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DUPED -- The ‘News’ is CRAP
by jess Thursday, Jan 3 2019, 10:12pm
international / prose / post

Have you ever taken a perspective on media news in general regardless of source? If so, you would note that’s it’s mostly, if not ALL, NEGATIVE! Sure we live in troubled times BUT humans by nature are not all bad. So why the continual focus on the ‘dark’ or negative side of human nature? A question that must be asked due to the fact that media news shapes public narratives, discourse and consequently cultural consciousness.


It is open fact that the overwhelming content of all media ‘news’ is negative; so we should ask, is there intent, why should the media focus on the negative at the expense of all the positive stories that ENHANCE human life but are not covered? WHO SHAPES THE MEDIA NEWS and therefore to a large extent the society in which it is disseminated AND who or what, whichever the case may be, BENEFITS from it, as clearly it is no accident that news today is essentially CRAP.

Humans are impressionable and emotional social beings by nature therefore do not dismiss the effects that negative news has on individuals and society in general. However, we have an advantage in this assessment as all news dissemination has a history, as do the media outlets that specialise in this type of negative, crapulous, life depressing news.

A few decades back, the 60‘s to be precise, news was a lot more diversified and less CONCENTRATED, today the opposite prevails; large, concentrated news organisations work in concert to deliver the SAME, almost exact in many instances, ‘news’ to the public.

Take for a very good example the many concerted flagrant LIES that were disseminated regarding the illegal Iraq invasion based on a raft of monumental lies. Iraq had nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11, the source of that fiasco was Saudi Arabia. Iraq had NO weapons of mass destruction (WMD) as VERIFIED openly and on record by UN weapons inspectors. No chemical or other weapons of mass destruction were discovered, yet a CONCERTED effort by certain media forces was launched to convince the public otherwise, and O, how Murdoch’s and other aligned media outlets took those LIES and ran with them, almost endlessly, until of course Iraq was illegally invaded, ruined and millions of innocent people were either killed or maimed, the country has yet to recover.

Now consider that REPORTS of official UN weapons inspectors, led by Hans Blix, were IGNORED by the mass media in favour of known fictions/propaganda and CLEARLY ORCHESTRATED LIES, and we must arrive at DELIBERATE INTENTION. Someone/group or vested interests CHOSE to ignore facts that didn’t suit THEIR purposes and instead CHOSE consciously to disseminate LIES. Why would any sane person with integrity do that? The question has a number of correct answers by simple deduction. Would any sane person promote an illegal WAR in which mass destruction and the HUGE loss of (innocent) lives would occur? Clearly not, so first answer is that we are dealing with sick or psychopathic insane minds; the second answer follows the first, this person/people or interests are clearly devoid of all integrity, honesty and morality; therefore we are dealing with anti-social CRIMINAL behaviour.

Now consider that these conscious acts/decisions are CONTRARY to the fundamental principles of journalism, however, it clearly wasn't individual journalists that made decisions for a number of large news outlets that all ran with the SAME story/LIES; clearly it was upper management and OWNERS that made these dishonest decisions, and yes, the mass media is PRIVATELY owned today.

The above so far, very easily leads us all to obvious conclusions that vested interests and private owners are consciously making decisions that affect entire societies. So now we must ask to what end or WHO benefits, as no media outlet would go against the fundamental principles of journalism and promulgate lies if it didn’t have the support of peers and other powerful (vested) interests.

Well, clearly the Iraq war and all subsequent illegal wars HUGELY benefited the mega-corporations involved in weapons manufacture and of course, the ill-gotten spoils of these intentional wars benefited OIL companies. So why should mega-wealthy media plutocrats support each other and what would initially appear to be unrelated mega-wealthy corporations, such as those involved in unrelated fossil fuel industries and weapons development/manufacture? A good question as this is the first question so far that doesn’t have an obvious answer, nevertheless, it has a very vivid answer.

So again we must ask an investigative question, what do these two apparently disparate groups have in COMMON, which may tie them all together? That answer is obvious, MEGA-WEALTH!

Now that COMMON DENOMINATOR should give the entire social problem, lying, negative mass media, permanent war, GAME AWAY.

Another unasked question is also answered; if these groups of vested, cooperative interests work against the public interest and consciously engage in open criminal activity, how have they survived un-assailed to date? The answer lies in the attitude these wealthy elite minority groups have toward the public or PEOPLE/masses. Clearly, they view media consumers as manageable dupes to be led in any direction THEY choose, they have to date proven that to themselves and others.

This contemptuous immoral attitude reveals the atrocious disregard and contempt wealthy, powerful elite groups have for the majority, so you need not wonder why they prosper at OUR expense, we ALWAYS pay the price and suffer, while they get richer and more powerful as a result of our gullibility and failure to act against them. YOU/WE are SHIT in their eyes, again proven time and again by THEIR total disregard for the sanctity of all human life -- all except their own of course. And that is their Achilles heel if you choose to organise and exploit it, because they have proven they think nothing of exploiting YOU/me as an expendable resource.

Peace, fair play and prosperity for all are dreams while these MALEVOLENT minority groups exist and influence society, and there is no other CURE than total eradication one way or the other. Now, that would teach them not to abuse and take the MASSES for granted , wouldn’t it? Otherwise expect to be duped and lied to continuously until YOU ACT to reform society and destroy the prevailing, horrid status quo.

Not until these elite groups pay the ultimate price for their war and other heinous crimes against humanity would things improve, self-evident, proven fact!

PDF Document Walter Lippmann's classic -- Public Opinion

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