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WAR, war and More War -- America is a Disease
by darcy Saturday, Dec 29 2018, 8:35pm
international / prose / post

Regardless of all the pretences and Orwellian inversions in Washington’s fictional narratives -- supported and disseminated internationally by the Deep State’s (CFR managed) plutocrat-owned mass media -- it all comes down to permanent WAR. One wonders why so many think tanks and other paid ‘expert’ advice is necessary when all advice and conclusions result in WAR.

General 'mad dog' Mattis -- good riddance!
General 'mad dog' Mattis -- good riddance!

Indeed, so-called experts paid huge amounts to advise the State, are not stupid they know who butters their bread, so is it surprising that US foreign policy, which in reality doesn’t exist, ALWAYS reduces to WAR?

The latest example of this text book psychopathic mentality is the media published letter of resignation by general “mad dog” Mattis, which is very revealing -- excerpts printed here for your convenience:

“One core belief I have always held is that our strength as a nation is inextricably linked to the strength of our unique and comprehensive system of alliances and partnerships. While the US remains the indispensable nation in the free world, we cannot protect our interests or serve that role effectively without maintaining strong alliances and showing respect to those allies.

“Similarly, I believe we must be resolute and unambiguous in our approach to those countries whose strategic interests are increasingly in tension with ours. It is clear that China and Russia, for example, want to shape a world consistent with their authoritarian model – gaining veto authority over other nations' economic, diplomatic, and security decisions – to promote their own interests at the expense of their neighbors, America and our allies. That is why we must use all the tools of American power to provide for the common defense.

“My views on treating allies with respect and also being clear-eyed about both malign actors and strategic competitors are strongly held and informed by over four decades of immersion in these issues. We must do everything possible to advance an international order that is most conducive to our security, prosperity and values, and we are strengthened in this effort by the solidarity of our alliances.”
Without boring you with analytic methods, the dominant message is transmitted from the secondary layer discourse, commonly known as the subtext. Note the “core” belief value -- presented as a given, which Mattis hinges his discourse on, and try to look past the overt primary layer text and its laughable fictions -- ‘indespensible’ and ‘respect’ for others.

Firstly this ‘CORE’ value of Mattis’ is WAR, as would soon be evident to ALL -- it is ideologically NEOCONSERVATIVE and LEARNED (military college) behaviour. It is not a universal given (presented as natural ‘reality’) as there are infinite approaches to any question or answer; Mattis as a soldier, exhibits the core value of WAR though not expressed directly but clearly inferred in the subtext.

NOW what is really meant by “ALLIANCES” and “ALLIES?" Is Mattis referring to business relations or assisting other nations with investment and infrastructure development? Clearly not, Mattis is referring to ‘allies’ in a military sense/context, those nations that support America’s numerous illegal military interventions like NATO members. Is NATO concerned with developing poorer nations? NOT at ALL, quite the opposite -- it is a military EXTENSION of American imperialism and its previous appalling violent actions (the ruination of debt-free Libya and sovereign Yugoslavia) VERIFY as much.

Now consider a more passive ‘ally,’ Australia, which nation has allowed America to militarily occupy its once sovereign soil and utilise all sea and air ports for WAR whenever America sees fit. To say the government that allowed this travesty to occur is treasonous, is putting it mildly, but all successive governments have maintained this dangerous, ridiculous and tragic counter-productive relationship, as Australia is now a primary nuclear target in the event of an American provoked war with China. In essence politicians/governments that are responsible for instituting and maintaining this outrageous compromise on Australian security should be immediately arrested and placed on trial for taking orders from a self-interested FOREIGN power and making Australia a primary nuclear target -- could you think of a worse security compromise?

Now, this military utilisation of once sovereign Australia by America has compromised Australian security to the extreme. And note that the relationship is ALL military/surveillance based as Australia is also a participating member of the “Five Eyes,” international spying project. This relationship again, as is clearly evident, is ALL one-sided, as Australian forces and politicians are banned from entering these American spy bases on AUSTRALIAN SOIL.

Furthermore, much to the chagrin of the Australian military, Oz servile and treasonous politicians then purchase extraordinarily high priced failed weapons systems from America, most recently and notably the “F-35 strike fighter” (flying LEMON), which is a monumental failed project in terms of COST and efficiency, it is an exorbitantly priced lemon, in FACT.

So are we beginning to see what the Mattis ‘core belief’ means in the REAL WORLD, vassalage and forced military partnerships due to the security compromise of American military occupations on otherwise non-threatening nations. These are the one-sided “ALLIANCES” Mattis refers to, which arrangements clearly display NO ‘respect’ for the other whatsoever, these relationships are quite simply EXPLOITATIVE and parasitic.

But what is the core design of these parasitic and exploitative alliances the USA establishes?

In the second quoted paragraph Mattis clearly but indirectly refers to WAR again, AND qualifies by referring to China and Russia as strategic ‘competitors,’ perceived enemies in other words. Now that’s a ‘good one’ coming from a capitalist nation that praises competition. Mattis, or his propagandist speech writer uses the terms, "resolute and unambiguous,” need I render the real meaning, AGGRESSION, as evidenced by economic sanctions and military encroachments, NATO included, on Russian and Chinese borders. Now consider that Russia and China do not place their militaries anywhere near American borders or wage economic warfare directly with America, though China’s BRI initiative could be interpreted as such, however, bear in mind that the BRI, or new silk road project BENEFITS numerous nations and China in the long term but it is not OVERT economic warfare, China has for centuries been and remains TRADE and BUSINESS oriented, that simple.

So who is the undisguised aggressor unambiguously declaring WAR and aggression here, need you guess?

The last quoted paragraph refers to Mattis’ "four decades of immersion in these issues,” but as what? A military general/soldier from which experience, many infamous Mattis quotes have surfaced publicly, like, “it’s FUN to shoot some people,” well sir, murder and killing people are only 'fun' for psychopaths! Moreover, the last sentence is a classic give-away, which I would here re-quote with my emphasis and insertions, “We must do everything [militarily] possible to advance an ‘international [new world] order’ that is most conducive to OUR security, prosperity and values, and we are strengthened in this effort by the solidarity of our [one-sided, exploitative, parasitic] alliances.”

Quite CLEARLY the hegemonic, brutish, permanent warring United States is a scourge on an otherwise FREE WORLD.

Have a nice INFORMED day!

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