Inverse Times Open Publishing

Pompeo to UN, “pick a side!”
by jaxie Saturday, Jan 26 2019, 7:30pm
international / prose / post

There is only one criminal nation responsible for all the wars and mayhem of the 21st century and no-one need guess, THE USA! And yet Pompeo at a meeting of the UN security council accused the elected leader of Venezuela of creating “mayhem!” Then it was dubya Bush redux, Pompeo asked UN members to ‘pick a side,’ you're either ‘with us or with the terrorists’ or today, the new Washington backed puppet or the democratically elected Maduro. Surely by now you would think the US could do a bit better, but no, the old absurd scripts continue to plague the nation, though they carry no real impact anymore, only corruption money serves the US these days.

Neocon hawk, Mike Pompeo at UN
Neocon hawk, Mike Pompeo at UN

The hide of any nation appointing a leader of another nation doesn’t seem to warrant emphasis in the mass media these days, though it obviously should. So while the tired old criminal game continues, the masses are treated to nothing new under the American geriatric, neocon sun. All vassals stand to attention, Washington is pursuing its illegal agenda and dictating terms to the world -- LOL!

Well, good luck doodle dreamboats, as there is no way Russia and China would allow this gross illegal act to be successfully perpetrated on the sovereign nation of Venezuela. The “times, they are a changing," and that quote is from the 60‘s, you ossified, antiquated, criminal retards.

Inverse Times Open Publishing.