They Spy with Their 5 Little Eyes -- the Entire Apparatus Serves Elites NOT States
by Suzie Dawson via jaxie - Consortium News Exclusive Saturday, Jan 19 2019, 8:21pm
international /
prose /
People are sold the notion that spying is about national security, like James Bond against the villains, however, in REALITY that is myth and popular fiction; spying is about serving elite enterprises and ensuring a competitive edge and increased PROFITS for elite interests, the people and nations are of hardly any consequence as these interests are Global in scope, they care little for States/nations and people. It is already known fact that the USA spies on its allies, the Merkel personal phone scandal made headlines internationally, but what was Merkel's very revealing reaction? She took it as a given, NOT as an affront, simply an overlord watching over its subjects. The article linked below is an excellent example of investigative journalism, a dying art today , which highlights the REAL practice of spying with focus on the 'Five Eyes' network and how it is actually utilised, it's not what you think! It is well written and extremely detailed, listing supporting evidence throughout, which is rare today.
For a number of sobering reasons I recommend it to everyone, particularly TRUTH seekers. It gives real world examples of the dirty business of spying apparatuses and who they really serve. Furthermore, everything stated is independently verifiable as opposed to the unfounded, evidence devoid, CLAIMS and fictional narratives characteristic of the AMERICAN mass media.
Enjoy the shocking read:
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