Inverse Times Open Publishing

by ryall Saturday, Mar 23 2019, 10:47pm
international / poetry / post

plankton luminesce in waves
before they crash softly to the shore
of dreams made only in night

darkness is fought by the tiniest
sea vegetation to compensate
for the fading light of man
lost in designed day dreams

will they ever learn?

day and night are inverted
sky and shore blur into an amorphous
groundless space
in which desperate people seek
anything upon which to anchor
and believe, any fantasy if preferable to void
and uncertainty

and so the world is lost, the many
clinging to the dreams of the few
but the beach at night is untouched
by desperate fantasies

u pull ur light summer frock over
ur head and walk naked next to me,
ur body a source of delight to my eyes

u clasp the fingers of ur hand
with mine and gently squeeze
pulling me from my night introspections,
the warm summer breeze lifts ur flowing hair
mimicking the movement of the sea
as u reel me in like a fish caught by a lure

a night sky pilot comes to ground

Inverse Times Open Publishing.