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IMMENSE FEAR: Millennials and the Forfeiture of Hard Won Freedoms
by drake Friday, Mar 22 2019, 9:54pm
international / prose / post

Social perspective is gained from three primary agents, knowledge, experience and awareness, and so it is from an older generational perspective I write the following, and millennials would be foolish to dismiss this reading.

We live in a socially manipulated, by digital media technologies, world today. Many of the hard won freedoms achieved generations past have been lost due to the social inaction/paralysis of millennials, as it is the young that have always been the vanguard of social change.

Could you imagine millennials, demonstrating in the hundreds of thousands against illegals wars for profit and social inequality on a continual basis, as did western youth in the 60‘s? Demonstrations world-wide against the illegal Vietnam war were common, Martin Luther King walked on the capital with his hundreds of thousands of blacks and whites to deliver inspiring speeches for real change, social equality and the cessation of illegal wars in Indo-China. JFK after the failure of the Bay of Pigs, began weeding out the intel agencies of their delusional ultra-right factions or servants of the deep state, which efforts got him and his brother murdered by those entrenched forces before they succeeded in freeing America from its bondage. MLK was also assassinated for his unrelenting pursuit of REAL freedom and justice.

The above are only a few examples of youth and leaders that had a conscience and refused to sit idly by and watch the world go to hell in a hand basket as it is clearly doing TODAY. So what happened? Why are current generations alienated, apathetic, PARALYSED, FEAR ridden and insulated to the horrendous, life-threatening challenges that face humanity today, climate disruption, which consequences threaten the entire world, and the explosion in criminal, mass murdering wars of theft for corporate profit? Why indeed? It seems the baton, which should have been passed to current generations was dropped.

Millennials view the loss of privacy, surveillance intrusions, state crime (illegal wars) and the outrageous tracking/monitoring by digital corporations and governments as a given, that’s the way it is they say, and what can we do other than accept the status quo, implied. Well, to answer succinctly, PLENTY! Could anyone who lived through the 60‘s imagine NOT fighting in the streets for justice, freedom and equality? What a shameful attitude millennials live with in their digital, ALIENATED cocoons; whatever you may think it is CLEAR that millennials are UNABLE to socially interact face to face and organise themselves to fight for the greater good of ALL.

Indeed, the REAL social paralysis of millennials, which inaction is largely responsible for all the mayhem, pollution, criminal corruption and entrenched elite (monetary) rule the world faces today, is the result of the utilisation of a once free and open digital technology.

In the early days of the world wide web, the deep state was slow to learn its POWER, however, learn they did to such an extent that today digital technologies ENSLAVE more completely the lives and minds of the young than at any other time in history. Roman slaves were at least mentally free if not physically, notwithstanding Roman history is replete with slave uprisings and various tribes, clans and groups fighting against empire, so-called ‘barbarians,’ and preferring death to Roman rule, and they FOUGHT with a passion and urgent dedication for FREEDOM against Rome’s slavery/rule until they succeeded in bankrupting that Empire which led to its eventual collapse, of course there were many other associated reasons including internal decadence, corruption and intrigue that brought Rome down, but it was the unsustainable economic factor that finally broke Rome, and almost in mirror fashion, it is breaking the American empire of slavery today.

But where are the millennial slave revolts? Clearly they do not exist nor are they likely to for two principal reasons, first, millennials do not realise how completely enslaved they are, they have been taught to internalise ‘their’ problems/failures, which in fact, have been induced by a corrupt, unjust and UNFAIR social system -- there must be something wrong with ‘me,’ they think, not seeing, due to digital “perception management” that the system itself is the CAUSE of their grief. So they retreat more and more into entropy and defeatism, I regret to say.

However, the other group of ‘successful’ millennials, largely involved in the IT industry and Finance, bathe in their captured glory as they serve the machine that is killing and enslaving the world; thoroughly corrupted, they think only of themselves, of course, as they have a better standard of living and enjoy a certain affluence above the average, YET they are aware they have sold out and are indeed slave workers on higher wages only. They remain totally insulated from the other half of their generation that struggle and as yet nothing is able to unite a single generation to a single purpose and it’s not likely to occur due to the shaped by external forces, psychological nature of millennials.

So today, social reform, change and improvement is a pipe dream as no-one understands that the individual is nothing without the group/whole, it’s me, me, me, until the cows come home.

In effect I am outlining the failure of western society today, and like Rome it is being overtaken by the ‘other’ from the East, in which another entirely different superior, relatively speaking, mindset prevails.

So millennials, when you are pulling rickshaws up and down main streets remember how you got there, though of course you are LED to believe that you are unbeatable like the fool emperors and ruling elites of Rome; well, good luck being vaporised if you pursue that course, you utterly tragic FAILURES.

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