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WikiLeaks Must be Maintained as a Force for Truth With or Without Assange
by stacey Tuesday, Apr 16 2019, 1:17am
international / prose / post

I was fortunate in that I was socialised in pre-digital times. Society functioned solely on the 'we' principle; the cooperation of the group was essential to the survival of a cohesive society as had been the case ever since large societies were formed. Indeed, early manifestations of large societies, some thousands of years past, ancient Egypt and Sumer, offered a model difficult to reject; a ruling clique minority elite, backed by both military strength and ideological principles – which imposed implausible belief systems that ruling elites were above the rest and had a 'divine right' to rule over the ignorant, uninformed, ENSLAVED masses. That seemingly efficient (proven) model was followed by Rome to a tee and it manifests today as a (declining) Imperial U.S. State, declining for the same reasons that other large societies/empires of the past declined and collapsed -- successful competition from outside or less common, internal opposition in the form of revolts and uprisings.

Regardless of what you may think of this grossly unfair model it persists today largely due to the fact that man is a hard learner, some would say he never learns, and so large societies seem fated to endlessly repeat the mistakes of the past, which combined elements are the reason of the rapid and sure decline of the USA. The ideal model of course is a cooperating, equal society in which citizens are able to best perform in the various skills required to maintain that society and 'prosper', for instance, a doctor is as necessary for social health as garbage men and sewage workers without which society would be in dire straights, you see?

However, due to artificially created privileged positions (executives), some citizens have immense power over others. Rampant inequality prevails, which reality today is tearing at the seams of the social fabric. Nevertheless, the forces that are responsible for the collapse of large and powerful societies have not changed one iota.

Artificially created privilege and inequality are the root causes of collapse, as downtrodden citizens become less inclined to constructively participate and more inclined to rebel, as incentives have been removed. And so elites turn to coercive methods to manage the masses, which majority is always able to tread minority elites underfoot at ANY time, provided they are unified in purpose intent, and coordinated in agreed-upon ACTION. So the battle for elites to maintain their privileged positions becomes frantic, as elites unknowingly or otherwise, create the circumstances for their own demise.

Of course it should be evident to ALL that the principal means to avoid overthrow and a gruesome death at the hands of the masses, is to ensure that large societies are never able to unite in the above stated manner. Social division has become the IMPERATIVE for ruling elites today. And so numerous strategies to this effect are designed by ruling elites and their servants to maintain control, however, the dividing principle remains the most crucial element of minority management.

Note an example unfolding before our eyes TODAY. The power projected by the Wikileaks strategy/model, a superb apparatus for compromising elites by revealing the sordid truths behind their power structures, is self-evident. The effectiveness of this model/apparatus needs no praise as it has been (notice the past tense) incredibly successful. It's simple strategies have had the world's most powerful State on the run for some time, which has forced the elites of America to illegally respond in order to remove this threat.

Wikileaks incontrovertibly exposed the fact that the USA is a CRIMINAL State, rotten to the core with the vilest specimens of humankind, note the Bush administration and those following. And so every means and tactic known to US elites was deployed to destroy Wikileaks, the foremost being attack its personality flawed leader, Julian Assange, who is the personification of the divided, by design, it's all about 'ME' generations.

And it worked a treat, as today Wikileaks and its subversive purpose, the EXPOSURE of LYING criminal elites, has been overshadowed by the person and fate of its founder Julian 'it's all about me' Assange, who as a formulated being could not help but fall into the trap set for him – Assange was more than happy to accept the engineered social FOCUS on him personally (and the associated glory, which his flawed personality craved) and help destroy what he created, an extremely effective apparatus for compromising elites.

So today it's all about Julian Assange NOT an effective apparatus for compromising corrupt and criminal elites and holding them to account. That distraction is a remarkable success for threatened elites, the mechanism or weapon of attacking elites is now almost irrelevant in the public consciousness as ALL focus is on Assange, a willing, flawed participant/victim.

Regardless of how the partial courts in the service of their elite masters destroy Assange – example: the British judge presiding over the 'jumping bail' charge actually labelled Assange a “narcissist,” notwithstanding he was aware he was unqualified to assess psychiatric matters but felt confident enough to fully expose himself as totally PARTIAL and create grounds for appeal based on his obvious bias. However, I do not wish to also focus on Assange, as the model and purpose of Wikileaks and its ongoing SURVIVAL is without doubt, the most important matter.

I hope it becomes easier now to fully identify and apprehend the many tricks elites use to defeat threats to their existence. A recorded and now in the public domain strategy, developed by a US consultant to eliminate the threat posed by Wikileaks, and its model, was simply to divide by shifting focus onto its leader, 'it's all about me' Julian Assange. In this way, by maintaining focus on the person of Assange and his plight, Wikileaks and its once powerful effect/model would almost become irrelevant, a most desired outcome by elites as a major and ongoing threat to their existence would have been eliminated and Assange made an example of in order to instill fear into any future journalist that entertains the notion they are able to take on a thoroughly corrupt and criminal gangster State. Furthermore, this essentially illegal case against Assange, if successful, would set an appalling precedent for all future journalism, as then the criminal State could freely target any journalist they choose that defies or opposes their propaganda and LYING narratives.

The people now attempting to rally support for Assange are actually assisting the State in its plans to DESTROY Wikileaks and its powerful model, which is easily emulated by others with an average knowledge in digital technologies and security.

What I am saying to those completely hypnotised by the effective methods utilised by elites to DIVIDE and conquer is this: THE REAL ISSUE IS THE SURVIVAL OF WIKILEAKS NOT self-absorbed, UNPOPULAR ASSANGE.

This model MUST be preserved to serve society as a whole and to constantly pressure criminal elites and hold them accountable. In fact, the more Wikileaks type mechanisms are available, the better for SOCIETY as a whole. Until WE hopefully reach that point in unity, purpose and action to eliminate UNREPRESENTATIVE, minority, criminal elite rule forever; minority elite rule is already well past its effective use-by, date.

Do not be distracted by the elite owned mass media, which will continue to distract – focus at all times on (the survival of) Wikileaks NOT the person Assange, he consciously made his bed and knows it. Now, I am aware that seems callous but all credit does go to Assange for creating Wikileaks an effective, powerful tool that serves the PEOPLE and society as a whole. I'm sure he would agree that the survival of Wikileaks takes precedence over every other consideration.

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