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Democracy Doesn’t Work, Period!
by nano Friday, Dec 21 2018, 9:10pm
international / prose / post

The US democratically elected nincompoop president has recently blindsided many allies and his own military -- forcing the resignation of general ‘mad dog’ Mattis -- by impetuously declaring the US has ‘won’ in Syria and so consequently is withdrawing US troops from the quagmire the US created with its proxy forces in the first instance. Few know or understand what is really behind this move as it appears that war hawk and arch-neoconservative, John Bolton, advised Trump -- who was in real-time telephone communication with Turkish president Erdogan -- that he could begin removing troops ‘immediately!’ What goes on here many have asked and very few understand? However, is it really surprising that a 'democratically' elected political dunce president and reality TV star behaves in a manner contrary to any and all political sense? Answer, NO!

Now consider that in no way would it be possible for a flawed personality and political dunce to assume power in China, as it’s political system is a centralist (communist) government where leaders must rise through the ranks with guile and skill before assuming absolute power, which process delivers astute and highly skilled political leaders.

Other political systems that do not conform to a single party system MUST necessarily fall behind those that adopt a centralist model, where decisions are carefully made and contested within then pursued externally until they reach fruition. By nature single party systems filter their leaders ensuring that idiots and INCOMPETENTS like Trump could NEVER assume power, also NOTE that China is not media run like ALL western ‘democracies,’ which non-competitive folly allows for the emergence of powerful media moguls/plutocrats, which entities only really know how to succeed in the media management of the masses.

So who or what actually runs the USA and other western ‘democracies’ where the democratic majority is traditionally ignored? Indeed, a hodge-podge of competing elites, unrepresentative wealthy MINORITIES that attempt, without knowledge of specifics, to ensure international competitiveness and national progress and justice for ALL -- LOL! I need not emphasise the absolute FAILURE of this model today.

Now take a lesson from history, the world’s leading and most advanced, enduring empires, Egyptian, Persian and a host of others, were ALL dictatorships, single rule political systems, the Roman Caesar was always at the head, the Roman senate was a group of aristocrats that were only interested in their security and increased wealth and so deferred to Caesar, while the unstable masses and slaves were fed 'bread and circuses' to distract them from the machinations and self-interest of ruling elites.

China rose in remarkable meteoric fashion and hyper-speed to become the economic powerhouse of the WORLD in only a few decades, in the 60‘s China was a push-bike economy lagging behind the west, today however, it has CLEARLY out-competed all western nations economically, primarily, among many other factors, because it DID NOT surrender its sovereign currency to western bankers to manipulate on THEIR stock exchanges. China today leads the world in international economic development, not bad for a push-bike economy in the 60‘s.

Now note that the current Chinese leader, Xi Jingping recently declared himself the new emperor in effect, with little opposition because he has proven himself to be a great leader and positive force for China and the rest of the developing world and what are western democracies doing as I write? Arguing, warring, collapsing, etc, FAILING in a word due to the inherent internal divisions the model produces.

The reasons are clear, Trump is the result of a failed democratic model, nothing more, it was a failed model that produced a failed president and failing (rapidly) nation. Note the two major ADVERSARIAL party model, which parties alternate to rise and fall from power, decisions by one party are usually trounced by the OPPOSITION party at each election, notwithstanding that majority representation NEVER OCCURS, making the notion of democracy a joke. In other words ‘democracy’ is CLEARLY an abysmal lie/system that ends in ruin for the majority, while elite minorities ride high on the hog until the inevitable collapse which they produce (inequity) and accelerate.

However, like all faulty systems remedies exist and for fake democracy these remedies stand out like dog’s balls, For instance, the overwhelmingly powerful majority could easily rid themselves of the parasitic minority elites that exploit them and re-distribute national wealth fairly enabling others more competent to survive and thrive and restore their respective nations. Personally I have no idea why the masses in the west tolerate such extreme hardships and unfairness when they could easily rectify by mass D-E-M-A-N-D the criminal injustices they suffer. Yes, I am aware the elite owned mass media has trained the masses to eat shit and like it, however, it cannot successfully hide the MASSIVE injustices and inequalities/disparities in today’s western societies. And so these systems are begging for remedial ACTION from their oppressed subjects that need not be subjects to weak, frightened, minorities.

To conclude

If keen readers care to research the origins of the failed democracy model they would discover it was the invention of ancient Athenians, a Greek city state -- now note that Greece was never an enduring successful empire like Persia or Egypt because it was characterised by (DIVISION) warring city states, though all these cities shared common cultural characteristics and language and so ‘Democracy’ was the product of a failed, short-lived city, not a nation State or powerful successful empire. Also, not long after it was invented it was easily corrupted by powerful interests, great! It was a monumental failure from the very START. So wake up dreamboats and reclaim what is YOURS, your nations and all their wealth to be shared fairly among the inhabitants, or would you prefer the current status quo of taking it up the arse on a daily basis. YOUR CHOICE!

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