Inverse Times Open Publishing

Pompeo Recently Alluded to Trump Being the Jewish Messiah
by jaxie Monday, Mar 25 2019, 12:44am
international / prose / post

Well, it was taken with all the salt required for such a preposterous comment, both in Israel and abroad BUT it had the planned effect to DISTRACT the masses from the fact that America would soon attempt some insane strategy to violently engage Iran, after all Pompeo is a neocon and their God is Pax-Americana and a militaristic world Empire, which notion makes the existence of an unproven God seem plausible. No-one outside America could be so stupid as to swallow Pompeo’s obvious crap.

Of course cynical Pompeo was taking advice from his media consultants and deep state strategists which he serves, what better way to camouflage AMERICA’S intent to war with Iran than pretend some preposterous religious fantasy. And it seems to have worked, as the mass and alternative media are focused, like the hypnotised chickens they are, on what was intended, a distraction and justification for a pre-emptive attack of some sort, either from Israel or directly from the US military -- though the most likely scenario is an Israeli attack with America coming to the ‘rescue.’ You people are so transparent it’s pathetic. BUT will the American public fall for the ruse? You can bet your life on it, never was there a more uninformed, under-educated, unaware, religious fundamentalist people in recent centuries, after all, Trump is president.

Well, Mike, it seems that you can blow your comments and your revealed neocon plans out your arse as you, John and the rest, are now EXPOSED, you rank amateurs.

So we would all be advised to view Pompeo’s verbal twaddle as an intended distraction and analyse the chances of a planned false flag or other attack on Iran -- Russia be advised, you need english speaking analysts to look past the seemingly deluded comment by Pompeo.

Prepare for the unexpected is good advice -- the CFR shaped western mass media today is ALL about distraction, deception and duping, have no doubts, Iran and Russia.

Inverse Times Open Publishing.