FOUR Americans Killed in Syria
by stacey Friday, Jan 18 2019, 6:49pm
international /
prose /
American media reports that two soldiers and two Pentagon ‘civilians’ were killed by a suspected ISIS suicide bomber in Manbij on the west bank of the Euphrates river where Americans are illegally occupying Syrian territory. Of course the media is using this event as a ploy to counter Trump’s troop withdrawal but where is the LOGIC in this tissue-thin media ruse, notwithstanding logic is a rarity in America?
Consider, if no troops or American Pentagon ‘civilians’ were illegally occupying another sovereign nation then no American deaths would have occurred, DOH! So is Trump’s plan to withdraw illegal occupation forces in a lost war sensible? You work it out.
Unlike Russia, America was never officially invited by the Syrian government to assist in its war against Saudi/Israeli supported terror groups and so WHO put them in harms way? The Pentagon that’s who, you mindless morons! So for whatever reason, which should be obvious, the media is playing this story against Trump's decision, it is shot to ribbons before it starts. Culpability/RESPONSIBILITY for these NEEDLESS DEATHS of course rests with the Pentagon and Washington’s neocon war hawks, DOH!
So before you allow the integrity DEVOID LYING American media to lead you by your moronic noses, T-H-I-N-K, you doodle dandy DREAMBOATS, THINK!
Fair dinkum, is there a population more gullible, dumb and uninformed today than AMERICANS?
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