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Profit -- Naturalised Exploitation
by lynx Friday, Feb 1 2019, 7:23pm
international / prose / post

The difference between the cost of production and the revenue gained from selling the produced item is profit; sounds ‘natural’ enough as presented by economists and capitalists, BUT if fair wages are paid to workers and consumers are not overcharged for produced items then profit would not exist, hence profit must be EXPLOITATION -- its real meaning.

Immediately, the two most exploited parties become apparent, workers and consumers. Nonetheless, we are taught from the earliest schooling that profit is ‘natural’ and should be encouraged, it’s the American way after all. In other words, the more you exploit the more profit you make, yet it comes at huge cost to workers and consumers, the former not paid adequately or fairly for their labour and the later, overcharged for the produced item; and yet this form of outright theft/exploitation is legal -- so much for the law and cultural ‘morality.’

When manufacturers and produces attempt to increase profit they are only able to do it TWO ways: reducing costs and increasing revenue/sale price. Now who pays, of course already underpaid workers and consumers that pay ever increasing prices for items, sometimes in thousands of percent above actual cost. Clearly, the profit equation stinks as it results in slave workers and ripped off consumers while the fat cats ride higher and higher on the hog.

Now consider that wealth disparity today has reached levels that haven’t been seen since ancient Egypt and ancient Rome, where of course SLAVERY was 'naturalised,' to the point where slavery is accepted in the Torah (OT) and Koran today. A very poor show, notwithstanding that real Christianity and Buddhism, two reformist religions, attempted to create equality among the exploited masses -- but failed. So when you think of the 'all-powerful' new Gods you believe in today, think FAILURE, as the world today is what it has always been, elite social parasites sucking the life blood from their oppressed and exploited populations. And yet affected, exploited populations accept this grossly unfair status quo as natural, though most not willingly. Social enforces, military/police have always been present to ensure that the status quo continues and those that attempt to change it, are crushed, ideologically and physically, incarceration, execution etc.

Now it doesn’t take a genius to determine that these ‘regulatory’ social forces work in the interests of elites, not society as a whole, tracing the history of the formation of police clearly reveals that elites paid for protectors which then became mechanisms of the state relieving elites from the cost of maintaining their protectors; today they are paid from tax revenues, in other words we pay to be oppressed and treated like slaves. While of course elites avoid tax as it interferes with their profits -- pretty nifty arrangement if you are an immoral exploitative avaricious bastard. Military and/or police oppress all and any tendencies to change the exploitative formula of profit or parasitic exploitation even though they are themselves slaves but given extra powers by elites/society to regulate/function effectively against the masses.

All societies today function in this manner so you can blow your particular political ideologies out your stupid arses. There is only one effective means to disrupt and subvert this horrid status quo and that is to drastically reduce profits by forcing fair wages and not overcharging on produced items, though percentages of revenue must be put aside for maintenance and development, but that does not account for the huge exploitation we see today as wealth disparity. The super rich could not have accrued such stupendous wealth without cheating and avoiding social obligations, primarily tax obligations and paying fair wages for a fair days work. However, what made ancient Egypt the most wealthy empire of the time was slaves as was the case with the Roman Empire, slaves were inducted into the military and given extra powers to regulate, including summarily executing perceived offenders of the laws created by elites to ensure their increasing flow of wealth/power and continuing physical survival.

The status quo hasn’t changed in millennia, so we must ask why, as the masses are easily able to overwhelm these minority elites any time they choose.

Surely now we are all able to appreciate, in view of pan-surveillance and militarised police etc, that the masses have always been viewed as the enemy by elites, indeed, the State would target you today if you appear on their digital monitoring/surveillance nets as likely to tip the scales in favour of FAIRNESS and EQUALITY.

But do not feel too badly about it, Jesus Christ couldn’t do it though he tried and the Buddha also failed to subvert the power of the elite Brahmin priest class. So do what you’re told, eat shit, slave and learn to like it, as there is no hope for the hopeless.

However, I would say today ‘ghosts in the machine’ exist but would they take the trouble to free those that are unable to free themselves? Not likely, as clearly you have PROVEN you are not worth a pinch of shit. So ready yourselves for a war and change in the elite ruling structure. But for those born to be slaves only your harnesses would change as you be given new myths and impossible fictions by which to live your miserable slave lives -- well, you believe that profit is natural!

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