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The Inevitable Collapse
by jake Wednesday, Jan 16 2019, 8:56pm
international / prose / post

Remember Quantitative Easing (QE) which, printing money from air, was supposed to be a TEMPORARY measure to boost the global economy after the Wall St banker induced collapse of 2008? Well, as we know QE became permanent as banks (again) hogged all the money being created from air and did not release it into the global economy at large, the banks continued to use that money to speculate. And so QE became the heroin fix for junkie banks and large financial institutions -- nothing more.


Now, how long do you suppose it would take for the inevitable collapse of a global economy that survives on printed from air non-productive money? Not long indeed. And the downturn is evident today though it will get much worse and in fact make the 2008 collapse kindergarten playtime. Now ask yourselves, have any perpetrators of the 2008 collapse been jailed for fraud and other criminal financial activities, which almost destroyed the global economy? NO! The result of course is that these criminals and fraudsters have learned NOTHING, they continue to speculate and gamble with money gifted to them by the printing presses of Reserve Banks. So need you be a genius to predict the future, which is nigh upon us now?

Combine that with the staggering amounts of waste, in trillions of dollars, by the Pentagon, agencies and other INEFFICIENT government departments and you have a terminal situation. Though you would never hear about it on the distractive and partisan, mass media, as criminal elites control all money, information dissemination and the war machine, which they use for increasing their profits, however, at the expense of standards of living, peace and PROSPERITY for all. These KNOWN parasites are ‘killing the host,’ as renown economist, Michael Hudson published in his book of the same title.

Billionaires (elites) are preparing for the worst, total collapse and social anarchy, as everything that holds societies together today is at risk, including all stock exchanges and the so-called ‘free market’, free my arse, it’s an insider game of exploitation and pilfering from the duped public, indeed, it was public funds that bailed the banks out in 2008 and what does the public have to show for it today? Sweet fuck all, as financial elites function by exploitation and theft, as is clearly evident in all the resource wars waged around the planet. Indeed, the Pentagon is merely a tool of elite corporate profiteers, it clearly does not serve the people/majority and nation anymore.

It’s ALL a sham, everything you hear and are told by the elite owned mass media and politicians, but the inevitable would put an end to the nefarious minorities that have for decades duped and exploited the entire world and killed millions of innocents in the process, as if they could care for the sanctity of human life. Clearly, the world today is ruled by psychopaths, need I offer examples?

And so who or what would put an end to these destructive criminal elite enterprises, not the media nose-ringed, duped and IGNORANT public -- that’s for sure? Elites due to blow back and the UNAVOIDABLE consequences of their own actions would put an end, not only to themselves but to the global system as we know it today -- it simply CANNOT survive in its present corrupted and sick form, and as no-one is willing or able to remedy the situation it’s doomsday for everyone.

Regardless of which perspective you take and project into the future, it ALL ENDS in DISASTER. Good work slovenly, apathetic masses and avaricious mass murdering elites, you are about to reap the whirlwind, and it is well deserved -- but stayed tuned to Fox and other elite news outlets for your daily fix of FANTASY in the meantime.


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