutual cooperation for the benefit of the group works, that simple! Remain divided and enslaved or unite and restore your nations and lives then deal with criminal elites according to LAW and a reformed judiciary.

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