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America, The Pathology of Unilateralism
by jake Thursday, Feb 21 2019, 10:43pm
international / prose / post

The national pathology infecting America outwardly and unmistakably manifests itself as the false belief that only America is the “exceptional, indispensable” nation, total fantasy without need to qualify as no nation is indispensable, in fact if America were dispensed with, the world would be free of all its criminal, mass murdering wars of theft, appropriation and exploitation, which it wages for its corporate masters, make no mistake, America is a Corporatocracy, not a Democracy.

Sick and (slave to elites) America considers all other nations either as vassals or enemies which it attempts to either dominate or destroy, recent history and the ongoing neocon Pax-Americana doctrine verify as much.

Put in personal terms it is similar to you saying I’m an independent sovereign individual and some clown saying NO you’re not, you’re my slave and will do my bidding, or I’ll beat you over the head until you realise it.

Now it is easily appreciated that no-one likes a bully especially a nut case bully that imagines that it is able to flout international laws and convention declaring that God is on its side, another pathological trait, asylums today are full of heavily medicated, Napoleons, Caesars and Jesus Christs. However, if any one of these sickos frees itself from chemical and/or physical incarceration that individual becomes a threat to the asylum/world if it arms itself due to its power and paranoid delusions. The transposition of the above into the geopolitical world of today is easy to make.

And so we (the world) have a very sick puppy on our hands, but we are not rustic brutes or sick and so we endeavour to restrain and confine the problem peacefully, which is interpreted by paranoid, megalo minds as weakness. Therefore the sick puppy aware that it’s now under ‘threat’ seeks to increase its power projection and assert its sick, pathological world view on everyone -- history teaches us that almost every great conqueror exhibited tendencies in this sick regard and they all met with failure and doom some more tragically than others, but none succeeded in superimposing their dreams on the world, but that reality makes no dent on a sick pathological mind simply because they ‘know’ God is on their side and they cannot fail, notwithstanding they all probably suffered from that same delusion in one form or another.

Now, if a nation is clearly sick, it means that those that lead it must also be sick, Trump as president for instance, I rest my case. Which of course allows evermore sick individuals to rise in stature and power, until of course the pathological delusion becomes so extreme that they (Washington) act against the world and dramatically FAIL/FALL, as clearly no nation has ever been capable of world domination yesterday and/or today. In reality, and of course reality is the greatest threat to pathology so great pains are made to avoid it with denial and (media) fantasy, pax-Americana is an impossible dream/delusion. But fantasy and dream is what makes America today and the result is that other nations easily capable of reducing America to dust, though they are loath to take the madman's path, are forced to counter as America is currently preparing to militarily dominate the world by using nuclear weapons, a long held ambition of neocon crazies.

Now, the problem has no solution on international levels as is obvious, otherwise the world would NOT be in the situation it now finds itself, however, there remains one only effective solution and that is for all sane people/nations to make it very clear that no-one state nation or person would be allowed to threaten the entire world/planet, but would that effective option be taken? No, so prepare for the worst and remember that God is on your side -- LOL!

I’m sorry, no I’m not, I had to laugh at the hopelessness of the situation as the world careers to destruction under the direction of a bunch of unrepresentative, pathological sickos. And remember who placed them in power and who failed to intervene when it became obvious these nutters had to be removed from positions of power and influence, Trump, Pence, Bolton and Pompeo are at the helm, so today the patients now run asylum America -- is this situation a sick joke or what?

So good luck doodle dandies, fantasy, denial, megalomania and delusion have no chance against uncompromising REALITY but give it your best shot anyway, the sooner the world is rid of you the better.

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